Claudiu's Journal

Yes! Me as-I-am (actual Claude), has intrinsic value already. But ‘me’ as feeling-being ‘Claude’ doesn’t – actually ‘I’ never can have substantial value because ‘I’ do not actually exist, but realizing this can be existentially terrifying… until you realize there is the actual ‘underneath’ so to speak (which is not ‘me’ at all of course)

Indeed I don’t think anything ‘extra’ is required to be done per se. It seems more a matter of merely continuing in that direction, towards actuality, the sweetness, the richness – and not stopping, continuing to go there, and allowing it to happen!

I know the direction already so it is really a matter of doing this. ‘I’ then (try) to put the brakes on in various ways, these are the objections – which I now experience as a massive relief whenever I remove the next obstacle – and on it goes!


Claudiu: I was essentially seeing that the reason I felt I had to prove ‘my’ value was to maintain ‘myself’. And I was looking at whether I really have to do that – I mean I knew I didn’t since the goal was to self-immolate, but there was a lot of fear underlying the acceptance of this.
Went for a walk with the dog and was reflecting more on it. Essentially I came to see that what I was wanting to do was to preserve ‘myself’ yet without all these ‘bad parts’ like fear, anxiety, needing to prove ‘myself’, etc. I already knew of course that it is impossible – because ‘I’ am those ‘bad parts’, it’s not that ‘I’ am something that can be pure and that just has ‘bad parts’ that can be removed.
And I felt this was really unfair! Why can’t I preserve myself?
The way I saw it then was really very simple: whether it is fair or unfair, it is the fact of the universe. This is ‘my’ nature – maybe in a cosmic sense it didn’t “have” to be this way, but for a human on this planet, that is how it is. So I can either self-immolate to actually solve the problem of the human condition, or I can remain and continue being the problem and being these bad parts. There is just no way around it. It is a fact just as much as it’s a fact that this body will die one day.
Seeing that it is a fact totally resolved the unfairness feeling – and then I felt relief! I saw it was a relief, because I knew the choice I am making is to do what is of actual benefit to the human species (and it’s wondrous I can do this and contribute to this!) – and so I don’t have to maintain ‘myself’ any longer. This I felt as a wonderful relief.
Further along in the walk I was still feeling fear and anxiety came up, and then a most wondrous realization struck, that: I don’t have to be afraid anymore either! Fear is how ‘I’ manifest in order to protect this body. Yet I am not needed to protect this body anymore. This is yet another burden I can lay down!
This relief was felt to be tremendous and I couldn’t even process it all at once. So I kept reflecting and contemplating it and the ramifications of the relief I am still processing. I don’t have to feel fear or be afraid anymore! What a tremendous relief. This fear which I have felt/been my entire life, and caused such problems and discomfort, and has not been fun at all – I can leave it behind just like anything else!
On many an occasion I experienced myself to be so so very close to the actual world. Like I just have to take a tiny ‘step’ and then I’d be right there! The richness and sweetness, just on the other ‘side’ of… something. I even tried taking a physical step but it didn’t work haha. But moving my hand in front of and behind my head, I was trying to see where does actuality start/ end and where ‘I’ begin/ end… and the border is not clear at all. Walking outside I experienced the stillness, how still actuality really is, and walking along one part of track I experienced myself as somehow a still/ fixed/ unmoving point whilst the body was ambling along – it seemed a bit odd, […]
However it didn’t culminate in self-immolation. I do appear to be on the right track though!
Another funny image that I delighted in, as it was original, is how I was thinking of various conversations and ‘positions’ and ‘worldviews’ I am holding, and I thought how it’s delightful in that I don’t even have to leave a “calling card” as a placeholder for ‘me’ for when I leave (such as for people to be able to find ‘me’ again and resume it), I can just disappear entirely haha (link)

Hi Claudiu,

What a wondrous sequence of events, culminating in the realisation that ‘you’ “don’t have to be afraid anymore” and are no longer needed “in order to protect this body”. And why? Because you resolved the principle of fairness and unfairness by making the deliberate and deeply considered choice “to do what is of actual benefit to the human species”.

It is fascinating to follow this process, it might apply to others, or not – but at the core of it is your choice “to do what is of actual benefit to the human species” – altruism.

This fear of having the responsibility to protect the body is something which, as you say, you “felt/been” your “entire life” and it magically disappeared in one instance after you made the altruistic choice. I am reminded of your second visit when the fear was so dominant that you lost your voice for three days and had to type the words on your computer when you wanted to communicate.

It also reminds me that when ‘Vineeto’ finally went out from under control, Richard said to ‘her’ ‘she’ was now on the other side of the wall of fear. That was indeed the case, ‘she’ had no more fear, nor any ‘self’-centredness.

It is utterly fascinating to follow every single step on your journey of the last days of an ever-diminishing identity, which will soon be no more, without any trace or ashes to rise from.

I much appreciate what you are doing, and meticulously reporting as well.

Cheers Vineeto


Hi Vineeto,

(Continuing on my journal from Henry’s thread):

This has been excellent to contemplate! Indeed my initial reaction was the same as yours, like “I actually want it to be irrevocable”, but as I contemplated it I saw that this was not fully the case

It really feels like there’s a lot going on, and even being unmoored at times. It’s hard to sum it up or organize it into a coherent post. But it’s along the lines of…

I realized that I do not have a choice – if I want to self-immolate then I will have to address this issue, the irrevocability – along with any other issue. This was remarkable at orienting me towards actually moving forward and making progress with the objection

Just the act of contemplating the irrevocability caused actuality to hove into nearly tangible view, almost like I can touch it. The world becomes still again and I am moving through this still, wondrous universe – albeit not a PCE as ‘I’ distinctly felt ‘myself’ still present. Nevertheless it was along the lines of – irrevocable would mean it is this, forever – it was eminently obvious that this was sensible and what I wanted!

There is certainly a push and pull of attraction and aversion here, which I think is what you would call being “fatally attracted” (although “Fatal Attraction Syndrome” appears to be different as that would entail things like “incessant fighting against the benefits of an actual freedom” [link]?)

The seeing I have no choice but to proceed helped overcome the aversion into looking into the irrevocability more. And then the attraction/aversion sort of flipped and I instead became feeling averse to not self-immolating, to going ‘back’ to ‘humanity’ and failing ‘for good’. I experience this as sort of a fear or anxiety about moving forward, that flipped into a fear or anxiety about moving back.

Somewhere around here I figured I have been taking this too ‘seriously’. I don’t have to become free – this is not a moral imperative. There’s no need to be ‘serious’ about it in that sense. This loosens the pressure quite a bit – but it is sensible to become free, it is what I actually want, and in that sense there is no choice, there is a ‘must’ to it, but this ‘must’ comes from the scintillating purity that hoves into view, which I experienced at times today like ‘fingers’ of purity beckoning me towards actuality

So maybe I take it too seriously rather than fun/naively.

Again I realized I don’t actually have to worry about anything, literally anything at all… but, rather than the immediate response to do this being a carefreeness or even a relief, it was, intriguingly, an anxiety! A feeling unmoored about it. Because I also saw that to not worry means I don’t have to feel or put energy into any of ‘my’ plans or the future… which had it sink in that all of ‘my’ hopes and dreams and plans, will disappear along with ‘me’! I have to give them all up, in other words. It didn’t quite strike me like this before, and this is what led to the unmoored feeling, I believe. However I seem to be getting accustomed to this new state of affairs as I’m feeling much better about it all now, and at this very moment generally rather filled with delight :smile:

Along the way I also recognized that part of the impediments is that I am feeling like becoming free ‘must’ go along a certain path, or look like this or that, but really I don’t know what it will look like or what that experience of self-immolating will be like or how it will unfold for me – I only can know how it’s unfolding now – so again it’s a matter of not really worrying about it or trying to ‘fit’ experience in any way

The sensible mooring-point would be pure intent, this is something that ought to be stable, perennial, etc., and fit all the qualities of that which I can orient myself towards, as a guiding star or light, if ever I feel lost

So that’s basically where I’m at now. I am tending to hove towards a default somewhat anxious state, which seems like a bad sign. But there does seem to be a lot going on. Yet actuality is always rather close-by, near at hand – and contemplating everything appears to be fruitful. But I also get the sense I am overcomplicating things haha.

Am open to any advice you may have given all the above, having fun does seem to be where it is at!



Vineeto: I was wondering if you are entirely comfortable yet that an actual freedom is irrevocable.
I am asking because on January 4 2010, in a casual conversation, Richard asked ‘Vineeto’ if it was perhaps the irrevocability of an actual freedom which caused ‘her’ to hesitate. ‘Her’ first impulse was to answer “of course not” but then ‘she’ decided to mull it over carefully so that ‘she’ could be 100% sure. The next evening ‘she’ became actually free. [link]

Claudiu: This has been excellent to contemplate! Indeed my initial reaction was the same as yours, like “I actually want it to be irrevocable”, but as I contemplated it I saw that this was not fully the case.
It really feels like there’s a lot going on, and even being unmoored at times. It’s hard to sum it up or organize it into a coherent post. But it’s along the lines of…
I realized that I do not have a choice – if I want to self-immolate then I will have to address this issue, the irrevocability – along with any other issue. This was remarkable at orienting me towards actually moving forward and making progress with the objection.
Just the act of contemplating the irrevocability caused actuality to hove into nearly tangible view, almost like I can touch it. The world becomes still again and I am moving through this still, wondrous universe – albeit not a PCE as ‘I’ distinctly felt ‘myself’ still present.

Hi Claudiu,

Thank you for your detailed response on this crucial issue. This point is important – the fact that you were not in a PCE meant that your experience was not static but dynamic. ‘You’ could keep contemplating ‘your’ objection to irrevocably disappear “in this still, wondrous universe”.

Claudiu: Nevertheless it was along the lines of – irrevocable would mean it is this, forever – it was eminently obvious that this was sensible and what I wanted!

You have made this decision before on the basis that it is the “sensible” thing to do, i.e. you considered it rationally, and yet it has not happened. Something else is required. Being sensible is not all of you. As ‘you’ are your feelings and your feelings are ‘you’ – it appears that your feelings, or some of your feelings are objecting. Thinking sensibly will not give you the “enormous energy” required to make an altruistic sacrifice.

Richard: No, I am more making the point that only altruism – self-sacrificial humanitarianism – will provide the enormous energy necessary for ‘self’-immolation … the instinct for individual survival is only exceeded by the instinct for group survival.
It takes a powerful instinct to overcome a powerful instinct. (Richard, List B, James3, 28 Oct 2002a)

You can make use of the feeling which is presently happening – fear of making a definite, irrevocable, irreversible choice, the fear of ultimate commitment, the fear of not having control of what is going to happen next. The vital ingredient to look closely at the fear itself is to stay with the thrill –

Richard: As the feeling of being cornered is where one is at now then that is where one starts from: as you say that ‘a feeling of fear’ has emerged this is a vital opportunity to look closely at the fear itself (while it is happening) and it will be seen that there are two aspects to fear … the frightening aspect and the thrilling aspect.
Usually the frightening aspect dominates and obscures the thrilling aspect: shifting one’s attention to the thrilling aspect (I often said jokingly that it is down at the bottom left-hand side) will increase the thrill and decrease the fright as the energy of fear shifts its focus and changes into a higher gear … and, as courage is sourced in the thrilling part of fear, the daring to proceed will intensify of its own accord.
But stay with the thrill, by being the thrill, else the fright takes over, daring dissipates, and back out of the corner you come. (Richard, List B, James3, 7 Nov 2002).

Claudiu: There is certainly a push and pull of attraction and aversion here, which I think is what you would call being “fatally attracted” (although “Fatal Attraction Syndrome” appears to be different as that would entail things like “incessant fighting against the benefits of an actual freedom” [link]?)

Ha, being “fatally attracted” only means you can’t leave it alone, and some people have/had so many objections that they never followed their attraction and only acted on their passionate aversion fuelled by the attraction.

Claudiu: The seeing I have no choice but to proceed helped overcome the aversion into looking into the irrevocability more. And then the attraction/ aversion sort of flipped and I instead became feeling averse to not self-immolating, to going ‘back’ to ‘humanity’ and failing ‘for good’. I experience this as sort of a fear or anxiety about moving forward, that flipped into a fear or anxiety about moving back.

Ok, but what can flip once, can flip again. What remained is the feeling of “fear or anxiety”. You reported three days ago –

Claudiu: … and then a most wondrous realization struck, that: I don’t have to be afraid anymore either! Fear is how ‘I’ manifest in order to protect this body. Yet I am not needed to protect this body anymore. This is yet another burden I can lay down!
This relief was felt to be tremendous and I couldn’t even process it all at once. So I kept reflecting and contemplating it and the ramifications of the relief I am still processing. I don’t have to feel fear or be afraid anymore! What a tremendous relief. This fear which I have felt/been my entire life, and caused such problems and discomfort, and has not been fun at all – I can leave it behind just like anything else! (link)

What happened? Obviously not all of your fear had disappeared, or only temporarily. The burden you laid down three days ago has re-appeared. Now, you seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place – afraid to leave the real world behind irrevocably and afraid to continue living in the real world permanently. You can’t have both, that fact is clear.

Claudiu: Somewhere around here I figured I have been taking this too ‘seriously’. I don’t have to become free – this is not a moral imperative. There’s no need to be ‘serious’ about it in that sense. This loosens the pressure quite a bit – but it is sensible to become free, it is what I actually want, and in that sense there is no choice, there is a ‘must’ to it, but this ‘must’ comes from the scintillating purity that hoves into view, which I experienced at times today like ‘fingers’ of purity beckoning me towards actuality.
So maybe I take it too seriously rather than fun/naively.
Again I realized I don’t actually have to worry about anything, literally anything at all… but, rather than the immediate response to do this being a carefreeness or even a relief, it was, intriguingly, an anxiety! A feeling unmoored about it. Because I also saw that to not worry means I don’t have to feel or put energy into any of ‘my’ plans or the future… which had it sink in that all of ‘my’ hopes and dreams and plans, will disappear along with ‘me’! I have to give them all up, in other words. It didn’t quite strike me like this before, and this is what led to the unmoored feeling, I believe. However I seem to be getting accustomed to this new state of affairs as I’m feeling much better about it all now, and at this very moment generally rather filled with delight.
Along the way I also recognized that part of the impediments is that I am feeling like becoming free ‘must’ go along a certain path, or look like this or that, but really I don’t know what it will look like or what that experience of self-immolating will be like or how it will unfold for me – I only can know how it’s unfolding now – so again it’s a matter of not really worrying about it or trying to ‘fit’ experience in any way.

It appears that your going out from control was not a total giving up of the controls. You retained the control of the last emergency break, just before the crucial final decision. It is not the experience which needs ‘fitting’ “in any way”, but your intent which needs to be reignited in order to initiate the final event.

Richard: To put it bluntly: ‘you’ in ‘your’ totality, who are but a passionate illusion, must die a dramatic illusory death commensurate to ‘your’ pernicious existence. The drama must be played out to the end … there are no short-cuts here. The doorway to an actual freedom has the word ‘extinction’ written on it. This extinction is irrevocable, which eliminates the psyche itself. When this is all over there will be no ‘being’ at all. Thus when ‘I’ willingly self-immolate – psychologically and psychically – then ‘I’ am making the most noble sacrifice that ‘I’ can make for oneself and all humankind … for ‘I’ am what ‘I’ hold most dear. (Richard, List B, No. 13, 26 May 1999)

Claudiu: The sensible mooring-point would be pure intent, this is something that ought to be stable, perennial, etc., and fit all the qualities of that which I can orient myself towards, as a guiding star or light, if ever I feel lost.
So that’s basically where I’m at now. I am tending to hove towards a default somewhat anxious state, which seems like a bad sign. But there does seem to be a lot going on. Yet actuality is always rather close-by, near at hand – and contemplating everything appears to be fruitful. But I also get the sense I am overcomplicating things haha.
Am open to any advice you may have given all the above, having fun does seem to be where it is at! (link)

I give you a reminder to re-access pure intent, which always is out of reach when anxiety takes centre stage (with its “mooring point” within the human condition) –

Richard: Therefore a mortal or transitory shape or form, comprised of immortal or perpetual stuff, can indeed ‘know that which is immortal’, or, as I have said before, as this flesh and blood body only (which means sans ‘I’ as ego and ‘me’ as soul) I am this universe experiencing itself as an apperceptive human being: as such the universe is stunningly aware of its own infinitude. And if you gaze deeply into the inky darkness betwixt the stars you will be standing naked before infinitude. (Richard in ‘Burnt Toast’ to Rick, Claudiu, 24 April 2024).

Claudiu: I reread it and was just blown away by how immaculate and perfectly articulated Richard’s writing is. I experienced what I’ve called “Richard’s energy” while reading it – which refers to pure intent, of course. The flawlessness of what he apperceptively wrought leaves nothing but admiration and a salient desire and aim – I want to be that! [emphasis added]. (link)

Do you/did you really consider “failing ‘for good’” because of a mere feeling? You can’t be serious!

Cheers Vineeto

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The way I am experiencing it lately is that all of the ingredients are in place and now it’s clear that what is required is that spark of altruism to ignite the whole thing. It’s quite thrilling and fun to be on the lookout for this “reason to die”. I know that I cannot manufacture it in a intellectual way, rather it will have to come out of left field as Srinath wrote. I also know that once it is located it will be happening and this is utterly thrilling to contemplate.
I did spend some good time yesterday seeing if I could have any objections still, just in case something had slipped my attention, but no there are no objections, I can say this confidently.

There are also many many candidate “reasons to die” and this is good to acknowledge because then I can put it to one side by realising that nothing extra needs to be added. It’s more that the ingredients which are already in place need to somehow combine in such a way as to provide that spark and set the whole thing aflame :grin:

It is super exciting, it reminds me of getting to do some hunting for the first time in New Zealand. I am set up in position, rifle loaded, in rapt attention, finger gently resting on the trigger ready to squeeze… Just waiting for that something to hove into view.


Hi Kuba,

This is an excellent summary and position to be in.

Anything can happen which sets off the spark – something you watch on the news to show you the utter senselessness of what humans to do humans, some drama on TV which reminds you of the ongoing sorrow in every household, an exquisite moment of utter stillness and purity, a perfect experience of delicious intimacy with Sonya, a fun event which indicates what life could be like for everyone, …

Enjoy the “waiting for that something”.

Cheers Vineeto


Hi Vineeto,

That’s an excellent point that I didn’t consider – that making progress towards self-immolating is done outside of a PCE, as inside a PCE ‘I’ am not there to contemplate ‘my’ objections (although the PCEs serve as the wondrous experiential backbone of all this).

In other words sometimes it comes up that maybe I just have to have ‘faith’ that actual freedom will be wondrous and perfect, as I can’t know until it happens – but then I rememorate the PCE and it’s more that I have confidence that it will be perfect.

That being said as Richard put it one can only be 99% or 99.9% or 99.999% sure – there’s always that little bit. So it does feel like taking a risk and in a sense it is, as indeed I won’t really know until it happens. And that’s where the thrilling aspect comes into play, which you talk about later. But the confidence in the actual world borne of the PCE does allow me to proceed.

Ok that is a good point and noted.

Yes I was wondering about this also. Fear can’t really disappear until self-immolation can it? You wrote that:

Even so ‘Vineeto’ experienced an “out-of-control panic mode” which happened “during the out-from-control virtual freedom” [link] – so ‘she’ did indeed have “more fear” after going out-from-under-control, non?

In any case, indeed all of fear and anxiety borne of fear has not disappeared – during what I reported there I felt relief at realizing I don’t have to feel that way anymore but it did not all disappear. A realization & partial actualization but not a full actualization.

Isn’t this always the case, until it happens at last? If there was no objection left then it would happen already, wouldn’t it?

I do wonder if the issue is that ‘I’ have attempted to stop ‘my’ life in order to do all ‘I’ can to self-immolate, rather than allow my life to live itself meanwhile doing all ‘I’ can to self-immolate.

In that I’ve shirked my duties at work (I have some considerable flexibility with this regard currently), ordered a lot of take-out food rather than go to the grocery store and prepare my meals, in general not done anything besides sit around and/or walk around contemplating self-immolation. (It should be noted that I’ve gone through periods before of doing the same shirking-work and eating take-out-food so it’s not like it is a ‘new’ phenomenon.)

But as you wrote to Kuba:

Which is all stuff that just happens while living life in the usual way.

To tie it back to what you wrote, it would be allowing pure intent to live my life, which would then set the stage to have that spark be set off. It sounds like a lot more fun than what I have been doing the past few days anyway :joy:

Well it’s more that what ‘I’ have been doing the past few days does not seem to be fruitful, ‘I’ am trying like all get-out anything ‘I’ can think of and yet no success yet. So will ‘I’ ever succeed? I don’t see why ‘I’ wouldn’t but it won’t happen until it happens. As I’m writing this now however I am seeing this is a rather silly concern.



From what I can see it is that fear is channeled into thrill/excitement and as such there is no fear or anxiety, this is tied in with having no more objections left to hang back with. Although even writing this it’s not that I am experiencing any fear that has to then be converted into anything, there is just the thrill and welcoming of what is happening. I don’t even know if that conveys it accurately either… it’s very pleasant and delightful all round though :laughing:.
There is a certain hedonic tone that fear has, it’s quite an aversive and unpleasant one, there is none of that.

It is very much the flavour of how life is meant to be lived :hibiscus: (and I am currently doing my tax return lol).


Claudiu: So it does feel like taking a risk and in a sense it is, as indeed I won’t really know until it happens. And that’s where the thrilling aspect comes into play, which you talk about later. But the confidence in the actual world borne of the PCE does allow me to proceed.

Hi Claudiu,

Thank you for your replies. It is a continuous probing until it happens and that can be the fun of the mystery solving. And I agree with what you wrote above.

Vineeto: What happened? Obviously not all of your fear had disappeared, or only temporarily.

Claudiu: Yes I was wondering about this also. Fear can’t really disappear until self-immolation can it? You wrote that:

Vineeto: It also reminds me that when ‘Vineeto’ finally went out from under control, Richard said to ‘her’ ‘she’ was now on the other side of the wall of fear. That was indeed the case, ‘she’ had no more fear, nor any ‘self’-centredness.

Claudiu: Even so ‘Vineeto’ experienced an “out-of-control panic mode” which happened “during the out-from-control virtual freedom” [link] – so ‘she’ did indeed have “more fear” after going out-from-under-control, non?
In any case, indeed all of fear and anxiety borne of fear has not disappeared – during what I reported there I felt relief at realizing I don’t have to feel that way anymore but it did not all disappear. A realization & partial actualization but not a full actualization.

Yes, the potential for fear remains in place as long as one is a feeling ‘being’.

Claudiu: Well it’s more that what ‘I’ have been doing the past few days does not seem to be fruitful, ‘I’ am trying like all get-out anything ‘I’ can think of and yet no success yet. So will ‘I’ ever succeed? I don’t see why ‘I’ wouldn’t but it won’t happen until it happens. As I’m writing this now however I am seeing this is a rather silly concern.

Vineeto: appears that your going out from control was not a total giving up of the controls. You retained the control of the last emergency break, just before the crucial final decision.

Claudiu: Isn’t this always the case, until it happens at last? If there was no objection left then it would happen already, wouldn’t it?


Claudiu: I do wonder if the issue is that ‘I’ have attempted to stop ‘my’ life in order to do all ‘I’ can to self-immolate, rather than allow my life to live itself meanwhile doing all ‘I’ can to self-immolate.
In that I’ve shirked my duties at work (I have some considerable flexibility with this regard currently), ordered a lot of take-out food rather than go to the grocery store and prepare my meals, in general not done anything besides sit around and/or walk around contemplating self-immolation. (It should be noted that I’ve gone through periods before of doing the same shirking-work and eating take-out-food so it’s not like it is a ‘new’ phenomenon.) […]

To tie it back to what you wrote, it would be allowing pure intent to live my life, which would then set the stage to have that spark be set off. It sounds like a lot more fun than what I have been doing the past few days anyway. (link)

I was making various suggestions where you can perhaps look for possibly hidden objections, which might stifle such a spark as I described to Kuba. Only you can know if it applies or not. However, you report, you are already doing everything you can think of and looking in all the nooks and corners you can find. You are certainly right that seriousness is not helpful.

For now I am fresh out of ideas.

Cheers Vineeto


Hi Vineeto,

Thanks for writing & I always appreciate your probing & ideas :slight_smile:

The latest one I am looking at is based on what you wrote here:

Basically there is a feeling that all is not quite right, fully lined up, etc., in other words, ‘I’ am not 100% completely sincere

I don’t want to have this be the state of affairs anymore

So I’m allowing myself to fully and deeply feel and go into deep dive of any last possible nook or cranny or deep center of being (however it may feel). It isn’t pleasant per se in that it entails feeling feelings of negative hedonic tone – but I have to resolve this apparent inconsistency somehow

I tried doing this in the past and it sort of went nowhere, and I found I was able to feel good instead anyway, but now I feel like something is a bit suss. There’s somehow a missing link between going from experiencing pure intent yet putting on the brakes to allowing the purity to flow and be fully active

When I direct my attention to pure intent specifically I see that from the experience of pure intent, factually there is nothing that is wrong. But the feeling is that something is wrong! So in other words I know pure intent is the one that is correct, but the way I feel about … let’s say existence … that feeling doesn’t always line up.

Anyway I will see how it goes, it may end up being overly serious but for now seems like may be fruitful



If everything was lined up 100% then it would be happening. So ‘I’ can get 99.99% ready and then it seems it is not possible for ‘me’ to align that last 0.001%. This reminds me of the Q and A from Australia, about the last piece of pizza that cannot remove itself, ‘I’ the controller cannot be the one to fit that last piece of puzzle in.

I was contemplating on this modus operandi yesterday, that it is a normal thing for an identity to want to have 100% certainty before proceeding forward, essentially ‘I’ want the step to have already happened before ‘I’ take it. I realised that this is simply at odds with the facts. That even in actual freedom things don’t operate like that, rather things happen and then one can find out the outcome. The outcome cannot be known for 100% prior to the event happening. For an identity this can be scary because ‘I’ do not have any genuine safety and security and so ‘I’ try to manufacture a feeling of safety/security by being 100% in control before things happen (or at least trying to lol).
In actual freedom there is no longer a need to generate a feeling of security (as there is an actual safety and security) and as such one can find out with delight each moment again.

But it’s clear that the step into the actual world cannot follow that logic of knowing the outcome before the action has taken place. This is a logic that can only have ‘me’ procrastinating forever. It seems that ‘I’ solve the puzzle 99.99% and then that last piece of the puzzle comes from something outside of ‘myself’. I think the way Srinath described it is on point :

I tried to get rid of ‘me’ somehow but could not do it. It seemed that something would happen and I had to now lie in wait and stay focussed on the ending in rapt attention. How that ‘last piece of pizza’ would go I didn’t know. I thought of that scene in the film Hellboy where the creature with the wings heals Hellboy and tells his girlfriend ‘I have done what I can… now give him a reason to live’. (Hehe what is with all these sci-fi movie references with this new bunch of actually free people!) I thought that I needed a reason to die. Not a fake or artificial reason. I needed something authentic that felt true to the core of my being. It would have to come from left-field.

In some ways it is not too different for any of the discoveries ‘I’ made along the way. In that ‘I’ would do what ‘I’ could to clarify the situation and “set the ground”, but in the end it was a seeing that was not of ‘my’ doing that would resolve the thing for good. It was always this delicious surprise when the fact was finally seen and the belief dissolved, and ‘I’ was never quite ready for it, ‘I’ never could plan it in advance or manufacture it somehow, which made it all the better when it happened! But even with a belief it makes sense, in that ‘I’ cannot know the answer to how the belief would be resolved as long as the belief is still in place, I don’t know until I know lol. The belief is a truth until it is seen to be a belief at which point it already disappears haha.

So ‘I’ can prep the ground quite marvellously for self-immolation to take place and then it’s over to the universe, and indeed how could I miss when the reasons to self-immolate are everywhere.

Thank you for your replies. It is a continuous probing until it happens and that can be the fun of the mystery solving

For the first time I am now seeing it like this, that it is a fun and marvellous adventure, how will it happen… ‘I’ could not possibly know and yet ‘I’ know it must/will happen. It does make the whole endeavour so thrilling, that ‘I’ will not know all the way until it is happening (then of course it’s known!).

It does feel like a huge relief, it was something you wrote to me a couple of days ago that made it click @Vineeto :

You must like being in the corner. I don’t see that you are in a corner. It’s a wide-open playground to dance and celebrate

It clicked that all the hard work in getting to where I am now has been done, initially I was still habitually hanging onto the same MO. But since then it flipped from this somewhat serious and strenuous task to a thrilling adventure. Also something where ‘I’ am not straining forward but rather ‘I’ am somewhat awaiting/anticipating for the mystery to resolve itself, with ‘my’ full concurrence.


Vineeto to Claudiu: Thank you for your replies. It is a continuous probing until it happens and that can be the fun of the mystery solving.

Kuba: For the first time I am now seeing it like this, that it is a fun and marvellous adventure, how will it happen… ‘I’ could not possibly know and yet ‘I’ know it must/will happen. It does make the whole endeavour so thrilling, that ‘I’ will not know all the way until it is happening (then of course it’s known!). (link)

Hi Kuba,

Ha, and then we will have another description how someone became actually free for the subsequent pioneers to scrutinize and analyze, looking for a possible way to know in advance what will happen next.

And this, of course, will be different yet again. The universe is quite capable to engender infinite variety.

Cheers Vineeto


Haha yes this reminds me of Geoffrey’s brilliant poem/post - Beer and Doer - #28 by geoffrey

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[Vineeto to Kuba:] What you seem to be missing is gay abandon.
I re-read this quote just now and it could give you pause of planning to dart back and forth from the door of ‘self’-immolation too readily –

RESPONDENT: I’d guess you’d favour the ‘boots and all’ approach, but just to be sure, is there anything one should be specially careful of?
RICHARD: Hesitancy (an opportunity is quite often a very rare thing).
RESPONDENT: Am I understanding you correctly that, once the process begins, you throw caution to the wind and just go all the way, come what may?
RICHARD: Provided there be pure intent (and that is no little proviso) … yes. [emphasis added] (link)

Claudiu: That’s a great quote. I’ve often wondered lately, is it really just throwing caution to the wind and forging forth? Not sure if I thought of it in those exact words (maybe) but along those lines. Sounds like the answer is (as pure intent is certainly in place) yes indeed . It gives good confidence to proceed!

To put it into words it’s about leaving the felt safety for what is outside of the felt safety, which I apperceptively or near-apperceptively know is the actual safety of infinitude – which ought really to be an obvious choice. Perhaps, after much pondering and contemplating, it is indeed just gay abandon that is required. (link)

Hi Claudiu,

“Good confidence” is certainly a great starting point for “gay abandon”, and you can cover the distance between the two via abundant naiveté, by being naiveté itself –

Richard: And as ‘he’ continued standing there on the greensward, extolling the virtues of being naiveté itself, ‘he’ realised ‘he’ had just dedicated ‘his’ life to the priceless pursuit of innocence itself – of becoming the manifestation of this innocence here on earth, of being the personification of innocence in this lifetime – and, thence, to extolling the virtues of the giving of ‘himself’ to this worthy cause, in a way which ‘his’ previous dedication to art and artistry (‘he’ had lived it, breathed it, been consumed by it, twenty-four-seven) couldn’t even begin to compete, as nothing, but nothing, could ever be as worthy of devoting one’s life to as the pristine perfection and peerless purity presently unfolding all about.
For out of nowhere and everywhere – the overarching benignity and benevolence inherent to the infinitude, which this infinite and eternal and perpetual universe actually is, had by now been operating more and more freely – came a magically scintillating wonderland, dynamically enveloping all and sundry in its sparkling embrace, and ‘he’ vanished unto oblivion in the twinkling of an eye (…). (A Quaint Clay-Pit Tale)

Being naiveté, “becoming the manifestation of this innocence here on earth” is exactly what you apperceived when you recently reread Richard’s quote of “standing naked before infinitude”, which touched you so deeply that you stated with great confidence –

Claudiu: I reread it and was just blown away by how immaculate and perfectly articulated Richard’s writing is. I experienced what I’ve called “Richard’s energy” while reading it – which refers to pure intent, of course. The flawlessness of what he apperceptively wrought leaves nothing but admiration and a salient desire and aim – I want to be that! (link)

You can be that! What an extraordinary adventure!

Cheers Vineeto


Wow so the standard is to be raised even higher! I remember the PCE I had a few weeks ago where I solidly experienced infinitude, it was clear that this body is of the same stuff, the same character as infinitude.

In the PCE that overarching benevolence and benignity is part and parcel of what this body is and currently ‘I’ experience this benevolence and benignity all around. ‘I’ might never ‘be’ that benevolence and benignity and yet ‘I’ have to have the daring and audacity to proceed right into it. With the sure knowledge that ‘I’ will disappear and will be replaced by it.
That this body will be that benevolence and benignity personified - this “too good to be true” is simply having my standards set too low.

So before the daring and audacity seemed related to proceeding towards ‘my’ oblivion but now the daring and audacity is to do with aiming for something so much bigger than ‘I’ could ever accomplish on ‘my’ own. This standard is so high that ‘I’ could only proceed with gay abandon. As of now there is the perfection and purity all around and there is the little ‘me’ wanting to scream “too good to be true!” and yet ‘I’ know that sooner or later ‘I’ will have to let the whole thing rip and proceed right into this perfection and purity, as an actuality. To not only experience it temporarily or to get a taste of it whilst remaining ‘me’ but rather to be that very perfection and purity personified.


Kuba: Wow so the standard is to be raised even higher! I remember the PCE I had a few weeks ago where I solidly experienced infinitude, it was clear that this body is of the same stuff, the same character as infinitude.
In the PCE that overarching benevolence and benignity is part and parcel of what this body is and currently ‘I’ experience this benevolence and benignity all around. ‘I’ might never ‘be’ that benevolence and benignity and yet ‘I’ have to have the daring and audacity to proceed right into it. With the sure knowledge that ‘I’ will disappear and will be replaced by it.
That this body will be that benevolence and benignity personified – this “too good to be true” is simply having my standards set too low.
So before the daring and audacity seemed related to proceeding towards ‘my’ oblivion but now the daring and audacity is to do with aiming for something so much bigger than ‘I’ could ever accomplish on ‘my’ own. This standard is so high that ‘I’ could only proceed with gay abandon. As of now there is the perfection and purity all around and there is the little ‘me’ wanting to scream “too good to be true!” and yet ‘I’ know that sooner or later ‘I’ will have to let the whole thing rip and proceed right into this perfection and purity, as an actuality. To not only experience it temporarily or to get a taste of it whilst remaining ‘me’ but rather to be that very perfection and purity personified. (link)

Hi Kuba,

Whose standards are you talking about? This whole post looks like one exercise in retrograde twisted logic.

The only standard is the one you are setting that actuality is “too good to be true”. Who says so? This is the suspicious ‘me’ talking, who won’t be here after ‘you’ give permission to fade into oblivion and cannot judge if it was “too good” or not. ‘You’ still want to rule the standards of the flesh-and-blood body Kuba after ‘your’ demise – what a tyrant!

It’s none of ‘your’ business, it’s outside of ‘your’ domain. This is the very meaning of pure intent – outside of the domain of the identity, outside the human condition. And when you allow yourself to be guided by pure intent there is only joyous anticipation and gay abandon.

Of course you don’t have to let the whole thing rip”, ever. It is in your hands and your hands alone. Just don’t be so serious about it – it messes with your mind :slight_smile:

Cheers Vineeto


Thank you Vineeto, your post was initially received on my end with a ‘sting’ (the sting being ‘my’ emotional reaction to the facts presented), the thought of “how can I still manage to get things so wrong”, but of course I will continue to miss the mark until I hit bullseye. It’s better to correct course in an expedient manner rather than having to go so far down the road to realise it is a dead end. I will just add that conversing with you has always made me think to what Richard wrote in his journal - “I am experiencing life from the vantage point of being a totally fascinated person … and a fascinated person is someone who can be extremely interesting to be with for those who dare”. This “for those who dare” is a key qualifier here because there is simply no way ‘I’ could predict what you are going to say. Whatever ‘Vineeto’ exists in ‘my’ psyche is of course not the flesh and blood Vineeto that writes the post, as always originally and completely impervious to anything that may be going on in ‘my’ reality.

I was doing a lot of driving yesterday for work and so I had plenty of time to contemplate on what was being spoken about. I can see now that to go down the route I was presenting would be for ‘me’ to try to squeeze ‘myself’ into actuality and of course take all ‘my’ serious standards along with ‘me’. So ‘I’ was the arbiter who managed to reverse the order of operations, now it is actuality that had to prove itself to ‘me’, against ‘my’ standards.

I did have many fascinating flashes yesterday of the answer to this, they all had the same flavour of total release. This total release was related to the nature of what happens at self-immolation, which is specifically not only that ‘I’ cease to exist but that ‘I’ would have never actually existed in the first place. So of course trying to take any standard of ‘mine’ into actuality would be back to front, for that standard ceases to exist when ‘I’ disappear. And not only that but looking back that standard would ultimately never have made sense to begin with, as it required ‘my’ existence as a reference point.

I wrote a while ago that it seems there is a pin that holds the web of reality in place and that it seems it could be pulled out. What I could see is that ‘I’ am this pin, that ‘I’ am taken as a fact and therefore ‘I’ become the arbiter, the reference point against which this entire web of belief is weaved around. All ‘my’ standards, indeed the story of ‘my’ life requires of course that ‘I’ am taken as a fact. Upon ‘my’ dissolution there is no longer any reference point, the story of ‘my’ life becomes ultimately meaningless, it was a story of someone who imagined ‘himself’ to exist.
Of course ‘I’ am not meaningless in this endeavour of becoming actually free as ‘I’ am the only one who can set this body free, it is more the seeing that when ‘I’ self immolate ‘I’ become extinct, which means that any construct that ‘I’ weaved will also dissolve, it will no longer make sense as it required ‘me’ as the arbiter.

So yes there was so much release in these experiences because it showed that with ‘me’ never having actually existed in the first place nothing was ever actually wrong, the painful story of ‘my’ life is only as real as ‘I’ am, and that it is possible for all of that to become extinct in one fell swoop.


This is interesting to contemplate because it once again shows that actualism is a down to earth, practical and completely non-spiritual/metaphysical alternative. Because it would be weird if ‘I’ did genuinely exist and then all of a sudden ‘I’ was to disappear.

The answer is actually way more down to earth than that. In the same way that once the belief in Santa Claus is seen as that, then Santa Claus has never actually existed in the first place. Whatever mischief came about as a result of that belief is then seen as ultimately unnecessary.

And this is so neat! It requires no supernatural force, no hardware to be changed etc. If ‘I’ am an illusion then upon ‘my’ exposure ‘I’ become extinct. Then ‘I’ never actually existed in the first place, which does not undermine the harms that such a rotten illusion inflicts.
The suffering that ‘I’ experience and inflict is very real, the senseless acts (wars, murders, suicides etc) which happen due to ‘my’ possession of this flesh and blood body are actual.

And yet it all happens over something that ultimately possesses the same existential status as Santa Claus, which makes the senselessness of it all even more poignant.


I would pay attention to how you phrased things here — it sounds like it’s saying it’s something you will do, to take an action (self-immolation) in order to set your body free

But ‘I’ cannot end ‘myself’, it’s like the pizza analogy where you are the pizza slicing pieces of itself off, but whatever part remains you can’t slice yourself off at the end (I think I got that analogy right? It’s a bit of a funny one lol)

Rather the reports of those who succeeded is that what ‘I’ do is allow it to happen, and the universe is that which ends ‘me’

It may be just a matter of how you phrased it here, but maybe it indicates a way you’re thinking about it