It’s going to be a bit “embarrassing” going into this. No one will be accusing me of being a good actualist after this post. But nonetheless this is what’s coming up, so here goes:
I just got back to feeling good after an intense investigation.
There is a very neurotic issue that I’ve tried to just skip over many many times but which nonetheless plagues me truly, madly, deeply. I’ll try to explain it a bit here. Anything I write is simply a report of my feelings - I’m not defending these beliefs or this worldview.
Basically, it seems to really deeply hurt me that I cannot reach perfect standards - and in one main area, which is my body/physicality.
It has got right out of hand. An extreme neuroticism in this area that I am trying to bring myself from the edge off , given I can see how clearly this is blocking my enjoyment and appreciation for being here. You could also call it a projection, of everything that I feel, and making it the fault of my body.
And of course what an unhappy position, to be so punitive of your own body that you dig your heels in further with strong self admonishment and a desperate competitiveness.
The trigger is usually to do with being outcompeted physically by other males. This is way more of an issue to me than being outcompeted intellectually (where I guess I feel there is less of an extreme difference) or in other areas like money or whatever
I’ll try to speak to what the feelings are:
I cannot believe the degree to how good looking other guys are, particularly in Australia where fitness culture is truly rife, and particularly when in the vicinity of the beach.
I am extremely intimidated by this, seeing guys completely lean and jacked, tanned bodies, tapered waists, smooth clean skin. And as I get older, often younger than me. It’s like everyone looks so natural, so belonging; whereas I feel like a sort of subpar alien freak.
I get triggered by this about 10 times a day. It gets me RIGHT at the core of who I am and how I feel - and has completely burrowed its way into controlling my baseline mood.
Now intellectually I know it’s all kind of silly. It must look ridiculous for me to be absolutely submissively DYING in reaction to seeing these guys.
It’s silly because:
Many Aussie guys have spent the last 5-10 years going to the gym constantly and living an active lifestyle. I have been doing music in Europe mostly, and then the last few years focusing on other stuff.
Many of these guys I idolise so much have very different genetics to me - I actually couldn’t look like them even if I wanted to. I have that “Scottish”/caucasian and stocky look…not the sleek, tanned, lean and blonde look that would make me look perfectly intrinsic to this environment.
I obviously can’t control what other people look like, and only to minimal degree can I choose what I look like.
Recently I have improved my appearance as a result of doing more fitness and spending time outdoors in the sun. My mental health and sleep have also been improving which has made a lot of difference - the burnout was completely messing with my hormones and “ruined” my body you could say. So I can see that I can also approach these high standard guys if I were to go to the gym every day and continue to focus on it. But at the same time I know I will get older inevitably so it will be temporary.
Again I am sure from the outside this looks almost disturbed, and I do wonder how I have such a deep almost traumatic outlook on life in this regard that my APPEARANCE would be the defining factor of life…even for real world people this is on the extreme side.
Often times after being triggered in this way I am so overtaken by the feelings and my own psyche, it’s like I don’t have a body or a physical appearance of my own. I feel like I’m nothing and worthless and I expect to see a total golem in the mirror. It’s become a neurotic condition.
I am often surprised when I do look in the mirror that I am kinda handsome or at least more attractive than what I feel just walking around. But this needs regular validation and I’m often checking myself in the mirror and on the look out for faults and detriments - obviously easy to find when comparing myself to hundreds of other guys out and about.
I used to consider this all so crazy that I think I couldn’t talk about it. I have been feeling a lot better lately and so it’s like I have more space and mental safety to explore this all now.
It’s silly because if the point of being attractive is to find a mate, then why would I need to worry about what I look like when it’s “not my problem” so to speak; to assess my own appearance.
And even then, it’s not like I’ve had huge problems finding people that find me attractive. I notice girls “checking me out” reasonably often (they obviously take me to be heterosexual) and I’ve been with plenty of guys as well. This does absolutely nothing to provide any kind of security.
It misses the point completely because in any case, I haven’t had many long-lasting relationships - which would surely be a better issue goal than looking a certain way. It’s been a revolving door of guys and flings for 10 years. I seem to completely “take myself out of” the real world on account of assessing myself not good enough - as if to exclude myself from everything to do with love and intimacy. To the extent that I couldn’t claim to know what love and intimacy are for how little I’ve experienced them.
Does it all come down to validation? And is that perhaps what homosexuality is? I don’t know many gay guys that aren’t very insecure and totally obsessed with their own appearance (@pelagash is an exception I would say). They usually hang around with each other in groups, attend CrossFit religiously, wear Speedos whenever possible and then attend night clubs shirtless with the goal of finding the next hot guy to get with. I don’t do that stuff particularly, but I still have that mindset. Sex, youth and the body beautiful are the Gods of Homosexuality. I honestly wonder if being gay is just males competing with each other in a kind of sadomachistic way. I’m not saying no gay people fall in love; but it’s not that common and “open relationships” are rife.
And is sex not also what is fueling these feelings of competitiveness and desperation for other guys and using my own appearance as currency for status seeking? I’m not just jealous of these guys, I want to throw myself at them; submit to them, WORSHIP them. There is a blind horniness to it in a way - an animalistic pull that turns off my prefrontal cortex and turns me into a completely driven…thing. And in this being driven I seem to be willing almost to destroy myself, abandon myself, put myself in danger psychologically - it’s almost a suicidal desperation that ensues. Like I’ll never reach the CLOSENESS I desperately desire; I’ll never free myself of this deep loneliness, because I’ll never be good enough to deserve to just feel good and have intimacy with others.
Essentially it’s like saying - in order to feel good I need to be better than everyone else. And if I can’t be better than everyone else; I should die. It sounds absurd but this is what the feelings about it are like! It’s a jihadist mindset. A draconian, bullying ideology that would never allow peace on earth to ensue. It makes the world one of winners and losers, with those who are “good enough” entitled to praise, plenty and superiority over others, whereas those who fall below the standard deserved of shame; certainly not entitled to a happy existence.
But the crazy thing is that I don’t judge people who look “worse” than me, if I can put it that way. I allow them to live just fine - if they are overweight or old or whatever. It’s just me who has to either be the top 0.1% or seemingly not entitled to my own existence.
So really, it’s a very sinister way of being able to bully and punish myself relentlessly. It’s a way to be able to feel bad, my whole life long, as I inevitably get older and less attractive. Even when I do reach my own standard of feeling good - cause I realise it will fade and I’ll die anyway - that there is a new batch of hotter younger guys coming along every year.
It seems a way to keep myself out of the whole game of life. To nail the resentment for being a life to my mast. As if to say “I won’t participate in life, won’t fall in love, won’t foster intimacy; and won’t feel good - because I am NOT GOOD ENOUGH. To be good enough, I have to be BETTER than others.”
Why have I come to blame myself so hard? I am relentlessly hard on myself, and thus hard on others. I don’t think I wield crazy “psychic battles” as such, but I do have a fierce intellect and can chop people up with words and feed it back to them.
I sometimes feel people trying to know me, but I push them away. They can’t pierce my hard exterior. As if to say “don’t come close to me, cause then you could hurt me”. Which is why barely anyone knows me, in terms of what I think and feel. How different am I to these hardened criminals that Vineeto was talking about, when I am almost just as hardened?
This WHOLE approach and way of feeling has truly become my way to survive. It’s so deliciously fucked up how I’ve created the perfect cunning trap to perpetuate mental torture unto myself and keep me alive as a psyche. I wouldn’t call it dissociation but it’s…something. Like a kind of narcissism or masochistic bent that seemingly protects me from the world because I am going to be way harder on myself before anything else can hurt me.
So actualism wise, what’s the answer here to this whole imbroglio I am in? I have tried to explore my feelings as honestly as possible in this text - and yet I am not sure still that I would not be liable to get almost as triggered the next time the next superior guy comes along.
Obviously getting back to feeling good is key. But am I missing naïveté, what’s going to actually get me beneath these feelings; and free myself of them?
Or is this a kind of trauma, that needs to be brought to light by going into the feelings further. Fully exploring the nature of them and feeling how they work within me.
Or is this all just the “self” doing it’s thing as normal, and it’s something to be bypassed via more of a direct walk down the “other way” that does deliver the goods, when my way clearly doesn’t. Am I in fact creating problems and perpetuating drama by opening up this whole Pandora’s box of insecurity?
Is this seemingly very core issue of mine one of these inverted pyramids Richard referred to, the capstone of which I could pull out and cause the whole mental construct of me to come teetering down completely?