It’s interesting trying to document this process. The level of variability is quite amazing.
For me at the moment my experience is like a periodic function, which could be taken simply to mean “up and down”, which is true, but it’s not exactly what I mean.
I’m not talking about mood, though it’s linked. I’m talking about progress….
On one hand; yes I still have residual depression and burnout issues, I still get locked in stress “states”, I’m not entirely well physically yet. I still have issues with perfectionism, shame, self-image and self-consciousness, anxiety etc etc.
But on the other hand, and this is weird, but I can feel myself moving closer and closer to the goal, the “line of best fit” of how I’m feeling is going up gradually. I’m so open, so ready to change - I’m less and less in my own way all the time. I’m freeing up affective energy all the time.
Some things have changed very quickly indeed - and I am asking HAIETMOBA and investigating all the time so it’s good that my “work” is not counterproductive (though it is sometimes depending on how I do it :D).
Firstly, my “sex addiction” issues have disappeared - the whole fatal attraction of that route of escaping is gone, I’m not having any trouble with that anymore. This is partially facilitated by reduced stress from having taken time off work.
Secondly, I am friendlier - I’m always chatting to people on the street and having lovely interactions. I don’t feel a sense of pain inside, like I’m carrying around trauma. I think this is due to having processed those emotions - they were blocked by not wanting to feel sad, by trying to force myself to be on track, but I’ve learnt that being friendly with yourself means letting feeling freely and not stuffing feelings down.
Thirdly, I’m handling challenges much easier, even compared to before burn out. I used to be very nervous when I had to perform, to the point I would get very sick with nerves. Recently I’ve been performing and not had any of those old difficulties at all.
Lastly; the actual world feels closer. Sometimes Im feeling great; and I feel quite close…it’s hard to describe accurately but excellence is opening up.
Last night I experienced a deep sincerity. I’ve never had an affinity for the “sincerity” thing and what it exactly meant (beyond just having a good intention). But last night was different…it’s hard to describe in words: but it was something like, a felt sense of innocence and benevolence.
I had been triggered yesterday, quite badly - I felt a lot of anger about how the funeral for my grandma had been organised in such a chaotic manner and with plenty of sibling rivalries between my aunties. I felt very tight, and stern, and serious, and controlling - I thought of what Vineeto wrote yesterday about being friendly, being naive. So this time I didn’t clamp down on the feeling at all, I let myself feel with curiosity. I realised I didn’t want to feel this but that it was simply nature, that it was automatic. But also that I didn’t want to be like that…not in a forceful way though.
Just after I was with my mum outside looking over the river, we had just come from inside, and everything was so…open. It’s like I could see my Mum so nakedly, she looked very fresh. The river around, the lights filled my eye in a certain way. I feel less and less there at times. I was letting the senses sense.
I perceived in that moment that I could even self-immolate. That it’s not just some dream beyond my comprehension that I’d never really achieve. I was astounded by the power of this sincerity….and I remembered Geoffrey writing at some point that sincerity would take you all the way. There was this sense of having help, that I wasn’t “alone in this”, that this isn’t some mindfucky thing, that it is indeed possible if you want to.
This morning I woke up and I’m feeling great. Amazing this change of baseline feeling when I wake up. It’s like the kind of “reset” you get the day after some shrooms or something. I just feel fresh and unencumbered.