Roy: I think I get this intellectually but maybe I will only fully grasp how important it is experientially someday. I get the need to comprehend a concept and its opposite. So for example like Richard mentioned, I understand hatred because I also understand love, in contrast, and “one cannot exist without the other”.
Hi Roy,
This is exactly how it is intended to be. Richard’s reports and explanations are an invitation to induce contemplation and investigation to find out experientially how the human condition works in you and by extension in everyone. And once you find out for yourself, his words are a confirmation that you are not crazy – because almost everyone else follows the legacy/ beliefs of long dead people despite detrimental results.
Roy: Maybe related to this… I also get that feelings are interpreted by me as good/positive or bad/negative — for me. So for example, I may feel discomfort in the gut due to feeling anxious and I label that as bad/negative. On the other hand, in a different situation, I may feel discomfort in the gut due to feeling excited and I label that as good/positive. And the physical sensation is exactly the same. Not sure if you would consider anxiety/excitement as twins.
Every feeling/passion has a hedonic tone (Richard, Abditorium, Hedonic Tone). Hence it feels good to feel good, it feels bad to feel sad. This hedonic tone underpins every feeling-thought-action and is generally taken as the main arbiter of everything from philosophy to actions (unless conscience/ social identity restricts/controls it).
Richard has written about how fear, particularly existential fear, has always a thrilling aspect –
Richard: Always included in fear is a thrilling aspect, and by focussing upon this and not fear itself, an energy gathers momentum which does the trick for one (thrilling as in an exciting sensation through the body, stirring, stimulating, electrifying, rousing, moving, gripping, hair-raising, riveting, joyful, pleasing, throbbing, trembling, tremulous, quivering, shivering, fluttering, shuddering and vibrating). (Richard, List B, No. 12a, 18 July 1998). The very activity you are engaged in – to explore the depth of your ‘being’ – is a thrilling/exciting adventure, which excitement can overcome the fearful/daring discoveries you make.
Fear and excitement are not twins as in opposites, they are two aspects of the same feeling.
Richard: And controlling one’s attitude towards them does nothing to stop the other picking up on one’s vibes (to use a 60’s term). If one has the slightest trace of malice or sorrow toward the other, the prevailing wisdom is to be loving or compassionate … yet it does not work in practice. This is because there is a psychic connection between humans who have feelings. (link)
Roy: Interestingly I did some research and once more the concept of “vibes” shows up. I looked around on the site and still don’t understand what it refers to in the context of actuality, but I have to read more. For me vibes are in the same bucket of auras and crystals
I understand that presently vibes are merely a concept or belief for you. Most people are not experientially aware of vibes even existing, while some others are quite sensitive to their effect. To start with, you can observe animals responding to you via vibes – if you have a dog for instance, you can observe that it can sense danger for its master not only with their senses but via foreign/ aggressive vibes, it can sense if you are angry or friendly towards them even if you don’t show it via words or body-language. Here is an interesting experiential report from Claudiu –
Claudiu: Animals also are particularly sensitive to vibes. On one occasion I was home alone with the dogs, I got extremely upset and worked myself up into a frenzy, ran into the bedroom and hit the pillows a few times. It was full on anger and rage. And one of the dogs ran into the bedroom and started barking at the wall. Though she may have been triggered by the sound of me hitting the pillows, really what she was responding to was the intense angry vibes that I was (involuntarily) putting out, to the extent that she felt there was an intruder in the house that she had to protect me from (she had no idea that it came from me). And in a sense I was an ‘intruder’ in that moment (though the rage quickly passed). (link) (March 2022).
When I became actually free I was curious about not emanating psychic vibes and I observed how (higher order) wild animals let me approach closer, i.e. not noticing my presence until a sound alerted them. The pet dogs of a client, who used to give ‘Vineeto’ a friendly welcome, took no notice of me after becoming free.
• [Richard]: ‘The colloquialism ‘vibes’ does not refer to body-language but to the affective feelings and gained currency in the ‘sixties (as in ‘I can feel your pain’ or ‘I can feel your anger’ and so on) – even the military are well aware of this as I had it impressed upon me, prior to going to war in my youth, that fear is contagious and can spread like wildfire if unchecked – and another example is being in the presence of an enlightened being (known as ‘Darshan’ in the Indian tradition) so as to be bathed in the overwhelming love and compassion such a being radiates.
Yet behind the feelings lie the psychic energies/ currents which emanate from being itself’. (Richard, AF List, No. 41, 3 Dec 2003, Vibes).
(Richard’s selected correspondence on Vibes and Psychic Currents can give you further information/ explanation for your contemplations.)
Roy: Edit: Regarding the vibes, I used to believe in vibes. For example: “I don’t trust this person, because he is giving me negative/ weird vibes”. But eventually I realized it was just prejudice. For e.g., there was this one person I felt negativity towards and one day I was reminded of someone else, from my youth, that looked similar. I think now that somehow, unconsciously, this was the cause for my distrust.
I guess that you still ‘believe’ in vibes in regards to acting according to your (unconscious) perception of them. But because you believe/think that felt vibes are “just prejudice” (flipping from belief to disbelief) you now notice/remember only what confirms your present concept. You can instead throw out both belief and disbelief and replace it with personal observational evidence you gather.
You may start noticing how you check out approaching strangers psychically from a distance if they are ‘friend’ or ‘foe’ before you are even able to distinguish their facial expression or hear their voice. When I became actually free the first thing I noticed with astonishment that this was no longer operating so much so that at first I was disconcerted how I would be able to function safely in the world of people and events. It quickly turned out to be an unnecessary concern after all, as a freely operating intelligence is perfectly capable of looking after this body.
‘Vineeto’ had long been fascinated by psychic vibes /powers in ‘her’ spiritual years and as such learned to be cautious not to jump to conclusions either way. However, some experiences where so outstandingly obvious when ‘she’ experienced strong negative vibes/currents in several people ‘she’ interacted with at certain situations, it made ‘her’ even more determined to end the psychic ‘being’ in once and for all.
‘Vineeto’: I remember one incident with the woman I had lived and worked with for several years. One day in the office she received a phone call and, being the secretary, I took it, recognized her partner’s voice and transferred it to her into the next room, saying nothing but hello to the man. I didn’t hear the conversation as my door was closed, and just kept working on the daily accounts. From the moment of the call I had fierce pain in my stomach and thoughts of intense fear racing through my head that had nothing to do with my personal situation. After two hours it finally clicked – I went over to ask her if she had a fight with her partner on the phone. She said they did. My pain disappeared immediately. After this incident I investigated what made me so receptive to her vibes and feelings and I came to understand that my feelings of love for her were enough for me to be psychically connected to her fears and pain. (link)
I found another one of ‘Vineeto’s’ observations in 2000 experiencing psychic currents (from a distance of 800+ kms) –
‘Vineeto’: Yesterday I watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games [on TV] and found it an excellent example of the psychic web in action. A band of 2000 musicians from all over the world was playing, all nationalities wearing an identical blue-red-beige uniform, everyone marching in exact formations while playing the various national hymns from all over the world. The audience’s spirit was soaring high, cheers and tears, overwhelmed by the feeling of ‘we are all one’, ‘we are the world’, feeling unity, glory, bliss and love. It is amazing how simple methods – heart-stirring music, uniforms and people marching in formations – can cast an effective spell on the collective human psyche.
However, the feeling of ‘unity’ immediately dispersed as soon as the athletes of all the countries started marching into the stadium wearing their national costumes, under individual flags*.* Then the psychic scene changed, the feeling was now of individual national pride. Each nation was now separate from the other and soon each athlete will be competing against the others for the glory of their particular country and for their own personal fame. The feeling of Unity is but a short-lived feeling … the psychic vibe changes readily when the music changes. (link)
I have to add that at this time ‘Vineeto’ was aware enough of ‘her’ own feelings to know what ‘she’ experienced were not ‘her’ own feelings of ‘unity’, ‘we are all one’, bliss and love.
Roy: Similarly, I used to believe in psychic connections. One time I had a panic attack out of the blue and later learned that a person dear to me had died at precisely that time. And so I connected the two. But nowadays I simply think this was a weird coincidence. (link)
There are many reports from people having strong psychic intimations/experiences at the exact time when a loved one died, so that seems to be a common human experience for those sensitive to it. Some time after your own experience your present concept of disbelief in psychic vibes/currents made you think otherwise. Yet you still don’t know what really happens.
For investigations into the human condition it is most conducive when you are able to suspend both belief and disbelief as much as possible. After all, endeavouring to free yourself from the human condition you are engaged into an investigation into the depth of your psyche, i.e. your emotions and passions, and it can be both weird and wonderful.
Cheers Vineeto