This stuff is really ‘weird’, I agree… but! I don’t think it’s accurate, and is maybe misleading (I am sure some contentious characters will one day see this and have a field day with it lol) to characterize it as the ‘occult’ (as in “mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena”)
Maybe we can say “Actualism and the ‘Weird’”?
In any case, there are basically two categories of weird here: 1 – weirdness relating to the human condition, and 2 – weirdness relating to the actual world.
Human Condition Weirdness
The psychic currents / psychic networks seems the most weird at first glance, but maybe that’s just because no one has explained it quite this way before. However I found that understanding this was basically a key element that clicked together my understanding of how the world works in terms of affective and what are called ‘psychic’ phenomena (i.e. what occult properly refers to).
For me the way to approach is to first recognize that emotions are themselves not of-the-senses. They are extra-sensory perception, felt intuitively. This already will seem weird to some, but as it happens to every single person it should be clear it is not that ‘weird’ at all, but rather, ‘normal’.
Emotion Weirdness
The weird thing with emotions is that they are not physical phenomenon. Though the effects of emotions can be measured - like blood pressure, heart rate, electrochemical signals in the brain results from them, the emotions themselves don’t occur in actuality, there won’t ever be such a thing as an “emotionometer”.
Once that no longer seems weird, then you consider vibes. Vibes are a palpably experienceable phenomenon. All you have to do, as a feeling-being, is go to a sporting event or a parade and it will become clear.
Also I’ve had very clear experiences on multiple occasions of being in a fight or argument or contentious situation with a person, after which I decide to take a walk or physically separate myself from them, where I notice that about 20 feet out or so I experience a palpable relief, which comes as a result of our vibes no longer being ‘in reach’ of one another.
Vibes are basically literally feeling something that the other person is feeling. As evidenced by the 20-feet thing, it isn’t just a matter of seeing them and instinctively evaluating what they are feeling and then having a feeling-reaction myself. This isn’t my perception or understanding of what they are feeling – it is something coming ‘from them’.
This thoroughly explains a lot of phenomena that can’t otherwise be explained, like for example why sometimes when couples fight they “can’t be in the same room” with each other – it is not only the fact that they are fighting in and of themselves, there’s also this additional component of the vibe. And the effect of crowds, parades, concerts, mobs, etc.
Vibes are precisely what this unfortunate person is referring to in this snippet here about the Jan. 6 capital riot in the USA:
She is not making it up – she did palpably feel, experience, and get sucked into “dark energy forces”. As her lawyer put it: "The lawyer said Castro “got caught up in the moment” on Jan. 6 and “had a lapse of judgement and said things that were uncharacteristic of her.”
Animals also are particularly sensitive to vibes. On one occasion I was home alone with the dogs, I got extremely upset and worked myself up into a frenzy, ran into the bedroom and hit the pillows a few times. It was full on anger and rage. And one of the dogs ran into the bedroom and started barking at the wall. Though she may have been triggered by the sound of me hitting the pillows, really what she was responding to was the intense angry vibes that I was (involuntarily) putting out, to the extent that she felt there was an intruder in the house that she had to protect me from (she had no idea that it came from me). And in a sense I was an ‘intruder’ in that moment (though the rage quickly passed).
Vibe Weirdness
The particularly weird thing about vibes is that they apparently don’t travel through a physical medium, although they do have a physical distance limit. But it is something that occurs in the affective ‘plane’, not in the actual world. Just like no instrument could pick up emotions, there will never be such a thing as a “vibeometer”.
Psychic Currents
Once vibes no longer seem weird then the next level up is psychic currents, which occurs in the psyche itself, which is essentially the backdrop wherein all affective experience occurs.
My work colleague, a staunch materialist there-is-no-meaning-to-life if there ever was one, relayed an experience he had of driving one day, where he suddenly had the intense urge to “get the hell out of here”, to “run”, like something horribly wrong was occurring. He rounded a corner and then off into the distance saw an abandoned building, with smoke coming out of it. It was basically, he later found out, a condemned building with a lot of homeless people living in it, and it was essentially a “hell-on-earth” situation, rampant drug use, people hurting and probably killing each other, etc.
He said that he must have caught a whiff of a particle of human flesh burning or something which put him into the huge alert hyper-drive (he also denies vibes occur), but rather to me the better explanation is that he experienced a psychic current that was emanating from this hell-on-earth, which he got tuned into/picked up on due to approaching it.
For another example of the power of psychic currents I would simply point to the COVID pandemic. It is eminently a case of mass hysteria, a global panic.
How does this global panic spread? A materialist would say well it is the news, and people’s common reactions to it, etc. But a far more comprehensive explanation is that it is a stark terror and fear that occurred in the human psyche, that everyone is swept into and then in turn propagates themselves, which of course the leaders and decision-makers and law-makers and scientists also feel/feed-into, which then informs their decisions and actions about what-to-do.
I remember when the first lockdowns first happened, I took a walk outside in sunny Portugal, and I felt like the earth had become drab, a horribly infested apocalyptic planet, where disease was in the very air and we were all going to succumb to it. I felt like a pallor had come down over the world. Although then when I directed my attention to rememorating the PCE, I was able to sense, though not fully experience, the fact that nothing had changed.
I wrote Vineeto about it at the time (March 18, 2020) and she responded on March 20:
The actual world is as amazing and wonderful as ever, with particularly sparkling mild autumn days at present. No pallor has fallen over the actual world.
So all this sense of there being “a rare state of emergency” is part and parcel of the affective perception of each person and of societies as a whole. Given that a large group of people is psychically affected by the effect of and fear about the virus, the psychic currents and its various medical, economic, political and practical side-effects would be quite strong and even overwhelming.
That is to say, the pallor I was experiencing, was not just ‘my’ reaction to hearing news about the lockdown… I was feeling the effects of the psychic currents that were at-the-time swarming around the human psyche.
(To forestall any criticism, I am not saying COVID did not happen, or downplaying the sickness and deaths that occurred as a result of it. But rather, many years down the line, when we all look back at what actually happened and how we could have responded, no doubt the perhaps less-than-reasonable measures that were taken in certain places, can be at least partly explained due to the psychic currents mentioned above.)
(Also, no doubt the “dark energy forces” that Mariposa Castro experienced, above, was not just the result of vibes on the day of, but also psychic currents that had been building and swirling at the time leading up to the event, no doubt generated, fueled and propagated by opportunistic peoples who wielded it as a very potent tool/weapon to accomplish their own ends.)
This also explains phenomena like people sometimes “knowing” when their loved ones are in danger or when they pass away, even if they are on the other side of the globe. Of course a lot of the time these feelings are wrong (i.e. not a result of psychic currents, they are just mistaken), but it does explain why it happens when they are right.
Psychic Current Weirdness
The weird thing about the psychic currents is that they occur only in the human psyche. They don’t actually occur… there will never be any “psychic-current-ometer”. When the world is actually freed, they will never have existed in the first place. Yet they do affect people, palpably so, and this causes them to take actions that have consequences in the actual world, of course…
The other weird thing is that they don’t have any limit on distance. As Richard put it, “as they have no existence in actuality there is no such thing as a physical distance for them to travel”.
It does make the mind boggle then how they can occur, if they don’t actually exist… but the same can be said of vibes, and of emotions (and therefore ‘people’ as feeling-beings) in and of themselves.
I’m starting to slow down here so will leave it at that, and address the other points in more detail later… curious what people think .