Felix's Diary

Now that you quoted that section of what I wrote @Vineeto I see where the confusion arose.

I think this is an interesting chat and actually incredibly important - but for the sake of accuracy let me clear up my own comment.

I still meant “feeling state”, I was trying to say that sometimes it’s not just the case of having a feeling but something that is much more stable and fixed like an overarching state (same way someone might get into a loving state).

This is very much the nature of states like burnout, depression etc - and it makes getting out of those situations seem a lot more complex. They are even more confusing to navigate than singular feelings which at least rise and then fall in a predictable manner.

But what I’ve found with time is that getting out of these states is the exact same as with anything else - getting back to feeling good. It just takes a lot of intent…

For the record I’m not a Buddhist or Vipassana person. As for what caused my burnout, it was life trauma (before I found actualism), though my interpretation of the actualism method made me much more burnt out than I already was.

Looking back I can see I was so darn anxious, existing in a slow-burn existential panic, and feeling good seemed impossible at the time. I wanted to become actually free at any cost, but was stuck in functional freeze and had no sensitivity for myself as a feeling being. Meanwhile I was still exhausted and still trying to live up to real world expectations as well. Recipe for disaster really :slight_smile:

Nevertheless doesn’t diminish the usefulness of @Kub933’s advice but just wanted to clear up my own case.

Regarding helpful advice like that, I wonder if a few years from now someone with that type of issue would manage to find Kuba’s post. I reckon not…I wonder if we shouldn’t have more or a Reddit set up in terms of the way topics work.

So someone with dissociation could go to that topic and read all the relevant posts from over the years.


/actualism/keto (for the Geoffrey’s of this world haha)