If you go back further in the post history it’s more apparent that he is joking. From Jonny’s other responses:
In this post he is incredulous that “drag queens have armed militias following them around”
Overall his angle seemed to be “The drag shows / queens don’t seem so bad” (especially as compared to sexual abuses of children as seen in the catholic church for example). After Alexander posted a few video examples, he was more in agreement that those examples were inappropriate, though still expressing skepticism that most performances were like that.
This quote clearly delineates his overall joking tone. I wouldn’t see it the same way, though I see that he is trying to match the ‘nothing is ultimately serious’ angle of Richard:
RICHARD: It is the very fact of physical death – everybody alive today on this planet will eventually be dead – which ensures happiness and harmlessness … if everything alive today were to all-of-a-sudden endure forever then everything would matter in the long-term (everything would be of enduring importance (in this ultimate sense) and, therefore, life would be a serious business.
This is something which has been discussed on this forum in 2024, with Richard ultimately responding:
In short, the un-seriousness is due to the ultimate mortality of you, me, and everybody, the actual/material nature of the universe, and the liking / amusement is of an ultimate nature and more despite the depravity of humanity, rather than ‘including.’
Or, as @claudiu puts it:
But I highly recommend reading the entire thread. I had read it previously but I’m not sure what I was doing (or, ‘being’ ) when I previously read it, as just now I found it quite enlightening.
To conclude, it does seem - and please correct me if this is inaccurate - that you came back to this thread after a long period (I see that you were a part of the discussion in May of '23), and, seeing the recent post by Jonny, took him as being serious/sincere and found it “unhinged,” missing the joking tone set up by the previous posts.
As for
One does not have to be “highly triggered” for there to be a trigger at play and for there to be upset happening albeit at a lower level than “highly triggered.”
You have been quite candid on this forum discussing your recent baseline of high stress, and I have been pleased to hear as you have increasingly been having naive/sensuous experiences (referencing your most recent journal post)
However, it is worth noting that the human condition consists of broad spectrums of feeling, not just a binary of “highly triggered” vs “untriggered/naive/sensuous”
I am speculating, and again please correct me if I am off base, but is it possible that you were bothered at a lower level than “highly” or even your recent baseline, perhaps peeved, irritated, affronted, or annoyed? None of these are considered extreme and indeed seen as quite normal in most polite society, but with an eye toward sensitive attention do indeed constitute a trigger (especially compared against happy & harmless!)