Well, I now know what to say to get you involved. @Sonyaxx
Now for my views on each item of women’s fashion…
I like seeing the lines on peoples faces. The spots. The creases that a smile makes. I don’t enjoy that women wish to manipulate my instincts by trying to appear like they are all 16 years old carbon copies of each other.
Funnily, I read a study years ago which actually refutes this view of mine. It basically concluded that women primarily dress up for each other. That it is female attention and hierarchy at stake most of the time.
Another study showed that both men and women responded more strongly to pictures of attractive women, rather than men.
Female attractiveness is certainly leagues more valued than male.
I also am still sorting through the issues with my recent ex emotionally.
It really bothered me that her entire value system revolved around her attractiveness. As if that would last forever, even though her best years are decades ago now. How persistently this was her entire focus. Whilst ignoring everything else, the more she felt attractive, the more she expected “rat catching” from me.
Live and learn. As Claudiu pointed out in my journal, being with someone whose focus is control, really isn’t going to help someone interested in actualism.
Out of the blue, I am talking with another woman who may just value something more verbal and discovery based, rather than the cliches I have been pushing myself to live.
It was always my own sincerity which let me down. Not my exes. I was the one that persued this style of relationship with my morbid optimism (read: cunning) thinking I would change them.
Each person has the birthright to live and believe as they see fit.