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She either doesn’t care or doesn’t want to care
I’m hoping it’s the second one and trying to play that whenever she sees me she’ll get more interested
I can see how that could work
I just don’t know. Really that’s what this whole situation is, I don’t know what is happening now or what will play out
I know that I’m here, at home, tapping on my laptop. Trying to unpack the situation.
So many times, I’ve come to the conclusion that my ability to relax about the situation creates the best chance of something happening
I keep getting pulled back into the emotions, which is understandable. They’re quite ingrained, they’re attached to such a strong desire.
Using my desire for intimacy to remove my desire for possession / love / sex
Right now she’s doing something, I don’t know what. She didn’t show up for the event she invited me to. She sent one text. That’s the situation.
The intimacy to be had is an intimacy with that situation. It doesn’t go any further than that. That is what is happening, it’s not what has happened. And I certainly don’t know where she’s at or what she’s feeling or thinking about me right now.
So much of identity is about believing I know this or that about what’s happening. That it’s so terrible, or so great.
And I’m addicted to the hope
I can make some judgments of what’s happening. I have some experience. But I’ve been so wrong so often… there are so many new situations, and we respond to ourselves, we keep developing new ways of doing things. It doesn’t hurt to engage with these situations, but the hope and the despair…
I haven’t been able to see how getting the girl isn’t always a good thing. It seems so solid to me
The possibility that it won’t come together, or that she wouldn’t be great for me, fills me with suffering
The suffering of loss
What I’m losing is my desire-dream
And I’m experiencing my fear of suffering
But the suffering is happening now inside of me…
The suffering is me right now…
And yet it’s [rejection] very real, indeed likely possibility… this is what I am
I’m basically saying I won’t appreciate her until she fits into my life in a certain way… until she performs
Who knows what she got up to today, or why, but she has her reasons. That’s what it is to be alive, to be a human
And then here I am feeling unhappy about that
That’s no good
Drama around being rejected by someone
People do reject sometimes… frequently, actually
Fear of being an untouchable
That’s pretty unlikely at this point, people do like me
But she has mixed feelings
I suppose that’s her business
But my fear gets wrapped up in it
That’s a bit funny
We’re all just bumping into eachother like that
Just automatically upsetting eachother