James' Journal

I expect to be healthy, happy and harmless.

Back to feeling good. Glad to be freed from dependence on a substance. Getting a lot done ( new heating and roofing on house). Af does look achievable.

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Woooo this is music to my ears. Do you think the absence of weed helped you get a lot done? Iā€™ve smoked my fair share, nothing against it, but if I did it in the morning it was almost impossible to be proactive/productive. If I HAD to do something I would, but if I didnā€™t Iā€™d procrastinate.

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Wow, wonderful news.!

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I am getting more done and interacting with people better. The main thing I am missing so far from no thc is the enhanced enjoyment that it provided.

I just ran out of tobacco, and thought of your success. I am going to try and go without.

Well, my success is because it is enforced on me by the state and my health care provider. I encourage you to quit tobacco on your own as I think it is vitally important. Let me know if I can help.

Back to feeling great with no thc. I am very confident about becoming af.


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I am enjoying and appreciating so much with no thc. I am on the verge of af.


Af is imminent.

Iā€™m enjoying and appreciating so much that I canā€™t distinguish if this is af or not. It doesnā€™t matter as long as I am enjoying and appreciating to this degree.


Sounds wonderful. :grin:

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At this point I am calling it Virtual Freedom Plus.


I think I see perhaps why people donā€™t talk much when they become vf or af. If I talk about caveats or analyze doubts or this and that then I am hanging on to these things which takes away from vf or af. If I donā€™t talk about it then these things just disappear.


Iā€™m having so much fun itā€™s wonderful. Everything is perfect. Itā€™s fun all the time. I see what Richard meant all along when he said what there is to do is have fun. Everything I do is fun.


Hi James, out of all the stuff Ive read here lately -somehow, your few words had the most effect on me. I read your post while putting my daughter to sleep and thought to myself , hey why not have fun , this light, carefree mood lasted all evening till I fell asleep. Nice dude


Serendipitously, right when my md tested me positive for thc and took me off of pain meds and sleep meds for my arthritic hip and said if I tested positive again he would take me off of a life sustaining drug that I need to survive, under the new state controlled substance act, then my pain dr gave me the correct dose of another pain med that has turned out to be a wonder drug. This drug has helped me to instantly attain ā€˜virtual freedom plusā€™ that is fantastic.

At some point this new wonder drug could be taken away from me at which time I expect to no longer need a drug to be af/vf or else something else will appear serendipitously. Ainā€™t life grand.

ps: This is what I call optimal gettable.

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It just keeps getting better. I am back in my doctorā€™s good graces. He gave me a random drug test and saw that I have quit thc so he gave me back my sleep meds. I am sure that he will give me back my new wonder pain med when I need it. I donā€™t need it now because I am getting it from my pain doctor. This means that I can get it long term. Yay. With this drug I donā€™t even want pot. Whatā€™s great is that research has shown that this drug is not addictive so I might not even need or want it later. Ainā€™t life grand,

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