Ian's Journal

I wanted to start a proper journal as can’t seem to change the title of the other thread and was going off topic.

Recently I keep having the realisation that it always comes back to me, I have to choose to enjoy this, whatever it is…and then it’s clear where I am not on board. When I realise I just have to choose to feel good, and I just don’t want to, like it’s a drag that I have to enjoy this moment regardless of circumstance. How much do I have to enjoy against my will! :smile:

That’s the humour in how rediculous I can be.

I realised today I’ve been living on/as hope for years and years…swinging between the smallest smidgeon of hope and the bleakness of despair…but always finding hope again…and then when nothing changes I fall back into despair…I feel like an animal that isn’t sure if it’s going ro be eaten right now or if I’m just being toyed with.

It’s good to see the ‘of course’ of my feelings/being…this relates to the shame thing…i had put a lid on all my feelings because I didn’t know what I was looking at, and had continued to cause trouble in other people’s lives.

Now I can allow myself to see the reason for feeling; of course I am feeling this way, it’s totally what I should be feeling given the circumstances and how a feeling being would feel, it’s perfectly appropriate.

Once I can see that, then I am reconnected with the feeling part of myself, like a twisted balloon becoming untwisted. The top part was the thinker and the bottom was the feeler. Now I can feel my self as the feeling, and experience the bowl, or spectrum of that feeling. Like hope and despair, love and hate, security and insecurity…

The two sides of a coin applies to all these aspects of me. Sometimes I am neutral, but that doesn’t mean I am free of that aspect. Just because I am not feeling something strongly doesn’t mean I am not under the spell of a belief or facet of being. For example Love can be warm and lovely and also cold and spiteful…but also it can be neutral…when not being immediately challenged or stoked up. I am still living with the attachment and conditions, it is just that conditions are being met so nothing is being triggered.

Sleepy now…


Im mishandling actualism. I recognise today that a part of me wants to be successful with actualism as a way to be lovable vs as a way to be free… applying actualism to be perfect and thereby avoid shame… to be worthy/ loved/accepted because I can’t be accused of self centred arrogance, and/or can’t be affected by shame. Good to recognise.


Ian: Im mishandling actualism. I recognise today that a part of me wants to be successful with actualism as a way to be lovable vs as a way to be free… applying actualism to be perfect and thereby avoid shame… to be worthy/ loved/accepted because I can’t be accused of self centred arrogance, and/or can’t be affected by shame. Good to recognise.

Hi Ian,

Excellent to recognize it – now you can be on the look-out should it turn up again.

Does your action of publicizing this significant discovery on the forum indicate a conscious choice to pursue actualism as your priority?

If so, you might find Richard’s “quaint little wonder-tale” to Rick about self-esteem helpful and informative – (From Basic Actual Freedom to Full Actual Freedom Part 2 Rick). (bottom of the page if bookmark does not work)

Looking at the grip the demand for self-esteem has on your life (like on most people’s lives) will do a lot to make you more autonomous and thus free to pursue your primary aim in life.

Cheers Vineeto


Hi Vineeto

Actualism has been the ultimate goal since I had a PCE before finding the actual freedom website - whether it has always been number 1 priorty is kind of a two part thing. It’s always the underlying thing, every experience gets analysed whether badly or well through the lens of actualism. I haven’t had a lot of success with enjoying and appreciating consistently (aside from a few weeks here and there where for some reason it all seems easy) but that doesn’t mean it’s not the ultimate goal. Hopefully this latest realisation will help me actually make progress. Sometimes I just have to live my life being aware of and seeking to understand the mechanics of being miserable - it’s often all I can manage. I have been working toward a life circumstance that will allow me more time and energy to put into actualism.

I recently chatted with Claudiu who helpfully pointed out that I don’t have to feel good, which certainly took the pressure off; I was trying to force myself to be cheerful even when I was bogged down in whatever suffering I was choosing. So from that point I have been more welcoming of all the suffering as being my choice, although I still have the intent to dispell the momentum. It makes it more objective for me to understand what being an identity entails, without the rejection of it.

This recent realisation on the one hand surprised me, and on the other it makes perfect sense. I wrote about it here for two reasons - 1. It might be useful to other people 2. If I make something known here it makes it more concrete/confirms for myself; sort of gives me a step up I can stand on to look at the next level of the problem.

The thing is I have been wanting to get to the bottom of why I feel so continuously stressed for years and I have recently cottoned on to the fact that it is less about completion of tasks (at work for example) and almost entirely about whether I feel accepted in the group. The completion of tasks is how I maintain acceptance. It seems like such a big pervasive network of beliefs that I am not sure where exactly to look.

I am really trying to get at the root of the structure that encompasses authority, acceptance, rejection, performance, stress, shame, praise, hope, despair, trust, mistrust, resentment, power, control, loyalty, obligation, responsibility, what’s right, what’s wrong…the whole bubble of belonging.

I can cognitively understand that this is a belief system, this knowledge is yet to fully click, or translate into a change or an experiential understanding - there always seems to be a gap or broken pathway between me the thinker and me the feeler.

So, recognising how much I need to be accepted - my constant desperation for this and all the cunning and clumsy tricks I play, and the constant exhaustion of it, and the futility of it (a good day can easily be followed by a bad day, a moment of success can easily be tripped up the next moment by a task forgotten); the consistancy and constancy of this need is always prevalant in my mind.

Which led me to suddenly see that what I am seeking there is to be always in the good light, always doing well, always saying or doing the right thing, performing excellently, to not come across as arrogant or weak etc etc…and I saw that although there is the genuine pure intent to become free, this other part has been tagging along and trying to sort of win at the game of acceptance - if I can become free then either I will be perfect so I wont be rejected OR I will not be afraid of rejection. So yeah, I guess there is/has been this tug of war between wanting to be accepted and wanting to be free.

Would love to hear your insight if you are inclined to offer…

Richards tale about self-esteem is one I have read several times, and it makes sense but it’s like I get it and also nothing changes in me even though I get it.


Ian: I’m mishandling actualism. I recognise today that a part of me wants to be successful with actualism as a way to be lovable vs as a way to be free… applying actualism to be perfect and thereby avoid shame… to be worthy/ loved/accepted because I can’t be accused of self centred arrogance, and/or can’t be affected by shame. Good to recognise.

Vineeto: Excellent to recognize it – now you can be on the look-out should it turn up again.
Does your action of publicizing this significant discovery on the forum indicate a conscious choice to pursue actualism as your priority?

Ian: Actualism has been the ultimate goal since I had a PCE before finding the actual freedom website - whether it has always been number 1 priority is kind of a two part thing. It’s always the underlying thing, every experience gets analysed whether badly or well through the lens of actualism. I haven’t had a lot of success with enjoying and appreciating consistently (aside from a few weeks here and there where for some reason it all seems easy) but that doesn’t mean it’s not the ultimate goal. Hopefully this latest realisation will help me actually make progress. […]
The thing is I have been wanting to get to the bottom of why I feel so continuously stressed for years and I have recently cottoned on to the fact that it is less about completion of tasks (at work for example) and almost entirely about whether I feel accepted in the group. The completion of tasks is how I maintain acceptance. It seems like such a big pervasive network of beliefs that I am not sure where exactly to look. […]

Hi Ian,

It seems to me that presently the actualism method is contraindicated because as yet you do not want to feel good for its own sake so it won’t be very successful to practice it right now.

To start with, a more practical approach would be, instead of trying to attain acceptance from everybody and their dog, for you to realize that the only person you can change is yourself. As a rational consequence you can ask why do you not accept yourself / why do you not like yourself. (It’s very difficult to make other people like you when you do not like yourself).

A first and most obvious answer is (and very common answer in fact for those honest enough to admit it) – that there is resentment – resentment of being here, of having been born in the first place and resentment for the way things are in general. It goes hand-in-glove with the belief that life is inherently bad.

Here is what Richard had to report about it – perhaps it works for you as well –

What is at the bottom of all this disapproving business is a basic resentment at having to be here in the first place (as in ‘I didn’t ask to be born’ for example) and that fundamental grievance gets taken out on the universe at large.
And for as long as ‘I’ am out to prove that life sucks (by being miserable and malicious) and that being here is the pits there is no way ‘I’ am going to be happy and harmless as to do so would be to betray ‘my’ most basic feeling about it all.
I kid you not – it was one of the first things ‘I’ realised all those years ago – yet there is a simple way to be done with such nonsense forever. Viz.:

• [Richard]: ‘In 1980, ‘I’ , the persona that I was, looked at the natural world and just knew that this enormous construct called the world – and the universe itself – was not ‘set up’ for us humans to be forever forlorn in with only scant moments of reprieve. ‘I’ realised there and then that it was not and could not ever be some ‘sick cosmic joke’ that humans all had to endure and ‘make the best of’. ‘I’ felt foolish that ‘I’ had believed for thirty two years that the ‘wisdom’ of the world ‘I’ had inherited – the real world that ‘I’ was born into – was set in stone. This foolish feeling allowed ‘me’ to get in touch with ‘my’ dormant naiveté, which is the closest thing one has that resembles actual innocence, and activate it with a naive enthusiasm to undo all the conditioning and brainwashing that ‘I’ had been subject to. Then when ‘I’ looked into myself and at all the people around and saw the sorrow of humankind ‘I’ could not stop. ‘I’ knew that ‘I’ had just devoted myself to the task of setting ‘myself’ and ‘humanity’ free … ‘I’ willingly dedicated my life to this most worthy cause. It is so exquisite to devote oneself to something whole-heartedly … the ‘boots and all’ approach ‘I’ called it then! (pages 240-41, ‘Richard’s Journal’; ©The Actual Freedom Trust 1997).

You will see that this is a far cry from being ‘more neutral’ about it all. (Richard, Actual Freedom List, No. 50, 30 September 2003)

I also recommend other examples from the Richard’s Selected Correspondence on Resentment.

Once you identified resentment and decline to nurse this futile and ineffectual feeling any longer, then wanting to feel good cannot be far away.

Cheers Vineeto


Hi Vineeto

Thank you for your insight.

Yes I can say although ultimately I do want to feel good, at the moment I am currently becoming aware of what I am feeling, so I suppose I am more wanting to feel what I am feeling. What the full spectrum of feelings encompasses and feels like, to feel what it is to be a complete feeling being. I had developed something like a blanket suppression order on almost all of the way I feel (therefore the way I am) and am in the careful process of uncovering and looking at everything that makes up me. I believe this is the process of accepting myself/liking myself.

I don’t like myself because I can be scared, angry, sad, deceitful, petty, arrogant, childish, greedy, cunning. I am slowly welcoming those parts of me I have rejected, with the right mind I can recognise those parts are natural and appropriate for a feeling being to feel (putting aside the question as to the appropriateness of expressing or acting on them). Appropriate also doesn’t mean sensible - expected might be a better word. That is if I feel something, it’s not for no reason, nor is it an anomaly of experience. For example - it makes sense for an animal to feel like it is powerful and competent - why wouldn’t it. It seems fundamental that a creature should not doubt its ability to do and achieve what is required for survival. The odd thing is that a creature would feel like those feelings must be suppressed or hidden, but again this is about survival in the group so if the creature feels more safe (achieves homeostasis) by not expressing those feelings whether through training by peers or life experience then that would make sense that suppression occurs.

Cognitively, I understand that I can only change myself; emotionally, I want everything else to change - so there is something missing in my understanding (did feeling-being Vineeto experience something like this?). I do feel sad and angry and scared when I think about ‘the way things are in general’. I find myself thinking/feeling things like ‘life just gets worse and worse’ or ‘it’s just one thing after another’ or ‘what’s the point, it’s just never going to change’. I think these point to a belief that I have adopted or developed over the years, that life is somehow impossible to enjoy.

On the other hand, I also really enjoy being alive, and there is so much I love about existing, and I feel sad if I contemplate dying or being gone (at the same time as desiring oblivion and release). And I love more than anything the times when I have a PCE or excellence experience.

The resentment I think comes from feeling frustrated about not having the resources to only do the things in life that I enjoy - those things that stimulate good feelings.

I don’t immediately relate to the phrase ‘I didn’t ask to be born’ - but I will allow the investigation of that to percolate because I have learned that I can be blind to aspects of myself.

I want to decline this resentment but in the past I have only succeeded in suppressing - is there anything I can do to bridge the gap between realising something and actualising it.

From communication with Claudiu I understand that when something is fully seen for what it is, then the declination will happen automatically because it is obvious to not do that. In the mean-time I can keep shining a light on the feelings/beliefs to uncover more until that moment happens. Is there anything you can suggest here.

As an aside - I’ve noticed that I massively enjoy hearing or reading about the experience of the actual world. For example whenever I read the tales of becoming free, or recently Geoffrey’s description of letting go of the ‘guardian’, or when I was visiting you and Richard - Richard’s description of the pelicans beak, or his demonstration of time. These stories and descriptions really get through to a part of me, I get that feeling of excitement because I know that world, and it becomes clearer to me, I get the butterflies tickle, that I am close to it. It seems to help me begin to rememorate the PCE - maybe this is my way to connect to pure intent. It was Richard’s description of the actual world ‘the entire world is a magical fairytale-like playground full of incredible gladness and a delight which is never-ending’ which sparked recognition in me as that was how I had described a PCE that I had prior to finding the website, yet had not found a similar description in any spiritual writings. I remember being so excited because I knew he was writing about the same thing that I had experienced.

In Geoffrey’s tale of becoming free he talks about the vortex of being, and I recognise that - in my first PCE everything stopped (as in the perception of time moving) and everything was perfect. After a few moments I started to feel myself to be in a vortex as if I was being sucked down a whirlpool. I panicked, feeling like I was dying. I burst into tears and collapsed to the floor, reaching out to my girlfriend. Connecting to her broke the spell and the plughole/whirlpool effect stopped. Ever since that day I wanted to know what would have happened had I allowed myself to be completely sucked away. I believe now that actual freedom would have been on the other side (and I know now that it clearly doesn’t have to be such a dramatic event as feeling like being sucked down a plughole).

I’ve lost the thread of what I was on about now so will finish writing.

Thank you again for your support and encouragement.



Ian: Yes I can say although ultimately I do want to feel good, at the moment I am currently becoming aware of what I am feeling, so I suppose I am more wanting to feel what I am feeling. What the full spectrum of feelings encompasses and feels like, to feel what it is to be a complete feeling being. I had developed something like a blanket suppression order on almost all of the way I feel (therefore the way I am) and am in the careful process of uncovering and looking at everything that makes up me. I believe this is the process of accepting myself/liking myself.

Ok, it is certainly useful, if not ultimately imperative to become aware of the “blanket suppression” of feelings in order to feel them, get to know them, label them and then be able to dianoetically (link) and sensibly contemplate if to continue experiencing them is worthwhile.

In other words, once you identified the particular feeling as what it is (anger, sorrow, worry, spitefulness, melancholy, fear, etc.) then you have a choice to either keep feeling it or to decide to put it aside in order to feel better (i.e. get back to feeling good). Then from this more dispassionate perspective you can have a good look at what was the cause/trigger for you to feel such an insalubrious feeling.

To be “uncovering and looking at everything that makes up me” you do not need to keep feeling each feeling until it subsides of its own accord (and embracing it only fuels the feeling to hang around for longer) – it is enough to recognize it and then stop feeding it (which may take a while to find the switch until you get the knack).

I’m not sure if you succeed in liking yourself as long as you nurture, i.e. feed, malice and sorrow in your bosom. ‘Vineeto’ certainly couldn’t until she had a clear third alternative. She continued to feel bad via either suppressing or expressing her feelings as she had been taught by new-age therapists during her spiritualist years.

Ian: I don’t like myself because I can be scared, angry, sad, deceitful, petty, arrogant, childish, greedy, cunning. I am slowly welcoming those parts of me I have rejected, with the right mind I can recognise those parts are natural and appropriate for a feeling being to feel (putting aside the question as to the appropriateness of expressing or acting on them). Appropriate also doesn’t mean sensible - expected might be a better word. That is if I feel something, it’s not for no reason, nor is it an anomaly of experience. For example - it makes sense for an animal to feel like it is powerful and competent - why wouldn’t it. It seems fundamental that a creature should not doubt its ability to do and achieve what is required for survival. The odd thing is that a creature would feel like those feelings must be suppressed or hidden, but again this is about survival in the group so if the creature feels more safe (achieves homeostasis) by not expressing those feelings whether through training by peers or life experience then that would make sense that suppression occurs.

All this can be summed up by acknowledging the fact that you, like everyone else, was born this way and it is not your fault that you are “scared, angry, sad, deceitful, petty, arrogant, childish, greedy, cunning”. But, being equipped with intelligence you certainly don’t have to stay that way and you don’t have to accept the way you were born (the belief that you can’t change human nature). You can stop following the “tried and failed” template of the wisdom of the real world.

Richard: “I tried my best to make their system work to produce the optimum result … but to no avail. Only then did I make the first and most important movement of my own volition … I discarded the ‘tried and true’ as being the ‘tried and failed’.” (Richard, List A, No. 26)

Hence instead of “welcoming” those insalubrious feelings you can decide to change them (without suppressing nor expressing them). (see: Richard, Selected Correspondence, Aggression).

Ian: Cognitively, I understand that I can only change myself; emotionally, I want everything else to change – so there is something missing in my understanding (did feeling-being Vineeto experience something like this?). I do feel sad and angry and scared when I think about ‘the way things are in general’. I find myself thinking/feeling things like ‘life just gets worse and worse’ or ‘it’s just one thing after another’ or ‘what’s the point, it’s just never going to change’. I think these point to a belief that I have adopted or developed over the years, that life is somehow impossible to enjoy.

‘Vineeto’ experienced this ‘wanting others or things to change’ but quickly put it aside as non-sensical once she started practising actualism. It’s an automatic reaction which, once recognized, need not be perpetuated. What you describe is exactly what is meant by the word resentment –

  • Resentment: indignation or ill will stemming from a feeling of having been wronged or offended. (American Heritage Dictionary)
  • Resentment: a feeling of anger or unhappiness about something that you think is unfair (Oxford Dictionary)
  • Resentment: a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury (Merriam-Webster.com)
  • Resentment: Opposite: appreciation, contentment, satisfaction, […] (Onelook Dictionary)

As such my previous advice to you still stands – as long as you consider feeling resentment being an appropriate response (and that includes “welcoming those parts of me” ), no change can be evinced. You seem to have fallen for therapeutic humbug – now that there is a third alternative to suppressing or expressing (including “welcoming”) this real-world advice is superseded.

So when you say further down – “I want to decline this resentment but in the past I have only succeeded in suppressing – is there anything I can do to bridge the gap between realising something and actualising it” – you can only decline something when you have 1) recognized it, 2) acknowledged it and 3) understood it. Hence you first need to recognize that it is operating in every complaint you have with the world you live in.

Ian: On the other hand, I also really enjoy being alive, and there is so much I love about existing, and I feel sad if I contemplate dying or being gone (at the same time as desiring oblivion and release). And I love more than anything the times when I have a PCE or excellence experience.
The resentment I think comes from feeling frustrated about not having the resources to only do the things in life that I enjoy – those things that stimulate good feelings.

There seems to be a basic misunderstanding about the actualism method. Enjoying and appreciating being alive means exactly that – an unconditional enjoyment and appreciation of being alive (link), not just enjoying the things you “love” (love is a good feeling, as opposed to a bad feeling). If you only want to enjoy the things you love, of course you resent that you can’t have it all the time and resent those other things you don’t love.

Ian: From communication with Claudiu I understand that when something is fully seen for what it is, then the declination will happen automatically because it is obvious to not do that. In the mean-time I can keep shining a light on the feelings/beliefs to uncover more until that moment happens. Is there anything you can suggest here.

I did just that in my above answers. “Fully seen for what it is” requires a dispassionate investigation after you decided that you want to feel good about being alive now, which is certainly not the same thing as “welcoming those parts of me” or “accepting myself/liking myself” for being “scared, angry, sad, deceitful, petty, arrogant, childish, greedy, cunning”.

Ian: As an aside – I’ve noticed that I massively enjoy hearing or reading about the experience of the actual world. For example whenever I read the tales of becoming free, or recently Geoffrey’s description of letting go of the ‘guardian’, or when I was visiting you and Richard – Richard’s description of the pelicans beak, or his demonstration of time. These stories and descriptions really get through to a part of me, I get that feeling of excitement because I know that world, and it becomes clearer to me, I get the butterflies tickle, that I am close to it. It seems to help me begin to rememorate the PCE – maybe this is my way to connect to pure intent. It was Richard’s description of the actual world ‘the entire world is a magical fairytale-like playground full of incredible gladness and a delight which is never-ending’ which sparked recognition in me as that was how I had described a PCE that I had prior to finding the website, yet had not found a similar description in any spiritual writings. I remember being so excited because I knew he was writing about the same thing that I had experienced.

It is great that you do feel excited about those descriptions and I do remember you writing about those instances of your own experiences on this forum. I wondered what happened that you got sucked in so badly into the New Age therapy stuff, as I pointed out above, which resulted in losing your way. Richard’s advice to Claudiu in answer to his first post to the Yahoo list applies to you as well – (Richard to Claudiu) – (in your case it would be “stop doing New Age therapy”, “stop listening to therapists, period.”)

Disclaimer : If you are currently in medical treatment/ official therapeutic treatment, then as long as this is the case the actualism method or taking any actualist advice including my own is contraindicated (see disclaimer) until you have finished your medical/therapeutic treatment. To try to marry actualism and New Age therapy is ineffectual, at best.

Cheers Vineeto

PS: Could you please remind me (privately) when it was you were visiting (or under which name) as I cannot locate it in my memory at present. Thank you.


The following is a very helpful reply from Vineeto to my query around trying to get the ‘knack’ of declining to feel bad.

Vineeto suggested I post this message of my success by approaching feeling bad as a habit to decline (her emphases added).

Seeing the changes in feelings and emotions as habits seems to be the way to go! Rather than delving into deep analysis or observation.
More like…ah so everytime i get woken up in the night I tend to feel habitually annoyed or anxious, good to see. Well, no need to keep doing that. Surprisingly simple.
This morning I’ve been able to decline a few habitual reactions already, which does have a different feel to suppression. It is more of a letting go feeling than a put the lid on it feeling.
It helps that i have started a new job that is 10x less demanding/ stress inducing than where I have been for the past 15 months.
This was my goal, and now i have a better/easier base line to practice from, and more free time to really let myself enjoy and appreciate. [emphasis added].


This is amazing and answers a lot of questions I’ve had over the years, thank you! So is there an additional step to feeling good after you’ve stopped feeding the feeling? Is it the backing out of habitual emotional patterns that facilitates feeling good? I’ve noticed sometimes that this is usually enough to get me to neutral, and then feeling good becomes a “oh of course!” kind of thing. Sometimes though, I will remain in neutral. Perhaps that’s a sign that I’m still stuck in another emotional pattern. But instead I’ll try to push myself from neutral to feeling good and this usually backfires


Hey @Josef,

It is an interesting challenge to be able to sum up the simplicity of the method. The fact is that there are actually no set conditions (no tick-list of any kind) which you need to carry out in order to feel good now, or to get back to feeling good now if you have ceased doing so.

You might be able to appreciate that there are no conditions for ‘getting to’ feel bad, ‘we’ are very good at demonstrating this one :laughing: For a gloomy and doomy individual it is as easy as pie to manage to feel bad, the opportunities for this choice lay all around. They do not require any process or system or a step by step, they manage quite well themselves haha!
Sure they have a sophisticated worldview that justifies this feeling bad as somehow righteous or unavoidable. But the fact is that they are simply choosing to spend this moment of being alive feeling bad, each moment again.

So if you can appreciate just how easy it is to choose to feel bad, then you can consider that it is no different with feeling good, as these are felicitous and innocuous feelings, they are part of ‘my’ affective repertoire.

And what a freedom this is to discover! That truly there was nothing ever stopping you from simply feeling good now, and as such there was no conditions that you were ever restricted by in the first place.


Joseph: This is amazing and answers a lot of questions I’ve had over the years, thank you! So is there an additional step to feeling good after you’ve stopped feeding the feeling? Is it the backing out of habitual emotional patterns that facilitates feeling good? I’ve noticed sometimes that this is usually enough to get me to neutral, and then feeling good becomes a “oh of course!” kind of thing. Sometimes though, I will remain in neutral. Perhaps that’s a sign that I’m still stuck in another emotional pattern. But instead I’ll try to push myself from neutral to feeling good and this usually backfires.

Hi @Joseph,

Ok, one obstacle is removed, a bad habit which you identified and declined to repeat, well done. Have you patted yourself on the back for it? Is there another feeling-bad habit still lurking behind the first?

Yes there is, the habit to push yourself!

To understand this habitual pattern and stop feeding it, you need to grasp that ‘I’ am ‘my’ feelings and ‘my’ feeling are ‘me’ – ‘your’ feelings are not something out there removed from ‘you’ that can be pushed into a different position like chess figures.
Here Richard, or rather his co-respondent explains this in detail –

RESPONDENT: “… incidentally, Richard, how can they be ‘an hereditary occurrence’ and be of my choosing at the same time?”
RICHARD: “You do comprehend that you are your feelings/ your feelings are you (‘I’ am ‘my’ feelings and ‘my’ feelings are ‘me’) do you not? Viz.:

• [Respondent]: ‘It has taken me a hell of a long time to understand the difference between having feelings and being those feelings. Because I have not clearly understood this, I’ve never quite got the hang of paying attention to feelings without praise or blame, and without notions of innocence and culpability, right and wrong, etc getting in the way.
This makes things very interesting. The moment I regard my ‘self’ as ‘having’ a feeling, I’m split down the middle and there’s a secondary reaction on the part of the social identity (an urge to “do something” about the feeling, which in turn evokes more feelings, and so on). Conversely, if I recognise that I am the feeling, it most often dissolves into thin air – and usually pretty quickly too.
This is great. It’s especially helpful with regard to anger and frustration which have been two of my biggest hurdles to date. Previously, when I caught myself being angry, annoyed or frustrated, identifying and paying attention to this feeling would NOT cause it to disappear. On the contrary, the feeling and the awareness of myself as ‘having’ it would sometimes become like a microphone and amplifier locked into a screaming feedback loop.
I’m really pleased that this is no longer happening. It seems almost too easy’. [emphasis in original]. (28/10/2004).

And again there is a reference to how ‘almost too easy’ actualism is.” (Richard, AF List, No. 60g, 30 October 2005a).

The funny aspect is, as Kuba so perspicaciously pointed out, that humans seem to have no problem feeling bad or sad feelings but when it comes to changing their mood to the felicitous feelings, dissociation sets in. And as Richard pointed out in the paragraph before the above quoted one, victim mentality can play its part –

(Richard: “(having a victim mentality, it turned out, ran much deeper than the singular mentation such nomenclature indicates)”.

Dissociating oneself from oneself can be quite an ingrained habit and it is well worth to establish a habitual affective attentiveness to be able to catch it/decline it when it is happening.

Cheers Vineeto


Simple fun realisatiom bubbling away over the last day or two. Not only is everything happening of its own accord, I am not necessary at all for all this to be happening. There’s immediate relief in this, I’m wondering if I have a deep belief that somehow I am important to the workings of the universe. If I’m not alert will everything fall apart or stop working? No, it is always happening. Before and after me it is clear. During my existence also not necessary. I don’t have to participate in order for things to exist, including this body.


It’s fun and weird in a good way when you remove your self from the whole equation, right? I’ve had glimpses, for instance, on how I’d be ok with potentially losing my job. Instead of reacting with fear, sadness or anger to any perceived injustice or self-doubt at that event, those glimpses show that the universe just happened to arrange itself in a particular way that it produced such outcome. Any resentment or apprehensiveness about it is just to fight the facts of the matter, which is silly.


Experimenting today with being unnecessary, letting this body handle things, allowing myself to just sit back and enjoy being here…so far a lot more :grin: fun…feeling a bit like a kid…could be the naivete?


Well pretty successful day giving that a go…it’s the cure for anxiety…I figure if actually free people can function perfectly well then I can lean on that fact and just let go of having to be ‘in charge’, it’s very relaxing…couldn’t do it 100% of the time, but I can see it’s the way to go. Whenever I got caught up in some reaction I just reminded myself - do I need to do anything here, I’m not required - everything is still happening… such a pleasant feeling. All there is left to do is enjoy and appreciate the experience.


From the position of not being in charge it’s easy to see what I have been doing which is holding on to all sorts of trouble, emotional bruises, the injustices and resentments that I had been acknowledging recently…so silly to hold on to those things, or even treat them as if they were important things to be ‘solved’…just me creating mischief for myself to feel important


The early morning seagulls are so wonderful to watch, so wonderfully bouyant as they float through the air in the calm morning…their flight describes the three dimensionalness of space and the stillness of time and the magic in physics - how things happen


Stream of observational consciousness from a spontaneously arising experience that occurred yesterday, a very odd but awesome excellence experience, where conditions were perfect adjacent. I felt like i was going to self immolate out of the blue…

I am a feeling being. The feeling of being is me being. I am the everchanging swirling, expanding, contracting, shapeshifting feelings. I am a mental illness for the actual me. Sitting here. Waiting. Like slowly waking up out of a bad dream. All the peace in the world is in my ears. These ears. I’m still holding on, and wanting to be there and wake up at the same time. I am insanity. An insane journey of being. Coming to an end. Where was I. Who was I. Why was I. I feel relief. Another human hands me a plate of hot potato slices. Feeding happens. Then more typing. Happy to let go of control. Happy to let the sane body continue its sane journey. Who were those people. The insanity of anything letting go of anything. Exciting to think I could wake up right now. Clear the mind of all the madness. Back to the only world. Fresh. Always existing. I don’t need to be here. I don’t need to be here. I will gladly give myself up. The hero’s journey. I’ve done well. But now my work is done. I no longer need to hold on. I no longer need to sit on the throne. I’ve done my bit. Now I can rest. Happy to let go. Relieved to let go. Blessed to let go. Why not. This is what I have wanted for years and years. I can do it. I am doing it. I am safe. I have always been safe. No one needs to know. A different person is waiting on the wings. Actual me. Totally different. Sane. A pleasant character. No need of anything. Of course. Everything is here. No more psychological needs. Psychological desires. Psychological stories. Psychological ambitions. Everything is calm. Perfect. I don’t need anything any more. I’ve always been here. Reading the words of a madman. The entity inside reaching out through text. Like a diary of a spirit. I’m so happy to become sane. I’ve done it. There’s nothing left to do. I can relax. I can give up the ghost. Gently gently, bit by bit, leaving nothing behind, leaving nothing unseen. I’m actually doing it. The tingling in my stomach and guts and chest is wonderful. The relief of a thousand years tension. I’m safe. The most important thing. I have brought this body to the perfect place and now I can let go. Funny. As if I really did anything. This place has always been this place. I’m just not needed anymore. I never was needed, but I definitely am not now. No more worries. I just danced around the house. The other human said ‘Oh I like this Ian!’. I don’t have to try anymore. I will only stay because of me. The only reason to stay is to keep being me. I want to keep being me. Keep struggling away. Keep suffering for no reason. Keep being a person. A type of person. Some kind of person. Frivolous activity - dancing. Fun. Happily tearful. A goodbye. A farewell. One last word. One last wish. A sigh. A poem. A tether. A thread. Gossamer. At the border. The final identity…I am fun.

Anyway, it didnt happen in the end…but im glad i had thay experience…increased confidence and understanding of the situation…it was kind of like in my teens i started pretending really hard to be a kind of person and have a serious and eventful adventure, but then yesterday it was like i was coming to my senses again and the flavour that was around was like back to being a kid again, with nothing more pressing than the immediate, no drama to persue.


So the feeling-response-as-habit thing seems to work. Especially at the moment around being worried about saying the wrong thing, not communicating clearly enough, being misunderstood, the worry that the other will not see me as who I am intending to be seen as. Anyway, it’s a habit. The trick is to see what happens if I don’t go down the usual path. Be willing to see what happens. Worry to unease to happiness. The foundation that makes it possible is knowing I don’t need to be here and the ability to relax because of this. Am I my feelings? Well they are not anyone else. They don’t come from anyone else or anything else. Ah yes, I am feeling, that is the way I am experiencing. As feelings. Thoughts and feelings but the experience of thoughts is thinking; an activity that happens, the experience of feeling is being; activity that ‘is’. Here I am again, trying to plot my way through the maze of myself to touch the actual. Not necessary. Here I am, sitting in a chair, contemplating and bringing attention to the experience of being alive right now. It’s cool. Buzzy. Silent. I mean, it’s a cool experience, being alive. Everything is going on. Seeing, smelling, hearing, heart beating, distance, weight, discomfort, comfort, thinking. It’s pretty rad. On a planet. The only one I can be on. How cool is life. Very. So I’m feeling really good, great. Bloody marvellous. Went for a walk in the bush, great colours, smells, sounds, heat in the air. Back to feeling like I can give this up. I’m not needed anymore. I don’t even matter anymore. Not trying to give up, or get somewhere, or figure this out, just bouncing gently off the realisation that I am not needed so letting go happens. A release of the mental grip. Here it is on, here it is off again. Me trying… move into just being…from being I can relax further…I don’t belong to anyone, but why would I, how is that even possible.


Ian: Stream of observational consciousness from a spontaneously arising experience that occurred yesterday, a very odd but awesome excellence experience, where conditions were perfect adjacent. I felt like i was going to self immolate out of the blue…
I am a feeling being. The feeling of being is me being. I am the everchanging swirling, expanding, contracting, shapeshifting feelings. […]
The tingling in my stomach and guts and chest is wonderful. The relief of a thousand years tension. I’m safe. The most important thing. I have brought this body to the perfect place and now I can let go. Funny. As if I really did anything. This place has always been this place. I’m just not needed anymore. I never was needed, but I definitely am not now. No more worries. I just danced around the house. The other human said ‘Oh I like this Ian!’. I don’t have to try anymore. I will only stay because of me. The only reason to stay is to keep being me. I want to keep being me. Keep struggling away. Keep suffering for no reason. Keep being a person. A type of person. Some kind of person. Frivolous activity - dancing. Fun. Happily tearful. A goodbye. A farewell. One last word. One last wish. A sigh. A poem. A tether. A thread. Gossamer. At the border. The final identity…I am fun.

Anyway, it didn’t happen in the end…but I’m glad i had the experience…increased confidence and understanding of the situation…it was kind of like in my teens i started pretending really hard to be a kind of person and have a serious and eventful adventure, but then yesterday it was like i was coming to my senses again and the flavour that was around was like back to being a kid again, with nothing more pressing than the immediate, no drama to pursue.

Hi Ian,

A fun excellence experience, the perfect experience from where to contemplate ‘your’ longed-for abdication.

Having discovered what you call “the final identity…I am fun” is marvellous – being naïve to the point of being naiveté is opening the doors to increasingly allowing the universe to live you. And your “increased confidence and understanding of the situation” and “coming to my senses again and the flavour that was around was like back to being a kid again” will make the enjoyment and appreciating of each moment of being alive a child’s play (pun intended). Viz:

Richard: “Naiveté is a necessary precursor to invoke the condition of innocence. One surely has to be naïve to contemplate the profound notion that this universe is benign, friendly. One needs to be naïve to consider that this universe has an inherent imperative for well-being to flourish; that it has a built-in benevolence available to one who is artless, without guile.” (Library, Topics, Naiveté)

And from ‘being naiveté’ there is not much difference to being out-from-control, in a different way of being altogether –

Richard to Claudiu: “Lastly, the actualism method segues into what has become known as the actualism process when the actualism method has become so automatic, via habituation, that one is walking about in a state of wide-eyed wonder (naiveté) simply marvelling at being alive (sensuosity) and being amazed/ delighted that all this – the world about/the universe itself – is occurring in the first place; the actualism process is when it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish the difference between one doing it (doing this business called being alive) and it happening of its own accord; when one becomes the experiencing of being alive/of it all occurring of its own accord one is then out-from-control (not ‘out of control’ as in wayward) and a different-way-of-being has ensued.
It all becomes rather magical (‘magical’ as in prestidigitation) after that.” (Private correspondence with Claudiu, 29 Feb 2012).

During the period of being out-from-control the identity (being the ‘beer’ as opposed to being the in-control ‘doer’) gallops ahead closer and closer to their destiny.

In her period of being out-from-control Pamela commented on how much better this experience (of being in an ongoing excellence experience) was compared to her 5-months PCE, and she explained that her PCE was a static experience while being out-from-control was exemplified by the progress of coming closer and closer to the actual world.

‘Vineeto’ experienced it the same way – “compared to being out-from-control, a PCE is an often brief, always temporary, glimpse into the actual world, very informative and marvellous in its own right, but a period whereby the identity is statically in abeyance and remains unchanged until it emerges again after the PCE has faded.” (Direct Route, No. 5, 16 Jan 2010)

Being in an ongoing excellence experience is the perfect launching point – because it is dynamic and not static like a PCE – from where to contemplate and move closer to one’s final goal. From here you can look closer at what possible objections there might be for ‘you’ to abdicating the throne, and whatever else prevents you from allowing the final transition to happen.

More fun times ahead, Ian. :grin:

Cheers Vineeto