Hi Kuba,
What wonderful reports you have written here recently!
It seems from what you are writing that you, too, are experiencing an out-from-control virtual freedom? I certainly recognize much of what is happening for me in what you write here. Do you currently assess yourself to be in this situation? When did you notice that it had properly began? Has it been continuous or on-and-off as it was for me at times (although I would call it more ‘pausing’ and ‘resuming’ in my case).
Vineeto has pointed out to me that there is actually very little available in terms of reports of being out-from-control – I would encourage you to write as much as possible of what is going on for you, as this will be valuable information for any current actualists and future actualists to come.
For me the biggest thing I would say to those who are interested in what is being written here, is how remarkably easy it is, and how much smaller the barrier to entry really is than I thought before. Before it started to eventuate it seemed impossible and like I did not know how to possibly do it. But now it seems very easy, it essentially maintains itself (although you do need sufficient intent and vitality and will to continue down it or it can indeed fizzle), and also life is just much better to be lived this way.