I thought I’d leave, and thought let me sit down and reflect on what makes me come back to AF.
And I have a feeling it’s the overwhelming positive aspects of it - the innocousness, the delight, the happy/harmlessness, the consideration, and I want to come back here and post about it.
And that’s what I’ve tried to do - come back and respect the method, dont shit on it (only time I’ve done that is these past few days) and explain my experiences going along with it.
My progress with happy and harmless, and HAIETMOBA.
But once I started posting about it, and naturally moved into how it tied into other realisations I got told dont mix, and then repeatedly asked to leave and come back.
But this was just a couple of trolls. Srinath did do this too. Dick move.
And there appeared to be this whole forcing me into a box i.e. the you can’t be happy with feelings, you have to get rid of them and the feeling being, have a PCE, etc etc.
And disgusting behaviours.
But this post isn’t about that.
It’s me trying to go back to what I was trying to do - if people say PCE, AF, fuck off, then I’ll have to. Can ignore trolls. But repeatedly getting the same result only means I’m the real idiot.
And that’s what I was trying to do a couple of months ago, when I said I was in a shitty place and came for abuse.
However the flip side of the coin was, No, I didnt come here for abuse. Despite all the abuse and disgusting antics, I was decent all the way through.
What I realise i came here for was, I was not feeling happy and wanted to write about what was not making me happy and a way to resolve it.
I went back and read that post and it’s such a beautiful heartfelt genuine decent post.
And that’s what I feel now.
I want to leave, but also want to stay because I want to engage more with the method. Especially the happy and harmless and HAIETMOBA parts.
BUT if I stay, I will be forced into a box again - HAVE to have PCE, AF is the only path, Dont mix it with anything else, how can you be comfortable with being a feeling being, people here are committed to releasing feeling being so you’re either with the plan or out.
And I do feel the same thing will keep happening if I do stay.
I can be the stubborn, trolls dont affect me, but what about my actions? I’m aware of my own dickishness - sure, I would say all the things I’ve said right to any friends face. Even the dimwit part. BUT in a nice tone. So happy to stand behind my actions.
BUT also realising that that’s NOT okay.
It’s me guilty of the same behaviour I’m calling people out on here. That they can be harmful and justify it in various ways i.e. like s_o_b did with he doesnt care, what right/wrong dichotomy, I can take it, different value systems, etc etc etc.
I hate wanton aggression in people and that’s only because its a core part of my being.
I was thinking be peaceful with whatever comes up or however I show up.
I didnt like the irritable annoyed part of me, but like I said when I think about times I was annoyed before, I get annoyed again. So it was appropriate.
I go back and read the October 23 exchange and a growing self respect comes in, despite all the shit that was going through at home on holiday,
But my actions the last few days leave me feeling decidedly uncomfortable. Just fucken laying into people like I did with s_o_b. He was a class act with his responses to be fair.
I was like this in college, and even now - Bub with his ‘dose’ - that truth bomb that no one with a shred of sense (alleluia momfuckers and cultists apart) can argue with. But I also felt it was the most helpful thing I could possibly say and that was okay.
BUT like Richard says, I’m still torn with guilt for some of my ‘doses’ years or decades later.
I will repeat anything I said, because I meant it, but definitely not happy with the way I said it.
More recently, I’ve been justifying my callous behaviour even more by saying, hey that’s how oneness is showing up.
But that same oneness is also showing up now as remorse.
s_o_b you aren’t narcissistic, but yes, you are a dickhead and a dimwit. But I’m the same too.
And I guess I justify the ‘dose’ as me saying the most helpful thing I can. But why antagonise people?
It’s like we all know the alleluia motherfuckers or cultists are cuckoo - but if we go out of our way to tell them they are, everybody will say nope, it’s us who were the idiots.
I went to a mens group workshop, Mankind Project and I left with a counter intuitive realisation that masculinity is softness (also core values like integrity, responsibility, accountability, reliability).
But yeah, softness.
I admire the soft chill people, and I can be like that 90% of the time, but a voice comes up and says, nope, you’re in a souk (english slang for sulk) all day annoyed about something or the other.
Its saying being annoyed is my default state.
That’s not a new realisation, but its’ never sunk in like it’s doing now.
And going back to wanton aggression. Why? For what? (I’m talking about MY) wanton aggression. Clear here with s_o_b and the trolls.
I dont know about leaving the forum, but I guess the major driver in me leaving the forum is not really space for my journey (the trolls can fuck right off (see I do it again and justify it by saying they deserve it).
As for my opinion on trolls, I do feel sorry for them.
The good guys go around just naturally being liked, and if anone dislikes them, it’s only because they don’t know them. Once they know them, they can pour the charm on and turn almost anyones opinion around (unless it’s people the good guys dont really like).
Heck, the good guys can fucken just lay into someone. I can be at a party (with people who know me not strangers) and can randomly lay into someone and everyone will be peaceful with it a minute later and we’ll all be laughing. I can be exceptionally rude to someone and it can be ignored by everybody and they will move on like nothing happened. EVEN the guy I’m being rude to.
Whilst the trolls have to live this life of feeling the opposite inherently unlikeable and I would absolutely hate to live a life like that.
Just like happened with s_o_b and me. I was rude to him, he didnt give a shit and he was rude to me and I didnt give a shit. BUT here’s the kicker, through all that, through our vastly different headspaces and value heirarchies, we have fucken nothing in common, there’s an easy affection that was built.
On the flip side, with the trolls, people will get ticked off with them for literally doing nothing. And that’s why they become trolls maybe. To justify other peoples reactions. They stop being trolls, maybe people will still not like them.
So yeah, major driver for me leaving the forum is not trolls, is not being forced into a box, not having space for my journey (who gives a shit about all that I can ignore it) - the major driver to leave will be me being a dick. OR getting no value here.
I really need to look more deeply into harmlessness. That’s my current goal.
And not in the some harm and hurt is justified way that the facepalms use it. Or the lack of insight, remorse, regret or intention or even recognition of need to change that they have.
But that the goal is that my conscience is clear and not pricked for yonks.
Like I’ve learnt over and over again, only two real goals in life.
Being kind to myself and others. And practical self care, towards myself and others.
Just be kind otherwise my conscience will poke and prod me.
I grow to think of my dad and he used to be this absolute dick. Wife beating, child beating, daily drinking (sure normal 2 large shots but still daily drinking, which he still does).
BUT over the last ten years, he’s become supremely non confrontational.
I have this thing about having to be honest and helpful, hence the ‘dose’, but the dose is delivered with such a gleeful punch only to be followed by the inevitable remorse.
Maybe I should just become like my dad - version 2.0 of him at least.
Ouch, another realisation, I enjoy hurting people. BUT guilt after.
I read the harmlessness thread, and thought it was poppycock. Trolls just justifying themselves.
Okay, gotta start now. No more using the words trolls, or facepalms, and really dont need to refer to them at all.
Harmlessness. Let’s see how we get along with that. Harmlessness and softness. That’s the dream version of me!