Hi Bub,
Bub: And again, why is the success rate still 0% after so so so much time, and effort? There’s the reflection – not ad hominem bullying or name calling when this is pointed out – this is real sincerity. Method’s not working guys – little wins here and there for sure – but 0% is still 0%. That’s the bottomline that everyone is dancing around - that’s the elephant in the room that has to be addressed for real practical progress. (link)
Ha, you have now come out in the open, no more straddling the fence. Just think: if the fence you were straddling was made of barbed wire … what would the top strand be doing right now? So much better to get off that fence.
But it does not seem to be easy to do. You have to generate a lot of words with faulty calculations and outrageous assumptions to arrive at your declaration of “success rate still 0%”. You even have to throw your “best friends with Srinath” (who has been basically free since 2018) under the bus (i.e. negate his success) to maintain this fantastical proclamation! (See link).
Make no mistake – [Richard]: “Being actual is here to stay. The words and writings of both an actual and a virtual freedom from the human condition – be they spoken, printed or in pixels are now stored away in brain cells, on bookshelves and hard drives/ tapes/ CD’s/ DVD’s all around the globe.” (link, tooltip after “here to stay”).
You can stop making a fool of yourself, you cannot change what is happening all around the globe. And what is more significant, you cannot make unseen what you have, albeit dimly, seen for yourself as being a fact – actualism had some beneficial impact on your life – else you would not say –
Bub: AF was wonderful for me, because it kickstarted me on a new journey and clarified certain basic ideals I should strive for mainly appreciating and enjoying this moment of being alive AND being happy and harmless (and then use 200 or so words to try to negate it) (link)
Bub: Let me having my little bit of actualism that is fantastic for me. (link)
So, it is not easy once you have seen a fact to make it unseen. You may be putting it aside but it will stay in your memory as a fact and spoil the full-hearted belief in new-age spiritual pursuits which are made of imagination, illusion and delusion. Something is missing in the original certitude of your beliefs, you know now as a fact that there is an alternative which is actual. Here you come close to recognizing what is happening to you …
Bub: I saw the responses from a couple of hours ago and felt a deep sadness—beautiful and deep. It reminded me of a best friend speaking to me about her physically abusive partner. We have a heartfelt conversation, and I think she’s ready to walk away, only for her to decide she’s going back, convinced it will be different this time. We both know he’s selling her a fantasy that will never come true, and the cycle will continue.
When I reflected on why the Morphogenetic intelligence put this in front of me, I saw a familiar theme—people unwilling to see an obvious lesson, reflect, grow, or change. (link)
… but then you quickly turn away from the mirror and blame it on “Morphogenetic intelligence” instead of looking at what you yourself are doing for the sake of staying within the ‘safety’ of the herd. Ah, the human condition is so predictable sometimes.
You may have chickened out for now, but that does not mean you will run away forever. Actuality doesn’t need numbers to prove that it is actual, and the same is the case with facts. Deep down there is now a doubt in your beliefs of new-age claptrap that “communicating with them [my feelings] has been one the most beautiful and enriching experiences of my life”. … “And I could never ever dream of getting rid of this wisdom.” (link)
Let us know when this self-centred listening to the wisdom of your feelings stops working for you and you are ready to genuinely try out something which is actual, and you are ready to sincerely(*) want to learn how the actualism method works when one reads it with both eyes open.
(*)sincere – The word ‘sincere’ can be traced back to the Latin sincerus, meaning ‘whole’ or ‘pure’ or ‘sound’, and which is arguably derived from the roots ‘sin-’ (one) and ‘crescere’ (to grow) in that the Latin ‘sincerus’ originally referred to a plant which was of pure stock – not a mixture or hybrid – and thus came to mean anything which was genuine (as in ‘true’ or ‘correct’) and not falsified, adulterated, contaminated.
Sincerity is to be in accord with the fact/ being aligned with factuality/ staying true to facticity (as in being authentic/ guileless, genuine/ artless, straightforward/ ingenuous).
In the meantime … congé.
Cheers Vineeto