Milito’s Journal

That sounds great man. Go for it! The thinner ‘you’ get the more the already always existing perfect purity becomes apparent. It becomes irresistible and ever more thrilling. Then before you know it puff you’re gone.



I hope this makes sense: when I would have PCEs previously, it was as if the perception point that I was was so clogged for so long that all the purity and perfection that surrounded would come flooding into it. This meant that I was able to locate myself as centre i.e. being a particular perception point (my sensory apparatus). I think this is also why PCEs can so easily devolve into ASCs because of the very ill informed and not yet well seasoned ‘I’ in abeyance pouncing on the opportunity, “oh wow I am the centre of the universe!” But when you start seeing it for what it is, and the more it happens (you get used to it after various ‘test drives’), the less you can locate yourself as a centre.

For example this glorious morning, I got straight out of bed to go for a stroll. As I opened the door the street, the sky, the houses in front of me were so extremely vivid and apparent. All those things were where I was, which was here. In the absence of any feeling of separation, I cannot locate myself as centre. You can get a tape measure and measure the distance for practical purposes but I don’t feel that distance affectively. It is so cool. And I hope that makes sense (I am as far from scholarly as you can get so yeah…)


I agree with you about pure intent being actually existing and forgive me if I’m not following you but this started with my curiousity surrounding the event where one second Richard could sense Vineeto existentially then the next he couldn’t. That is why the question was posed, what is it he was sensing one instant, then no longer able to sense the next?

Could it be that the abdication of the guardian was the elimination of the last vestiges of any perceivable ‘presence’ in Vineeto? If so, then the question arises: Richard cannot feel vibes. So what is the non-affective content of presence? I dunno I thought it might be the sum total of all the social mores and psittacisms


Sounds great, and it sounds like congratulations are in order! There’s only one thing that makes me wonder if this is the final death of ‘you’ rather than a long-lasting PCE. Was there a moment when you consciously, voluntarily decided to ‘die’ for this? Or did it simply happen as the culmination of everything you have been doing up to now?

Even if there was no conscious, voluntary ‘death’, I’m in no way suggesting that this isn’t final, it’s just that we don’t have many precedents to go by, and my understanding was that it required a voluntary ‘death’ that feels as real as ‘my’ existence has always felt. Perhaps I’m mistaken and that assumption has already been superseded, or it has been now :smiley:


Right I was thinking the same thing, who’s to say that at certain point identities will not begin popping off into oblivion without the conscious voluntary ‘death’. Or maybe ‘I’ am looking for ways to cheat self immolation :joy:

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Paul Paul Paul my man! I have been reading your posts and I have to say you have a knack for saying the right things (at the right time too!).


The answer is yes. It was the moment of sheer thrill with the scary tattooed latina lady (gosh she deserves a hug and a half :rofl:) I’ve asked myself this question many times these days, it is exciting to see you pose it and give me the opportunity to answer, and yes it was that moment. Right after the thought ‘alright, it’s time to go’ there was laughter followed by stillness, purity and warmth. That was Monday it is now Thursday and perfection, perfection, perfection. Will keep you guys posted.

“Be kind to yourself – one needs all the help one can get and who is the best person to help you if not you yourself? Who else is going to do it? Only you can live your life, nobody else can do the living of it for you. It is really good to become friendly with yourself, to get to know yourself, to enjoy yourself … and for goodness sake, stop berating yourself!”


Man, this is great news!!! So it’s both a culmination of everything you’ve done up to now, all the things you’ve learned and left behind up to now, and it’s also a decisive, final moment, BUT that moment can come any time, out of the blue, triggered by an everyday event. It doesn’t have to be a dramatically staged deathbed scene. Haha, you’ve spared me some dramas :laughing:

Congratulations, this is fantastic news!! The only remaining question that still troubles me is… where was she from?? :thinking:


Hahaha Paul you’ve done it again :rofl:

I don’t know! And what’s worse is that was the last session of term. They will return in two weeks and it isn’t guaranteed that my daughter will be with the same group.

The leads I’ve got are that she was of tanned complexion and was using the pronoun of the second person singular “vos” instead of “tu”. The accent was not Argentine, Chilean or Colombian (biggest Latin American migrant groups here). My best bet is that she was from El Salvador as they use “vos” as well, are also a large Latin American migrant group here and she didn’t have the above mentioned accents.

We shall see!


Wonderful news and congratulations! Also curious did you ever meet any actually free people like Richard or Vineeto?


Thank you very much and no! Never.

Guys this is sooo cool.

There is no rudeness anywhere. People that previously would have been perceived as rude are a delight to deal with! I’ve been missing out on so much fun with such people. The difference between their manners and those of “nice” or “kind” people is akin to the difference between heavy metal music and say elevator chill music.

It’s all awesome.



Congratulations Milito, I am very glad for you and for our community trying to “becoming free from this madness, called Human Condition”.

Could you please talk some about your “doing the method” in the past few months; what did you do for enjoying and appreciating, how much time you spent, what was your focus and any helpful details that you may think of is appreciated.

Again I am so happy for you!


Kheili mamnoon Frank jane aziz

To begin with, I fully endorse the method as it is described on the AFT. I do not think at all that there is anything to add or subtract to/from it.

Also I can say with the utmost confidence that I as ‘doer’ has been extinct since 2016. So I have not been ‘doing’ anything as such. I have been busy however BEING every single motha-effin’ feeling while simultaneously having the goal of living the PCE 24/7 for the rest of my life on my mind. The clarity of the goal increased as feelings diminished and feelings diminished by not repressing nor reacting to them (something very difficult to do while in the thick of it but totally worth it. Also don’t ever beat yourself up! You have all the time in the world!). As the ‘beer’ (cheers mate :beer: ) it has just been the most fascinating and thrilling unravelling/undoing/withering away/.

So do until you are. Then be until you aren’t :smiley: :smiley:

  • Attentiveness (which becomes autopilot after constantly asking HAIETMOBA)

  • Sensuousness

  • Apperceptiveness

Attentiveness And Sensuousness And Apperceptiveness (

The day finally dawned where the definitive moment of being there, right then, conclusively arrived; something irrevocable took place and every thing and every body and every event was different, somehow, although the same physically; something immutable occurred and every thing and every body and every event was all-of-a-sudden undeniably actual, in and of itself, as a fact; something irreversible happened and an immaculate perfection and a pristine purity permeated every thing and every body and every event; something had changed forever, although it was as if nothing had happened, except that the entire world was a magical fairytale-like playground full of incredible gladness and a delight which was never-ending.

(Yes I pasted a Richard quote into Chat GPT then asked it to rewrite it all in the past tense :joy: hahaha)

Ain’t life grand!

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Milito jan, tashakorre faravan .

You could say that you got the best “Norooz” ( Farsi Speaking New Year, which is the 1st day of Spring ) gift that one could ever wish for :joy: .

Your response is appreciated very much. Could you please explain more as to what you mean by: " I can say with the utmost confidence that I as ‘doer’ has been extinct since 2016. So I have not been ‘doing’ anything as such. "

Eydet ( each moment again ) Mobarak Milito Jan.


This is some really inspiring cool news…Congrats !

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Just some further reflections/observations/thoughts

  • Actually free people are channels of pure intent.

  • The forum can be said to be a success (and bear in mind my engagement with it has been relatively minimal). It has been a great engagement tool. It’s another something in your toolkit to keep you on track.

  • I can stare at the sun. Sensitivity to light may have been affective. And please don’t try this and blind yourselves. The healing of a bruise from a whack on the shin from last Sunday’s futsal match has been sheer delight.

  • The actually free are like ghost busters. People’s vibes (the psychic emission of who they are: parasitic entities residing in a flesh and blood human body) seem to get sucked in by a conscious flesh and blood human sans the identity’s purity. Much like when an individual not expressing nor repressing an emotion puts the emotion in a bind, so are vibes put in a bind/vacuumed when they are near/confronting a human sans the affective faculty.

  • Going very very long periods without eating. Sleeping much less. No hunger or fatigue whatsoever.

  • Came up with a funny (cos I say it is) smart ass solution to the ‘actualist I love you response dilemma’. When my daughter, son, wife, etc. tell me they love me I respond “I more than love you”. And of course I more than love them for I actually see them, I actually hear them, I actually feel them, I actually smell them, I actually taste th… her (my wife, silly). Love is worth less than actual intimacy’s pinky toe nail clipping.


“I more than love you”…this is genius :grin:


Estuve entrando poco al foro desde hace varios meses debido a que se me ha roto un nuevo disco lumbar y… de pronto me encuentro con que VOS te liberaste, @milito.paz? (Aunque tal vez pienses “No sé a quién se dirige Miguel: no hay ningún ‘VOS’ aquí…” :smile:)

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Ole ole ole ole Migueeeel Migueeeel

Che te dije que hasta los Maradonianos pueden ser libres! Bueno no me acuerdo haberte dicho eso pero pasó igual eh???

Una alegria leerte. La verdad me preguntaba “y donde carajo están los likes de Miguel? Se resintió?” Jajaja jokes jokes

Bueno loko que te mejores pronto y que la recuperación sea lo más rápida y sin complicaciones posible

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Awesome, I’m really enjoying these posts @milito.paz, What I find fascinating is the uniqueness/originality that each actually free individual demonstrates time and time again, it really comes through in your writing. It’s the complete opposite of being some enlightened master.