
Chatting with @Kiman , and realising I was being preachy, then thinking “how can I be more helpful?” lead me to talking about coming from a religious background and automatically looking for the rules.

Rules are everywhere in religion.

Funnily, after posting my tongue in cheek list of rules, I realised how relevant it was for the very thing I was journalling about; my relationship to my ex and women in general.

It unlocked something further to the previous insights into my mother.

She is a life long, very devout Christian. Follows the rules to a tee. Smiling, loving, extremely generous, kind to everyone. Went through hell being the perfect wife to a very imperfect husband.

Then it clicked. I keep circling back to thinking about my recent ex because she didn’t follow “the rules”.

Infact, it’s a summary of all my relationships. I expect the woman to essentially be like my mother, following very definite ways of behaviour; the classic Christian virtues of faithfulness, kindness, generosity, unselfishness et al.

However, the dark side is, I followed a mixed path. Without a father fulfilling his equivalent set of rules, I was in a sort of limbo. Experiencing my mother’s piety, whilst witnessing my father’s licentiousness.

I’ve said it before, but I absolutely love this forum!

@Kiman Thanks for posting, and I hope I can be useful to your journey!

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Ironically, it was my “imperfect” father who started me on this journey of seeking.

It was him who dragged the family out of the Anglican church, into the charismatic pentacostal church I did my growing up in.

It was that momentum, of him seeking a better answer, a more direct experience of god, which inexorably, has brought me here.

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As I was pondering more this evening, I had the imagination that my ex is with someone else and is working up the feelings until she can love him.

She is, simply put, deciding to love someone else.

It struck my as funny. It even changed the atmosphere of the room, I got a glimpse of the direct sensation I have had a few times before.

Considering she used to love me, and that did nothing to make me happy, and others before her have loved me, and again it didn’t result in happiness, the thought was instantly there

“I don’t want her love!”

There was zero rancour, sour grapes, or anything like that. It was instantly funny and freeing at the same time.

I saw the silliness of it!

What’s more, it also solved the other rumination that had been going on; she will inevitably get back in contact when love fails, and I was worried about it. I thought it was me wanting validation, and it may be a bit of that, but it was all gone (it seems for now anyway) when that thought occurred.

Of course I can be kind and friendly!

I was holding on to her love for me as if it were something precious. And conversely, holding onto love for her.

As always, I guess this will cycle back around to reveal more.

In related news, despite still being quite sick, I started noticing what may just be “pure intent”.

It like thoughts will pop into my head, and there is this determination which arises before I can think “I should look into that”. A part of me is already one step ahead. Almost like being on one of those moving sidewalks at the airport. There is momentum that isn’t to do with my own commitment directly.

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To be more accurate, the silliness of it was instantly there.

This was there also as a complete thought.

Now I realise it because I no longer have to prove myself worthy of her love.

I described this before, that insights where being sucked up into the male Authority identity. Which, obviously to be “effective” have to be communicated.

In other words, the more I saw recently, the more I wanted to tell her about it.

Why? To be worthy of her love. To prove myself. To get another chance to be loved.

No need to prove anything. Being friendly and kind appears easy now.

Andrew, the realization I came to was about need: I don’t need her love.

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It’s funny I had similar realizations as you guys regarding love. I noticed in my desire for intimacy that love had snuck in. I asked myself “what is it I really want from her?” and the answer was some imaginary meaning in the connection with another. And when meaning is on the line it all becomes very serious. Without it it’s just a fun game to play, where the point is not to win but to have fun. In the words of Celine Dion: “when I was young, I never needed anyone, and making love was just for fun…” :laughing:


I remember you wrote your ex wanted you to chase her… She wanted to play a game with you Andrew. Why didn’t you?

I would chase, from the start. All through it.

And play the authority game, love game, jealousy game, breaking up game,

And even recently, in the last month, I was open to things being back on.

But I wasn’t going to chase, or play a game.

To honesty answer why? It wasn’t leading to more happiness. I certainly, even more so now, have no issues with restarting a relationship, because it always me putting them on a pedestal .

The actualism method is on that pedestal now.

I ended up spending the last 5 hours at the hospital. Throat was extremely worrying. I am home now, it seems I have managed to turn a common cold into an epic drama simply by not looking after myself properly from the start.

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How are you these days? Still being the mysterious European? :rofl:

Nope, I think this is actually habituation of the method happening.

What Richard describes as an “affective awareness”.

Habitual affective awareness, sums it up.

No different from habitually worrying about relationships and Work. My subconscious is starting the habitually monitor mood.

I inserted square brackets, because this is the more accurate statement.

It hasn’t been seen the silliness of wanting some ultimate love. Specifically for me, the ultimate bliss during sex.

The fairy tale union.

It’s been cropping up in my thinking for a while, such as being a “loser” in a game rigged against me.

Kuba asked a good question at that point; does anyone win the game? Was it designed with winners and losers in mind?

Does anyone win the promised of bliss through love?

I think yes. Rarely, and for a short duration. At which point they will want to get that experience back.

In my case the promise of bliss is in the future. Whilst for some it haunts them from the past.

More to go on this one.

You don’t need to withhold expressing anything. If you want to be blunt, be blunt. What good would it be to be here if we had to tip-toe around people’s emotions like we would in real life? If it triggers me, great. If it helps you uncover something, great. No loss at all.

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We both know we are here for the bigger objective. So don’t bother about whether your message is wrapped in flowers or barbs. If any relation is all smiles, roses and rainbows, it will sure raise my suspicion as to the authenticity of the relation. I very much appreciate your engaging with me.

I am very glad to read that @Kiman , I have often thought the same thing, that it’s better to get somewhere in a conversation, than being overly careful trying to be nice.

It did unveil something about my conditioning as a “religious believer” , the fact that I had never seen myself as one!

Also, I really couldn’t do this on my own, not yet anyway.

Without a PCE ( things seem to be happening, but not yet) or a definite pure intent connection, I really have only the commitment. Which is enough to keep going, but doesn’t mean I stay on track.

I can trick myself, go in circles, go backwards, all the time I think I am going forwards!

So the game(s) weren’t fun because they were silly or because they were serious?

Not mysterious just too lazy to be verbose :laughing:


Because they were carbon copy of what Richard talks about when saying a man takes on the role of Authority, and the woman takes on the role of Love.

It’s not fun being an Authority without knowing, or being Love without capacity.

In short, no fun.

We did have fun, but for my part, that game of roles was too powerful, and too incomplete anyway.

There is an ongoing grieving in me. Nothing strong, just the usual feeling of having messed up a well meant endeavour.

The challenge for me is to have fun on my own.

@cross.chrono s post really helped me see the conditioning in me of needing permission from others, and the company of others, to be happy and have fun.

I am planning doing some paintings. I have something in mind.

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Well, stop sucking your thumb and get typing!! :rofl::yum: