The perpetual music thread

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Been having a blast listening to this! Thanks to Saltburn.

The last line of this song really got me when he sang it at woodstock and it still gets me now: “I can almost hear the whistle of a hydrogen guided missile.” Of course by now that has escalated even further to a nuclear missile.

Leila and Frank tarjomeh please for our friends
If only the esoteric folk had the anchor of “be the senses”/sensuosity :blush:

EDIT: 180 degrees opposite means towards sensing away from feeling. You can turn any vehicle you are driving or riding around 180 degrees and drive/ride that way. When the scenery starts to get so good you can’t handle it anymore you can step out/off the vehicle and start running! Then you can take your shoes off and start running barefoot!!! Then you are no longer running away from or towards anything! You are free!!!

You don’t even need to understand the lyrics :ok_hand:


Dudes you do not need psychedelics. I have a secret I am making public for the first time ever. Put some really good earphones on, go to YouTube and watch “Oops I Did It Again” official video on 0.25x. Paranirvana is 48% (pretty decent chance) likely if viewed from beginning to end without stopping. Good luck!

What are you waiting for? DO IT :anatomical_heart:

“Now a shift in seeing had occurred, and looking at the people around me, I noticed that the distance between me and others had miraculously vanished. Not only between me and other people but equally between me and the trees, me and the houses on the boulevard, even between me and the ocean. Nowhere was there a boundary. Another dimension had taken its place, which I initially experienced as a closeness closer than my own heartbeat, yet it was certainly not love for all or oneness with everything. It was another paradigm than the one in which the opposites play their major role … and to depict it I needed another vocabulary than words like distant and close, separation and oneness.”


Actualism theme song :grin::grin:

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No commentary needed

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