The perpetual music thread

This is one of the songs I couldn’t listen to for awhile as it triggered too much sorrow as regards my close friend who died. We both liked this song a lot. It is weird how music can impact sorrow/grief/regret. I still feel that undercurrent of emotions when listening but they have calmed down in intensity.

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“All them women we were pursuing,
Now they want more,
And they deserve it all,
Don’t settle for what ain’t yours.”

Escape one’s fate, and achieve one’s destiny.

That video had me at the edge of my seat!

As did the keyboard guy in the AC/DC cover. The face of that man, having the time of his life. Awesome.

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They do all sorts of funk covers, that’s one of my favourites.

That keyboard player is the man who owns “patreon” the YouTube member program where viewers can pay for more content and support creators.


When my kids were growing up, I had a character I would play called “Monsieur Onionman”. I would go into another room and transform into him. They would beg me every night to call “Mr Onionman”. This is a video I made with my sons ages ago. They are all now giants.


Monsieur François Onionman!
Oh man… this is awesome!
Loving it.

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He was famous for “children’s foot souffle” with “onion soup”. To this day “Mr Onionman” has never admitted that he may also have been their father.

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A lot of work! (in addition to raising them, I mean :smile:)

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Honesty, that wasn’t work. Something about the irreverent attitude Mr Onionman had, his dark culinary tastes, the excitement my sons displayed having this exotic character playing so ridiculously with them, was one of the highlights of those years.

“Absurd” is how most of the human world appears to a child, one big weird and interesting game. It’s not until they really experience that the grown ups are “dead serious” that the fun ends.

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One wonders if axel rose was writing about a PCE in that first verse.


It’s one of those songs of which I can’t/couldn’t quite match the lyrics with the original music… Even less when I listen to versions like that one or like this one: Captain fantastic Sweet child o' mine scene - YouTube

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Yes, the “guns & roses” rock n roll, drugs and groupies ethic, with the we are a “heavy” band projection, is a long way from the lyrics.

I never liked the band itself or anything it stood for. Which is why Cobain/Nirvana appealed so strongly to me, as he was a direct reaction to the “hair metal, misogynistic rock”. Thinking back now, it was Jesus & Cobain working together that extracted me from Christianity.,:rofl:

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Note to self - listen to some thrill-inducers like this once in a while. Nostalgia can really suck and probably keep me trapped in a sorry-go-saga…dunno if it can ever lead to felicity… During my youth as a gamer, this used to be a great thrill-inducer :


Another thrill-inducer :

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My friends say I’m actin’ as wild as a bug

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