Lots of thoughts on this one… It seems a super common issue, some variation of becoming a ‘leaf blowing in the wind’ or a ‘actualist hobo’ or ‘being walked all over’.
It seems to me that these kind of objections to feeling good are primarily a defence mechanism against change, as in if I am to feel good each moment again that represents a change away from ‘normal’ and I just don’t know for sure what that will look like, it’s new territory.
So to counter this fear of the unknown I keep myself right where I am by coming up with these what ifs, which upon closer inspection they all fall apart. Yet this doesn’t seem enough, as in intellectually trying to disprove these what if scenarios still keeps me sitting back in the armchair instead of actually doing something.
Perhaps in some twisted way that is exactly my agenda, that by proposing never ending thought experiments and trying to counter them I can continue to sit back and avoid change (avoid feeling good).
The belief seems that I require the good and the bad feelings in order to function in the world, for motivation, for keeping myself safe, for keeping myself on track etc. That without the good/bad feelings I go off the rails in one way or another. It’s probably quite a stubborn belief because it’s the thrust of ‘humanity’ as a whole, this addiction to the good/bad. This is what life was believed to be all about for thousands of years, what all the ‘wisdom’ centres around, that life is fundamentally a battle between the good and evil.
I also believe in this, that feeling good each moment again come what may will in one way or another send me off the rails, that the good/bad feelings are required.
But it is nice to put this to myself - To really consider the possibility that ALL of that ‘wisdom’ is simply wrong, that indeed nothing untoward will come from committing to feeling good. That there isn’t some cosmic power that will destroy me the second I abandon the good/bad feelings. That the only thing holding me back from enjoyment and appreciation is me, and for no good reason either, only because of belief.
This requires naiveté though, it is such a naive thing to allow, that all of the ‘wisdom’ is just plain wrong, that all of those millions of people across thousands of years were wrong, that all of those reasons I have for not allowing feeling good are completely wrong. And wrong in the sense that there is actually nothing at all stopping me from feeling good and furthermore that there is absolutely no danger/drawback to feeling good each moment again.
The question is how to arrive at this seeing concretely, it seems to me that it must be all about action, as in proving to myself through experience that indeed it is safe to commit to feeling good each moment again. At the same time seeing what all this intellectualising is really all about - keeping myself safe from any change.
So can I allow myself to feel good now despite of X, actually do it, and then can I see that all is still well, and now can I see that X was merely a belief all along? And so on…