Milito’s Journal

Thanks, this is really good to hear.

@cross.chrono , I put the same question to two actually free people a few years ago because I was concerned about how the loss of affectionate bonds would affect relationships with people who aren’t actualists. They both answered that their home lives were much better, not just from their own perspective but from their partner’s as well. One of them read my question to their partner so I could get an unfiltered response, and the response was that I shouldn’t be worried about it. From their prespective it was fine. They understood how it could sound weird and scary but the reality was not like that at all.

I still wonder about it sometimes, but the more happy and harmless I feel, the better it seems to be for everyone. I’ve also seen and felt the effects of not feeling happy and harmless, so that’s not something I need to wonder about any more :laughing:


Haha all the probably hundreds of thousands of words about love on the AFT site, and it all boils down to “ah it’ll be fine don’t worry about it” :smile:

This is something that I can relate to, when I first moved to England from Poland at 13 I spent 5 years at school essentially not speaking a word to anyone other than a yes/no, I also kind of made myself mute. These days I am perfectly functional on the outside but there is still this something not quite right, that same distance/anxiety that you described, as if I have made myself an outsider to everyone for no good reason, I have created a bubble of separation even though I secretly yearn to be able to get close to others. And this ‘getting close to others’ is a simple “Hi, how are you? how are you experiencing life right now?” closeness, the freedom to do this unencumbered.

I remember a PCE I had a couple of years ago where this constant awkwardness/anxiety all of a sudden didn’t exist, I was walking through a city centre and there was an urge to go up to complete strangers and simply talk with them, to experience them, just because they were fellow human beings.

I can see this freedom to experience the other without anything in the way features in a lot of the dreams and fantasies that ‘I’ spin also, it’s a secret desire of mine to be able to live in such a way. It’s cool that this simple desire to get close to the other, even just to ask them where they were from, could be a jumping off point to actual freedom.


It’s also interesting that actual intimacy is a full commitment to this place and this moment, that is the flavour of the closeness, whereas love is an investment into something other than what is here, now - that is the flavour of closeness via love.


Yes yes yes yes yes. This this this :smiley:


Guys, I remember starting a thread ages ago here when I joined about thought in actual freedom. I wanted to know what it would be like to have some kind of benchmark. Well now I’m here I can say it definitely indeed the total opposite of spiritual enlightenment with its disdain for and misplaced blame on thought. This mind, now free of the instinctual passions, is having the effin’ time of its effin’ life. It is running and jumping around like a gleeful child who has just come out of spending what seems to have been an eternity in timeout. It’s so much fun. There is so much clarity to it. It hasn’t lost any of the accumulated information from its days of imprisonment by the parasite that resided in this body not too long ago.

So having said all that here are today’s reflections/observations/thoughts that popped up and got jotted down:

  • A tip I’ve come up with regarding the remembrance of the PCE and a way to get as much out of memories of them as possible is to try and remember specifically how differently you reacted/responded (in all possible ways) to people, places and things that normally would anger/sadden you as well as would stir compassion/lust/avarice in you.

  • Hearing has improved significantly. I’d have to have the volume on bedroom telly on about 8 or 9 to follow a movie or program properly. Now able to follow with utter ease on 5!

  • In actual freedom there is no one that you cannot have a fruitful/enjoyable discussion with. Every time metaphysical terminology is used by someone you are engaging with you can delve into the rabbit hole with the person you are talking to and get down to the fact they are unknowingly referring to and aren’t seeing clearly. You can always bring clarity to any exchange. Absolutely any! It is fun talking to religious folk, political folk, sports folk etc. There are only facts! It is impossible to not be talking about facts. There is only a spectrum ranging from distorted perception of the facts and unmediated perception of the facts.

  • I used to have the habit of when not hearing or understanding someone just nodding or saying “oh yeah” or “right” instead of telling them that I didn’t understand and asking them to repeat/clarify/amplify. I no longer have this habit. I nearly drove a Colombian friend who speaks too fast for me mad by saying “perdón?” a good few times :joy:

  • There was the thought that as the number of arbitrary identities or identifiers increases, there is greater opportunity to argue for the elimination of identity altogether. So all these silly additions isn’t necessarily bad news. Of course, none of this really matters in the long run, but nevertheless… With more identities, each one becomes weaker, potentially making it easier for them to unravel. This appears to have been my situation, as my social identity was highly contradictory and unstable, stemming from a mixed, diverse, and often irreconcilable ethnic, linguistic, religious, non-religious, and political background. Essentially, it’s like applying market dynamics to identity.


Ah nice! I had inklings that this was the case, this is exactly what I was writing about here :

Nice, this is another thing that I can relate to, at some point I noticed this habit and I thought that it is the opposite of caring, that even though it might irritate people to repeat themselves, if I do genuinely care about what they have to say then I cannot just nod away.

This is something that I wondered about also. Specifically what Gen Z did, it seems they took what was a small and rigid handful of available identities and exploded them into hundreds of possible and completely contradictory identifications. No wonder a lot of them are an anxious bunch as none of it can form any kind of coherent whole. But still that intention was there to find another way that is not so rigid, perhaps just misinformed because the answer is not to split identity x1000 but rather to demolish it altogether.


So in actuality there isn’t 2 worlds (the real and the actual). There is the actual world and then there is calenture.


Yeah. I do remember experiencing 2 worlds though… years of going in and out of PCEs.

There is only this infinite and eternal actual physical universe and here it is experiencing itself as a human being


I’m coining a new term. From here, the normal way of being is now Distorted Perception Disorder (DDP) :yum:


PETER: I thought to write to you because my post-actual freedom days have caused me to contemplate on many things (too many at once to have had the time, let alone the opportunity, to come to many conclusions).

I did however pause last night to wonder at the fact that my major pre-actual freedom obsession has continued on unabated, so much so that it is as if becoming free from the human condition was but a passing (albeit absolutely essential) event in what now has the potential to be the start of an epoch far more significant than the transformation of matter into animate matter on this planet – the emergence of (in that it is now proven to be replicable) conscious matter freed of the crude and crippling instinctually-based self-centred brutish survival instincts.

The obsession that I talk about is doing whatever I can to bring about peace on earth amongst my fellow human beings – an obsession that had its roots in my taking up the implicate challenge in Richard’s comment ‘If two people can’t live together in peace and harmony then life on earth is indeed a sick joke’. As you know, the very first woman I presented this challenge to was that remarkable woman called Vineeto and together our writings based upon our shared, lived experiences formed the basis of an individual virtual freedom from malice and sorrow and of a living together in virtual peace and harmony for any couple should they mutually desire it to be so.

Success in this enterprise gradually revealed its limitations to us both – not that I dismiss it lightly because its global-wide application would indeed bring an end to war, murder, rape, torture, persecution, corruption, competition, exploitation and the like that epitomize what is blithely termed the human condition.

The first obvious limitation with such a virtual freedom is that whilst being applicable to individuals and hence couples and to a certain extent to societies at large, it still requires diligence and a certain degree of ‘self’-control in order to sustain and maintain it.

The second limitation that became apparent after our initial quite spectacular successes was that it did not address one of the fundamental desires of human beings – to find a better way of living in peace and harmony with other human beings other than the obviously failed nuclear couple/ nuclear family structure.

So it was that after the initial pioneering work with Vineeto in paving the way for a virtual freedom from malice and sorrow, the desire for finding a better way of living with fellow human beings hove in to view – a natural consequence of having succeeded as far is humanly possible in the first ambition (intent is the necessary driving force such that one is able to achieve one’s ambition thereby making it inevitably one’s destiny). What I have discovered since becoming actually free from the human condition is that the motivation to do whatever I can to bring about peace on earth amongst my fellow human beings still burns within me – not as a burning passion but rather as a physical compulsion, something that literally ‘flows in my veins’ as it were.

When I was contemplating on this, I initially felt this compulsion as being located in the heart rather as one would feel a burning passion. I soon remembered having watched a time-lapse video of the early formation of a foetus and watching the cells magically transform into backbone cells and align themselves such they formed an initial basic structure upon which myriad upon myriad of other similarly transformed specific-purpose cells would eventually arrange themselves over many months until a brand-new, unique, never been seen before human being was ready to emerge from the womb and begin the process of living an independent life. After the rudimentary microscopic backbone was formed, one of the very next cell types to transform from the next cell divisions were heart muscle cells, each one of which twitched such that as they began to collect together they eventually formed a pulsation or beating whole – the beginnings of a human heart, the essential blood pumping organ that gives vitality to a human body.

Hence my description of my compulsion as something that ‘flows in the veins’ as it were, since the heart is a collection of self-articulating cells, the nature of the formation of which is inconceivable even when being so privileged to witnessing it happen. The ‘in my veins’ description more closely describes the only conclusion that I have been able to come up with – it’s in fact my destiny to have this compulsion in that it is what the universe born me to do.

Well, dawn has dawned and it’s time for that particularly delicious first cup of coffee for the day. I see my post to you has moved on from the subject of intent to that of destiny – interesting business writing, as you well know – I never quite know what I am going to write about when I start and certainly never know where it will lead to.

All the best to you …

Cheers … Peter”


:exploding_head: :boom: :exploding_head: :boom: :exploding_head: :boom:

:anatomical_heart:> :heart:


I wanna make a t-shirt of this

:anatomical_heart:> :heart:


The SMS version of this will be “I :anatomical_heart:you”



Hi milito, congratulations on your breakthrough, very inspiring stuff :raised_hands:. I see you’re on a roll here with answering questions (and with having a damn good time in general) so I wanted to take opportunity to ask you about your experience with pure intent, how did it / still is manifest in your journey …


It’s lovely comparing notes with you man. You know before I was free I’d barely read your posts. It was my arrogance/accumulated resentment. I thought of you as what the Americans would call a “jock” cool type of guy that parties and gets hot chicks and stuff hahahaha. So your posts would almost literally look like a blur to me. Kinda like what happened in some VR social media scenario on Black Mirror (dunno if you’ve seen it).

Now im innocent and fas-cin-ated by you. Once upon a time it would’ve been comforting to see that I wasn’t the only one suffering those things. But from here I’m just like it’s so cool man.

I’ma read everything now! (Eventually :grinning:)

Excited for you man.


Thanks brother!

That’s an easy one:


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This thought just came up:

“Fark man this Milito guy is spamming the forum 24/7 now everyone must think he doesn’t do anything all day”

In the last day alone (it’s a public holiday I do work haha) I have:

  • made brekkie for everyone
  • swept and mopped house
  • done the washing
  • did gardening
  • went for 4 half hour walks
  • invited family friends and dad over for tea/lunch
  • did the washing up
  • got kids ready for bed
  • went for a kick at the park

I’m doing things constantly, spontaneously. And when I’m not it’s an absolute blast too just sitting or lying down…

Come on guys! What are you waiting for! Join me here! I’m no Richard. I’m a synthesis of Richard and Diego Armando Maradona!! VAMOS CARAJO :joy::joy::joy:


Ah that’s awesome haha, yes likewise it’s been super fun to read your reports. Most of the day today I spent kinda pottering around and waiting for the next nugget :grin: Then seeing if there is any parallels I can draw experientially.

I do find it genuinely fascinating to read and contemplate on the experiences of those who are actually free as it is my goal also.

There is something to the originality of the responses that allows me to separate what I have come to believe actual freedom is all about (in the form of some actualist morals etc) vs what the actual condition is like. So there is lots of lightbulb moments coming from these kinds of interactions.

Funnily enough many things I already know but there is doubt, a lack of confidence in my experience. In fact it is exactly what you mentioned earlier about being able to usher someone towards the seeing of a fact when you are actually free.

I remember when speaking with Geoffrey there was something about his matter of fact stating of the things which I already knew :joy: that really did it.

Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say things which were right in front of my face, but somehow in the confusion I was blind to them.


Omg man for me it was the total opposite. Most of the time it was like wtf are these scholars on about hahahaha. I 40% got it before becoming free. But that 40% I knew very … let’s say… solidly


Interestingly enough I do recall those vibes but I can no longer find them, it’s almost as if something disappeared? :thinking::joy: