This is something that I am finding in myself lately, to some degree of course as I’m not actually free (and there is some dispute as to Milito’s claim). But I have noticed that lately it’s as if my mind is becoming free to ‘do it’s thing’, and quite marvellously too.
It’s like ‘problems’ are now these areas where the mind can be directed towards and wondrously come up with novel solutions. It’s really quite amazing to experience this, and this is happening with things related to work and security, things that would usually be ridden with thick and gloomy emotions or many confusing beliefs clashing etc.
Whereas now it’s like the mind is this super cool gadget that has an absolute blast coming up with solutions to problems, and the whole thing is not experienced as a chore, it’s actually so much fun. Things only become ‘real problems’ when ‘I’ step into the picture and turn the fun game into a battle for survival.