Leila's translation translated back into English by GoogleTranslate

There can be a lot of strangeness that comes with clarity, essentially seeing many things for the first time

Take your time & remember to get back to feeling good!

The path of actualism is full of surprises :raised_hands:t2:

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Appreciate it henryyyy .

I try to remember to get back to feeling good .

It is very strange , my hands are very small , but it looked actually very big .

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Your report reminds me of this from an audio-taped dialogue, I think it is with Peter:

Q(1): And I remember that it was very much to do with … like looking at my hand and realising this is the hand of a human being – and a human being obviously lives on this planet. And I could see it like a claw … I could see ‘chicken-skin’ … and also that it was getting old … that this was the end of a 49-year old man … and that’s it.

R: I can relate to that from seventeen years ago when I first started getting into all this. I too looked at my hand, wondering why I had never seen my before – it had a stark quality to it. Stark is a good word but it unfortunately has negative connotations – for it was seeing stark reality for the first time. I remember being fascinated, despite my qualms, and then one day it shifted through to an actuality in which the magical qualities of the intimacy of directly experiencing the actualness of my hand became apparent.

For my part I have experienced some strangenesses around seeing the faces of others with startling clarity, realizing that I had been ‘pasting over’ a face, where their actual face was far more strange & interesting looking

Or I had another experience (an ASC) in which my sense of scale was completely different, I experienced myself as a giant.

It’s encouraging that these experiences are happening, it means something is moving.


Oh , henryyy , how do you find these ?

this is exactly what i experienced ." The chicken- skin “and " like a claw”

You are geneious . i feel like you are a computer or something .you are fast and incredible . :smiley:


Question :

henrryy as you said you had َ ASC :

how to recognize it ؟

is this something that happens to everyone ؟

and how to be aware of it so that we don’t go that way ?

even though i read a lot of this subject on AF , but i don’t understand it …

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It’s a catch-all term for any kind of weird experience that still contains ‘being’

PCEs are typically pretty obvious and have some in-common characteristics that you can watch for such as perfection, lack of ‘self,’ quietness/calm in the mind, sensory acuity, lack of affect

So if you have any kind of strange experience / altered state that doesn’t match the description of PCEs, it could be described as an ASC

Maybe where it’s tricky is when you have an excellence experience (EE) or intimacy experience (IE) where ‘being’ is still present, but thinned out, it’s not a PCE but even in those experiences some surprising things can be observed. I think they would be described as ASCs, but they are ASCs that are very similar to PCE.

I’d guess that that’s the sort of experience you had looking at your hand earlier.

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Thank you henryyyyyyy, that is very helpful and reassuring :slight_smile:

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Appreciated henry

finally i got to understand ASCs = strange experiences = that does not match the description of PCEs .

many many thanks henry

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I like to know what problem or what kind of notes ,the feeling being Geoffrey and Srinath had written before they actually become free …

I know that the notes were their particular situation , but i am actually very curious …

I m anticipating someone that their name stars with C… :smiley:
will come and say : " how is that gonna help you Eaatmoba… :innocent: :joy:

Nothing wrong with being curious like that IMO. it’s good for people to get engaged with the material, to believe it’s possible, to get an idea of the process etc.

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Thank you Felix …

i dont want to wait ( VF) 12 years or so to become actually free like veenito .

i have heard ,( but dont know if it is correct ) Geoffry and srinath after 2

or 3 years of applying the method had become actually free .

how come this process was fast for these two ?

By the way @Felix thank you for opening this page for me …eventhogh i

was cursing at you the first day :smiley: , but by doing that

you really helped me in this path…many thanks :pray:

Hi Leila. I would say roughly 5 years for me give or take. It’s highly individual. It takes as long as ‘you’ want it to take :slightly_smiling_face:

All my old feeling being writings should still be up on Slack i.e. prior to 3/11/2018 - the day I became actually free. Actually we’re going through a free trial period on Slack where the entire archive is accessible, so feel free to have a look if you have a login. It might be confusing though as my views were all over the place!

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Oh really! :slight_smile: How long is the trial left @Srinath? Much easier to access the archive on slack itself.

I’m just going to filter to you and Geoffrey and Craig and copy paste it all lol.


Appreciate it Srinath :pray: :heartpulse:

Today I went for my afternoon walk , and realized i am not feeling good as usual (which is my afternoon moods , rarely i feel good around this time )

so i decided to come back home and as i was walking fast to get

home , i remembered henrrry saying : "remember to get back to feeling

good ! " and the other thing he mentioned that by making his body

comfortable he could get back to feeling good ,so i started to walk very

very slowly in a relax way , and as i was noticing my feeling,

i immediately got back to feeling good. it was like i came from zero to 10 . and it was really easy .thank you henrrry …

I feel like there is a magic or something like that in here ,in this actualism discuss . it is like all of you guys actually free and just pretend that you are not ,the way you respond and care is unbelievable…
How lucky we are…


Felix can you do that please ? and copy paste them here ?? :pray:

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i dont know what that means …i want this to happen soon ,so what should i do besides enjoying and appreciating this moment of being alive ?

Want it more than anything you’ve ever wanted!

Investigate any and everything in the way!

Do everything you can to have / remember PCEs!

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Thank you henryyy .

maybe my problem is ‘Under’ investigation .

and as Srinath said : Not being aware of your emotional landscape can make you a sitting duck for recurrent negative emotional states.

I guess i have to start investigate my feelings …
the first step is to ask my self " : why i am not feeling good ? " as Srinath has said it .

the investigation is the most hardest part .


The activity of attentiveness reminds one of why one is doing this: in actualism, one puts one’s attention on being here … now .
When feelings cause one’s awareness to wander from actualism’s focus, it is attentiveness that reminds one that one’s mind is being manipulated … and why one is doing this happening called being alive.

If one is not in virtual freedom, one’s focus will be just a straight-forward application of matter-of-fact attention itself, just a simple noticing of whatever comes up without getting possessively involved: ‘Ah, this feeling … what is it … where is it … where did it come from … what is it made up of … what is it connected to …?’.

Virtual freedom re-establishes itself easily by the attentiveness that it has not been current. As soon as one is aware that one has not been attentive then one is experiencing sensuousness in virtual freedom … and thence: Apperceptiveness.

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