So writing in @henryyyyyyyyyy’s journal this morning has prompted me to write about something very similar that has shifted recently for me.
This shift is of a very significant part of my identity that seems to be falling apart lately - about time! Some words to describe this me is - scared, unsure, insecure.
It is always so weird when a belief falls away because from that point of clarity it is so obvious, it is so clear that this is what was in the way this whole time. Yet when this belief was in place it was ‘hidden in plain sight’, it was right there this whole time but I could not see it for the belief that it was, until of course it was seen which automatically lead to it crumbling away. It seems that for any part of the identity it will only fall away when somehow I allow it to happen, otherwise no amount of information will ever reveal it, this is such a peculiar feature of the identity, this weird ability to maintain itself in the face of facts even for one who is actively trying to expose themselves.
It is like the second that the spotlight is focused on a spot that this belief was occupying, it has already morphed itself into something else, it also seems to pervert intelligence in a way where any seeing is already happening with the belief taken as something cemented into reality, therefore any questioning of its facticity is somewhat limited, because the belief is already established as a truth, it is actually quite fascinating to see this in operation.
The way I see this is that I am looking forward ahead of me, trying to suss out what is going on, meanwhile there is this enormous shadow that is behind me which is already perverting the seeing, yet I only know how to look in front.
Very bizarre! and it seems only with the benefit of hindsight (once the belief disappears) I can see that this is what was happening this whole time, it was impossible to see this in operation whilst the belief was there.
In terms of more specifics about what this part of me was all about - it was this very deeply ingrained insecurity about living in general, this overarching sense of being afraid to stand on my own two feet, feeling fundamentally incapable of existing in the world without the support of others, also feeling that I am intrinsically incapable of ever ‘sitting with the big boys’, like I lack the full deck of cards required to play the game of humanity.
This fundamental insecurity expressed itself in so many different ways it is too much to list them all but it really did have a vast reach. In fact seeing this whole thing for what it is was not such much like a single belief being exposed but more like this whole umbrella of fear that I have been operating under all of a sudden beginning to be lifted - revealing the freedom that is available without it.
What I also see now is all the compensatory actions I was doing as a response to essentially being afraid, so very afraid. Becoming a perfectionist, being a good person, seeking to please the group/authority, seeking to amass authority myself and more - these were the ways I was trying to create a solve for this deep overarching insecurity.
What I also see now is that none of this is required when I am standing on my own two feet. This standing on my own two feet is not so much about whether I own a house, car and business but rather it is psychologically/psychically stepping out of the group.