Kub933's Journal


Yes, it’s making a huge difference to regard that commitment as ironclad, without considering there is any failure as long as that is continually remembered.

A single stake in the ground, and a tether to it. One can pull oneself back to it when I am searching in the rubble.

It’s working in my everyday thinking. I let myself think whatever I want, but immediately notice when I am wandering off into the same old useless areas. Usually one-sided things about the ex at the moment.

As soon as I do that, just get back to that “stake in the ground” I remember that I have already seen the way to feel good “come what may” regarding that aspect of the situation.

I was thinking just now that in lieu, temporarily, of pure intent (the actual kind, palpable) this is working a treat.

It’s like I just came across Actualism a few days ago, happened to read that single phrase, and went from there.