Kub933's Journal

Kuba: What the universe is is perfection and purity but this perfection and purity can only “do human things” as a human being. So this is what is at stake, not the universe itself, that’s like trying to save a rock.
It is the fact that as a human being this perfection and purity can be aware of itself, this is what is so very precious, this is what is at stake and this is unique to human beings only.
So although as a flesh and blood body I am this very universe there is something unique there, in that only as a flesh and blood body is the universe aware of itself! (link)

Yes. “What is at stake” here is the universe being able to be apperceptively aware of its own infinitude as unmediated human consciousness, and this is truly wonderful.

Here is my favourite piece of Richard’s Journal, I just couldn’t resist to post it again – it bring tears of appreciation to my eyes each time I read it –

When one lives the magical perfection of this purity twenty-four-hours-a-day; when one has ceased being ‘I’ and is being genuine, one can see clearly that there is no separation between me and that something which is precious. The purity of life emerges from the perfection that wells up constantly due to an immense stillness which is utterly immense in its scope and magnitude. This stillness of infinitude is that something which is precious. It is the life-giving foundation of all that is apparent. This stillness happens as me. This stillness is my essential disposition, for it is the principle character, the intrinsic basis of everything. It is this universe at its genesis. It is not, as it might commonly be supposed, at the centre of everything … there is no centre here. This stillness, which is everywhere all at once, is the be all and end all of life itself. I am the universe experiencing itself as a sensate, reflective human being. (Richard’s Journal, 1997, Article Twenty-Five)

Kuba: Hehe yes that seems a good idea, ‘I’ instead decided to mourn ‘my’ meaningless existence (link)

“meaningless existence”, my foot! lol.
Cheers Vineeto