Kub933's Journal

Reading my own post back I finally see it! That the universe does not have human qualities, this anthropomorphism is so common that it always happens on some level it seems. Of course the universe cannot care or not care. How silly to treat the universe as if a human and then apportion blame or praise… That is like getting pissed off at a rock for being uncaring :laughing:

What the universe is is perfection and purity but this perfection and purity can only “do human things” as a human being. So this is what is at stake, not the universe itself, that’s like trying to save a rock.

It is the fact that as a human being this perfection and purity can be aware of itself, this is what is so very precious, this is what is at stake and this is unique to human beings only.

So although as a flesh and blood body I am this very universe there is something unique there, in that only as a flesh and blood body is the universe aware of itself!