Journal de Henry

What I have found is that I always thought I had something to lose by being loose & happy (blithe :grin:). That I would ‘say the wrong thing,’ get kicked out of the group, and be sitting there in the rain, an orphan of humanity with dirt on my face. Yet in actuality there is no group… there is always someone who is delighted to see a happy & harmless person. Some people will think I’m weird, but it’s not a good enough reason to live a life of tightness.

Part of what’s been giving me great momentum this week has been awareness of death. How can I live in a cage when all this ends one day? I must go!

If this blitheness means risking it all, then so be it. I already know what it is to live in fear

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Superb points @henryyyyyyyyyy

The more I’ve examined my previous relationship, it’s become more and more clear that we had to break up under the circumstances, it really was the best thing to do.

Which means that all my narratives of heartbreak & betrayal were meaningless

Which means that my entire year of feeling bad were based on false premeses, it’s just that ‘I’ instinctively felt bad because of what the situation looked like on the surface

The funny thing was that before she left me, I had been considered breaking things off with her. It was only when she started looking like leaving that it seemed so important to hang on. Is that cruel, or what? ‘Being’ is not my friend at all.

I’m glad to be where I am, in that sense it’s all worked out.

Now I’m starting to ‘fall’ for another girl, and all I want is to do as well as I can in every facet of things. Intimacy, any rejection that occurs, any aloneness that occurs, any disagreements that occur.


Hehe similar to me with first girlfriend. I was sort of not really invested in the relationship, afraid of intimacy and to really develop it. It was long distance near the end and I even remember not wanting to visit more often cause of the travel to get there.

Then she broke it off with me and I instantly felt this depth of despair and of “I would do anything for her!!! Anything to rescue this relationship!!!”

I couldn’t avoid noticing the extreme swing of it , so I figured the latter feeling couldn’t be genuine (given the earlier more longer lasting prevalent feelings of distancing) so I didn’t pursue it or try to resurrect anything. In hindsight I would say I kept my hands in my pockets :smile:

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A mistake I’ve made previously with a new relationship was thinking that to avoid love I had to sort of hold her at a distance, and the last few days with love on my mind a lot I realized I was going completely the wrong direction. Actual intimacy isn’t a distance, it’s a greater intimacy - it’s a closer appreciation. So I’m immersing myself completely in this situation, including whatever emotions that come up.

2 | 28 | 23

“Let’s all be single”


seducing via personal power (“I am a king / a prince / a god”)

= controlling the other

= inconsiderate

= uncaring

= lack of intimacy

= never closing the distance

= not achieving my destiny

= hierarchical (even if I get what I want, there is still a gap to intimacy caused by the put-down implied by hierarchy)

Part of the euphoria I initially experienced in 2017 was related to my belief that I might be a king / a prince / a god, with all that comes with those titles

And the disappointment following has been persistent

I believed that N + I could be Peter & Vineeto

And we didn’t live up to that

Now we aren’t together, so it’s up to me

I experience it as my failure that N + I didn’t become Peter + Vineeto

I wasn’t ‘good’ enough

= not a good enough king/prince/god

= perhaps I am a failure instead?

and hence the self-disappointment

(as an aside - these titles carry with them assumptions about a person and assumptions about how to act around them / treat them… assumptions which are frequently inaccurate… hence the lack of intimacy which comes with identity / identification)

hierarchy depends on identity

“Who am I?”

The answer is always an identity which fits into a hierarchy with other identities

“it’s so exciting” (pusha T)

= ‘I’ am excited (euphoria), whether via socially mediated signs + symbols or the instinctive response to recognition of significant patterns (symbols)

Every ‘identity’ comes with its emotional signature of responses

What I do with actualism is remove those responses (via removing triggers) & thus remove ‘I’

There are no chains anywhere in the actual world

No identities

The origin of nurture is parent-child relations

Which becomes lover relations

or love in terms of patronage or matronage towards others than one’s own children

Romantic love grew out of the medieval reorientation of power from kings & clergy to the merchant class

No longer was power exclusively limited to a few people

& thus romantic love grew out of a new more diffuse power-relationship dynamic

The postmodern crisis arising out of a lack of clarity in authorities to follow

The individual becomes directionless as identity becomes increasingly complex & internally dissonant

Identity has always been self-contradictory, but the lack of enforcement has made it clear that this is not something that can be blamed on someone or something outside of oneself

It’s me who is enforcing this confusion

Am I a king or a slave?

In a world where anyone can relate to anyone any-way, further with God dead (thanks to Richard), there is no longer any way to ascertain

It becomes increasingly clear that the fakirs are fakers

Along with all the other identities

What can I do to attract this mate?

In the past I have flexed specific identities… the music aficionado… the skater… the poet

I was able to fool them - and myself - for a little while…

There’s nowhere to hide in the end. ‘I’ reveal myself

But this ‘I’ can be happy, harmless, benevolent, blithesome

Can that be enough?

I feel so naked without some ‘me’ to advertise

Can I exist in this nakedness?

There is such a sensuosity to being naked… such an intimacy…

This is where everything is

Including this girl…

Marshall McLuhan’s famous observation “the medium is the message” is never truer than the kaleidoscope of the internet and social media.

The post, post, post modernism of identity is shattered into shards which themselves are imitations of shards.

However, the basics remain exactly the same; Identity, no matter how complicated, refracted, infinitely looping of even more obscure corners, is indeed still an Identity.

I really like your observations about the inconsiderate nature of the god state. Which, is actually very much a universal state which we would otherwise call “entitled”.

However, the god-like state has an immense amount of confidence.

The hack we are being encouraged to use is pure intent, which otherwise channels the otherwise inconsiderate (and often down right maliciously manipulative mini-god) into an imitation of actual consideration> which includes ourselves. As in we become considerate of the body (homo.actualis!) and all others.

The normal aspirations of being “in control” are channelled into being softly and powerfully considerate.

It’s not my observation, it’s Richard’s!

It is interesting transitioning from human confidence to actual confidence, it seems related to sincerity

For the being to sincerely want the best necessitates inquiring with intelligence & the senses

And from there the actual can become apparent

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Again so many similar experiences among us demonstrating the sameness of the self/being.

So many of your descriptions about women were exactly me before being married and having kids.

What @claudiu said about the depth of despair when he split with his first girlfriend, my first proper girlfriend (exc early teens lol) cheated on me but that depth of despair made me maintain the relationship despite the hurt. It was so perverse.

It was nice reading descriptions from PCEs again. I remember the directness of mine, the utter fascination of every tiny rock on the pavement, every blade of grass shimmering in the wind.

What I have noticed about PCEs that devolved back to EEs or just being in EEs then I seem to just get in these flows of being way funnier than normal. It is like the absurdity of the human condition is so apparent and I laugh more and more deeply to the gut laugh level. It is like I am not afraid to say what comes to mind.


3 | 4 | 23

I’ve been following feelings of limerence toward a girl I play soccer with to their very end as twofold means toward greater sincerity - that is indeed how I am feeling - and motivation toward having the best possible outcome. There’s a huge well of tender feelings toward her, I don’t just want to take advantage of her, I want for her to be happy - and that means it’s in everyone’s interest to sort out all of this and go into everything with the greatest sincerity & near-innocence possible.

For the last few weeks she wasn’t at the weekly soccer game I’d normally see her at, which meant a funny few instances of built up tension followed by “oh… she isn’t here anyway lol.” This in itself has been instructive as it’s reminded me how much narrative-building happens when actual situations & outcomes are often a surprise and turn out completely differently.

This week though she did show up, and what was immediately apparent was my lack of relaxation toward her, I found myself simultaneously wanting to look at her and not look at her too much, and analyzing her every move. It seemed she was less interested in interacting with me than she was the last time, whether that is any indication of any feelings toward me, or is just reflective of her mood this week, or pure coincidence I have no idea. What I’m certain of is my own feeling of tension.

It became especially apparent when I found myself talking with another player and I could see how easy it was, I just introduced myself, we talked about this & that, and went on our way. That’s how I want it to be. It feels hard to get there right now but I know it’s possible.

A lot of what I’ve been realizing in intensively investigating this lately has been how deeply this wanting to be loved comes out of insecurity and leads to a need to control. I find myself wanting a specific outcome and in wanting that outcome what I do is try to set things up for her to like me, which is manipulation in action.

I’m aiming toward directing that energy toward happiness & harmlessness… ‘I’ will always try to control, but what I can do is use that control toward wanting to investigate what there is to investigate, and become more and more happy & harmless.

I’ve been dropping more and more things that I normally reach for for ‘entertainment’ as I’ve been prioritizing investigation over all other things, and in that I’ve been paid back with some dazzling realizations and experinces of purity where before there had been heartache

It’s more obvious than ever the degree of my insecurity as I’ve shone a light on myself. The light partly consists of seeing: maybe something can work out. I don’t know the future. Maybe things can be really good. And that ‘maybe’ has been making it worth it to me to try. To dig into some things that have been too uncomfortable for a long time. Things that I’ve been avoiding.

It’s pretty convenient that I see her at soccer because that’s been one of the main avenues I’ve used for investigation over the years. I’ve learned a lot about my feelings of competitiveness, and have had a lot of success in relaxing and having a purely fun time in that context. That association almost seems perfectly fated in this situation… I’m in the perfect context to have success, because I’ve already done it. There are other factors at play now, but I know how to be happy & harmless at soccer.

I think my strategy of being happy & harmless & seeing what comes of that can’t go wrong because if that’s how I am and she isn’t attracted, it’s for the best anyway. My interest in her isn’t as significant if that’s the case. I’ve seen that happen with other girls already.

But I have to get there.

I’ve been surprised by how many disparate parts of my identity have been drawn into this investigation. I’ve found that a lot of my insecurity comes from the (seemingly) different area of work, because I’m not completely comfortable in my work & economic identities. This has come up in a couple of previous romantic dynamics, and so I’m anticipating that it’ll be an issue for her. It contributes to a sense of insecurity in how I relate to her. It’s really fascinating how these connections happen.

I reminded myself that she doesn’t necessarily have those beliefs, I have dated others who it’s not that much of an issue for. But it has also spurred me to figure it out just to figure it out. It’s obvious that it troubles me.

A lot of my deeper processing right now happens in bed, I’ll open up some topic that I know I’m having trouble with or has a lot of energy and let the feeling loose. And then once it’s operating, just watch it until I start to see it as a feeling and nothing more. Once this happens, I see that I don’t have to keep feeling it anymore. It’s like I’ve disconnected it from the initial belief, it’s a floating emotion, and it has no reason to continue.

Once it’s ended, the trigger itself has either ended also or is significantly weaker.

The most challenging part of this process is not being carried along by narratives and avoiding the issue itself… I have to be interested enough and fearless enough to look it right in the face. Every time, it feels important and scary until that moment that once again, it’s just a floating emotion. Floating fear, or floating insecurity, or floating anger.

It’s a lot easier for me to do at this point with the bigger and more negative emotions, but maybe I can experiment with some of the more suble things and see if I can do the same thing. I’ve also only really been able to do it in bed with my eyes closed, it’s like being other places is too distracting. But again, something I can practice and see if I can improve.

This is random and a completely different topic but I noticed today that I’ve always had some issue going on. On a particular day it sort of feels like that issue is really big and important and has always been important like that, but it really hasn’t been. Last month I was worried about a completely different girl and a completely different situation, the month before that I was worried about a totally different angle and a totally different issue, and on and on. The issues don’t change, but what has been relatively consistent has been the emotional tone to the fears.

I am happy to say I’ve been trending in a happier and more harmless direction… I can remember being so enmeshed in bad feelings a few years back, to where I could hardly move. That doesn’t happen often anymore.

But it is funny. These things seem so important, and then they’re just not… usually because I’m worried about something else! There’s just this worry slot that insists on being filled with something.

But I clearly survive just fine without taking care of every single worry. When a new worry comes in, the previous thing apparently doesn’t matter… it’s taken care of. So obviously it doesn’t matter.

The irony of all this girl concern, too, is that some of the happiest periods of my life I wasn’t dating anyone at all. I’ve also been happy with people. It’s not really a necessity. It’s just this instinctive drive that happens when I see the right person.

I’ve had a couple glimpses of real purity earlier. One of them when I’d just woken up from a nap. I’m still in the afterglow of that.

If I do date someone again, that’s who I want to be with them. And that starts tonight, and continues tomorrow, and just goes on and on. Every part of life is connected in me.

I had this thought a couple days ago that she’s out there somewhere, right now. Physically out there. Somehow that’s hard for my narrative-brain to comprehend, it sort of breaks it in a way that’s really delightful. I have no idea what she’s doing. I don’t even know if she’s alive or dead. And in a way I’m in her company already, even if we’re dating or not, who cares? What I want is to enjoy her company, and for her to enjoy mine. Any relationship doesn’t matter and probably only mucks that up anyway.

Once I start thinking of her as being this ‘person,’ I’m already maneuvering for control. Trying to control her.

It would be a missed opportunity.

The love is reaching out from loneliness to be comforted. The loneliness is where ‘I’ am. Where I live, what I am.

That’s a good place to stop writing. I can take a closer look at that feeling now.

Limerence (the limerick)

There once was a boy from Tee Harbor

Who’d always been listing to larboard

He saw a cute girl

Thought, “let’s give it a whirl!”

And found himself schooning through ardor

There is a lad in Perth,

He gives “sensible” a wide berth,

Shortcuts he sees,

'till he’s on his knees,

The Method; a proper try it be worth?


3 | 15 | 23

Had a very vivid experience of myself last night

It came after digging through loneliness and coming across this blank ‘me’

It was the ‘me’ that I’d always used to get out of bad emotions in the past, I’d used it as a form of equanimity but really it was just blankness

I experienced this self as a putty that had totally filled me up… going through myself and digging this putty back out again was like an archaeological dig where the specimens dug up are very alive… they’re ‘me,’ the expressive alive parts of me.

I found the likable and liking ‘me.’ I couldn’t quite get a direct glimpse… maybe such a thing is not possible with ‘me.’ I consisted of a soft pink glow, and was wonderfully pleasant. Just a wonderful human being. I haven’t been that person in a long time. The sincerity of myself was breathtaking.

This morning has been a wonderful morning. I feel alive in a way that I haven’t in years. Everything Richard said about sincerity being the key that unlocks naivete, and the importance of liking oneself, make perfect sense now.

It’s funny to have finally found that part of myself that’s wonderful, and to still be invested in immolation. But as long as there’s ‘me,’ there’s all of me.

There’s more to come, and more to go. I’m delighted to be here.


The pee-PCE is real :sunglasses::alien::alien:

In the human world, I can only be powerful or weak

Maybe I can just be happy & harmless

In & out of PCE’s this afternoon (edible-aided), and what comes to mind is that it’s like I’ll have to re-learn how to live from scratch

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4 | 16 | 23

Had a really interesting time out last night, there’s a folk music festival on in my town that tons of people come out for every year, dance floors packed beyond capacity in every bar every night til 3 or 4 AM

I went out, half (ok, maybe 3/4) in mind that I might run into the girl I’ve been crushing on

I also took a decent amount of weed edible, to be honest I’ve been on a bit of a bender since wednesday in between taking edibles and drinking - most of the time I’m sober

As a result, arriving at the show, my brain was going very fast and giving me a lot to process through in real-time in a very crowded room

With of course the spectre of this girl potentially being there present in my mind

Something I realized I was doing was constantly stressing about having buddies around… when I initially showed up I didn’t know anyone else there, and I found myself feeling very, very small… basically like a pathetic loser, because there wasn’t anyone around me giving me validation. This ended up being a bit of a theme throughout the evening, and became especially apparent once some friends of mine did show up and did give me that validation… I immediately went from “I am a loser” to “I’m pretty great! [crush] will definitely find me attractive!”

Both of these being feeling-fed belief-narratives

It was so apparent because of how quickly it was flip-flopping, one second I’d be a loser, then ‘great,’ and then a minute or two later I was right back to loser

And then she did show up, and I found myself yearning to be close to her for basically the remainder of the show

While also trying to put myself in those situations & interactions that made me ‘cool’

Especially interesting because I’ve consistently seen that a desire to be cool has been the primary obstacle to allowing freedom to play out in the past

There was all this self-criticism happening anytime something wasn’t lining up just perfectly… if whoever I was talking with wasn’t seeming ‘cool’ enough I would just wish they’d go away (because she might see me with them) while still wanting to somehow be around the coolest people (because she might see me with them)

And ultimately the judgments didn’t come from me, but from her reactions to me. As long as I wasn’t getting the attention I desired from her, I felt that I was doing something wrong, and I’d go hunting for what it was.

“Am I standing weird? Am I making a weird face? Should I dance more? Am I dancing too much?”

All of it was very illuminating. The entire thing was quite excruciating, but oddly as the night came to a close (still without any attention), I felt a strange sense of peace. It reminds me of awhile back I considered the worst possible outcome of my house project… basically if it burned down… and felt peace, because I wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.

I think part of it is having a commitment to sincerity… yes I’m interested in this person, but to be genuine at all I had to acknowledge the suffering happening, as well as the potential demonstrated by the PCE. How could I sell out the PCE? How could I call myself an actualist with a straight face and not see what was happening? How could I continue bragging to people about various ‘realizations’ while not looking the suffering that was happening in the eye?

All this desire is so painful, and I’ve had some recent PCEs as well as some clarity experiences last night that cast the situation into relief

Just by happenstance ‘I’ have decided that this girl is attractive to me, but there’s nothing in the universe that says she’ll be interested in me, for a million potential reasons. And for that matter, it was one interaction; who knows what will happen in the future?

But it was so clear that for so much of the night I was deeply uncomfortable, and pasting on these personalities in an anxiety-driven attempt to be attractive.

A bit of a revelation from last week was that nearly everything about our personalities as people is there because at some point it was a coping mechanism that we believed would give us relief from suffering. We’re like these katamari damacy balls of layers of coping mechanisms

So while I was anxious, I was attempting to project ‘confident guy’ but the result of this was like this frozen person. It was so obvious

I guess we’ll see how much longer I want to suffer for ^___^


I’ve been having quite a bit of honest insight into my desire for “her”; this mystical woman that I somehow believe exists.

It really started to dawn on me that maybe she doesn’t exist at all. But, more importantly, I have been putting myself “on hold”; not persuing things I find interesting because I have been waiting for “her”.

I’ve been getting right into all the things I was interested in 30 years ago. Especially Kurt and Nirvana. Learning about the entire scene, the lives of everyone involved, the towns and cities, the whole scene from the Melvins to the explosion of this period of musical/social change.

Ended up recording a handful of song snippets in an afternoon.

One of the most powerful pieces of info was a recollection from one of the Sub Pop owners talking with Kurt after he melted down on the 1990 European tour. Kurt completely lost it on stage and when John found him, Kurt said “I just can’t do it; when I look out at the crowd all I see is all the guys who would beat me up in highschool”. (Paraphrasing from memory)

There is always a pivot around which our personalities form. A certain angst, something that we are trying to prove ourselves against.

However, in the face of actually proving ourselves, that centre starts to crumble, and there is no longer that unrequited dream to fuel our sense of self.

It’s why fame is so good at destroying people. Especially those who felt they were nothing.

I like how you got to the place where if it all burnt down, there was the option for peace.

I had that for a few moments on Sunday. Maybe an hour. That it really is ok to be “no one”.


Can you say more about how you mean ‘proving ourselves’?

I just realized that she only rejected her projection of me, just like she’d only be loving a projection of me

Just like any identity I hold on myself is a belief

This is so easy

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