Journal de Henry

Vineeto: The question running in my head now was how to self-immolate without dissociating – the well-known spiritual practice of ‘this is not me’. When I told Peter he laughed and thumped me on the shoulder. The hit immediately changed my perception – from thinking and feeling as all there is to experiencing the physical sensation of the thump. Right, I am this flesh-and-blood body, I forgot! The difference between these two experiences was so stunning, so obvious – and the thinking and feeling entity inside of my body, ‘me’, was once again revealed as just that, an alien entity.

I had an experience a couple days ago after playing soccer- a really fun & light time - I’d turned the lights off at the field and was left alone, and somewhat brazely decided to pee nearby - I felt like a dog, just relieving myself where I felt like it, sensitive in my own weird body. I am just a dog! An animal.



Something about the music production thing drove me up the wall

The image of cool

The indication is that I’m not socially satisfied

The facts of my situation are what they are… any change has to happen in this actual world.

The vocaloid thing made the music dream seem just attainable enough

It’s about status

How people feel when they meet me…

And therefore how I get to feel

Safe or not safe?

Cool or loser?

I don’t get to both feel like a loser - or for that matter cool - and become free. They are not compatible.

That was very evident with how I felt in the later afternoon

If I’m busy with cool/uncool, I’m unable to fulfill the promise of intimacy

There’s some fear wall here still, what is it?

Performance anxiety?

It’s stressful being this intense all the time

I feel wounded

I am that wound

How long am I going to do this for?

I’ve felt debased because I’m adrift in the world… at any time I can feel terrible, terribly afraid, and there hasn’t been anything I could do about it. Until now

And so there’s no reason to feel debased anymore.

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I’ve been a musician since I was 14, and the cool aspect was what dominated the endeavour.

However, I genuinely love great music. I am a connoisseur, one might say.

I think you have a genuine enjoyment of music, from what you have posted in the music thread.

How about using it for your own amusement and enjoyment? You love poetry, too.

Perhaps taking the focus off being cool, and sit down with whatever music making stuff you have with the purpose of making something you like?

Personally, I found it great around a month ago to sit down and play some very simple music and sing lyrics over it. I ended up expressing some feelings which helped me understand what was happening with them.

Today I was considering what fun to plan for.

By the way, musicians / producers/ DJs et al, are not automatically cool anyway.

“Cool” is just another way of saying attractive.

It’s like buying or getting into anything to impress people, generally it backfires as it’s obvious to anyone you would otherwise want to impress, to wit, attractive people/ cool people.

I was in bands in my late teens, and then again in early 30s. Coolness level was steady regardless.


The generation of that stress is very interesting though.

Some notes of mine "

“… the other day, an “ah ha” moment regarding ‘me’ and ‘my’ world.
I was sitting out back, and thought that I would go and lift some weights (exercise).
There was a consideration of the way I felt about it, and I reflected on what depth psychology calls the “inner critic and inner passivity”. There is a stern’ voice’ which tells me things, and a passive feeling that resists change. In this case it was something like (inner critic) “you should go and lift weights, make an effort”, followed by (inner passivity) “what’s the point, I will be thin anyway, it won’t make me happy”.
I went any way to exercise, and I noticed while exerting effort the voices flipping roles! The inner critic was now saying “you are right, you will not benefit, you are weak” and the inner passivity was like “but I’m trying, I’m making an effort!”
This lead to me realising that ‘i’ am both the originator and receipent of my hatred (or anything else).”

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One could call it ego and soul, or mind and heart.

I am starting to put into practice, the very diligent monitoring of the ego part.

As in, the part which made the commitment to feeling good, each moment again.

Because the passive part will continue to rebel as long as it is given free reign over the active part.

E.g. if my thinking has tinges of anything other than a minimum “feeling good”, any intention to change oneself is doomed, or at least unlikely.

There are spy’s in one’s mind, to put a “Inception” spin on it.

If anything is being done in the actions of the mind with anything other than feeling good as the background, it will be other than the intended outcome.

For as long as it takes for you to have had enough of it an genuinely want to change.

What was the “until now” referring too?

Was there ever a reason to feel debased?

I honestly like the idea of you writing poetry, making some tunes, for yourself!

Nothing fancy, just aim at making something you like. Start really simple. As in unimpressive simple.

I was using the classic “C turn around” when I was writing. That’s most of the 1950s American music. C Am F G.

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This is the “turn around.”

On the topic of music, I was always comparing myself with the great artists that I admired, that it would stifle my own creativity.

I have written a few decent songs, for their time, but what held me back was not being able to be the best.

It was something that was there from the beginning with my personality.

The big picture is this; writing songs that I like can be extremely difficult. Writing songs that other people will like is extremely easy.

So it can be this self-defeating cycle of not enjoying what I have created, whilst wanting to be liked, so only producing a small body of work because “it’s not good enough”.

A couple of tunes I uploaded 12 years ago. One I had written when 17. Excuse the alias, Logan Fury is me, and the other two names are friends who were not in the “band”. I just didn’t want to be a solo artist type.

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This is interesting, thank you.

Cool/attractive depends on what perceptions the other has, whether at the ego level of beliefs (“Musicians are cool”) or at an energetic level, or sensible. So I’m pretty much at the mercy of others when it comes to perceptions of cool, as well as my circumstances, physical appearance etc.

All I can take care of is whatever I can practically access. That changes the equation considerably.

I’ll keep dipping my toe in music. I’ve listened to a ton and have a definite ear for what I like and don’t like, but have very little knowledge when it comes to how to make music. I think that will involve a lot of youtube university as well as trial and error to be able to make things. It doesn’t help that the genre I’m most interested in, trance, has a reputation for being complex. We’ll see what pans out.

I learned about vocaloid programs from a friend yesterday and it was paradoxically difficult for me because it made the dream suddenly seem accessible - I’m not interested in singing, but being able to program lyrics into music automatically means I could make music with lyrics.

Knowing this as a possibility suddenly cast my desires into relief - ‘I’ want to be a musician, with all the mystique and power that ‘I’ believe that entails.

I appreciate your perspective @Andrew because you have experience as a musician and have been able to dissolve that mystique.

The debased was because I felt/believed I had no control over my feelings… at any point I could be cast into the worst of miseries. The ‘until now’ is because now I have the actualism method, and have had some genuine success in it… I now have confidence that I can get back to feeling good no matter what comes my way. It takes a couple of days at the longest now.

So that fear of debasement is out of date for me now…

It’s almost like beach-combing with a metal detector, I keep finding these buried rusted hulks of old beliefs which have been there for some decades, a bit of excavating and examination and they’re removed

It may happen - I’ve had the same experience as you with poetry, much of what I wrote I liked, but I never got much response from it. People couldn’t understand, or didn’t have the same experience I did. I think part of what I believe about music is that it has a wider appeal, so I might be able to get a response.

Of course even with getting response there is still a sense of disappointment that goes back to power/authority/disciple dynamics, where the disciple is always looked down on & dismissed. Even when the response comes, it’s not appreciated.

So then it becomes about making music for different reasons

I still have to answer those desires in myself though. Why do I want to generate power?

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@Andrew I quite like this nothing but a boy track!

Social status is just the quantum of love received from ‘humanity’ (both locally and at large)

I had a lot of trouble getting back into drawing. Same issues that I had with music. It was about being recognised.

When I was a kid, it was about whatever it was I was drawing. Mainly aircraft.

The “cool bit” would come up at school, but again, it’s all in one’s head.

In fact, with insecurity driving anything, as far as the psychic web goes, it backfires.

People are blindly driven to give one what one’s reality demands; more insecurity!

I did it anyway, drew a whole lot of portraits, got my Facebook “likes”, ended up taking oil painting classes, got some more likes.

Even got some abstract paintings I did around the house now.

No harm, no foul.

It goes back to the advice given to @kiman.

If one is not literally hurting anyone, then letting a desire play out will reveal a whole lot more about it.

Pride and humility are very “high level” social emotions anyway.

I remember reading Richard was at an exhibition of his pottery work, and there was people praising him for it. I believe he smiled, but knew the art had made itself.

He talked about this with me regarding paintings, letting the painting, “paint itself”.

Great songs are also like this. They just appear, almost fully formed in the concept and hook.

Regarding music theory, just get a USB keyboard ( a Korg for around $100) and that’s it. Start pressing the notes, and find something pleasing.

One of my favourite musical moments is to hand a complete novice a guitar and listen to the sounds of them exploring it.

Hmm, that reputation is probably being forwarded by those in the genre, who otherwise have a vested interest in being clever.

From a actual musical point of view, it’s one of the easiest to get into. The main challenge is understanding the software and hardware. Musically, it is extremely simple.

Ableton is the “big” program here. If you buy the $100 Korg USB keyboard, you get a free version of Ableton in the software bundle.

@craig could probably chime in on this. He was right into all of this last time we texted a while back.

Then it’s just collecting loops, finding beats, and learning the program.

AudioMulch is something I played around with before, and it’s fantastic for creating unpredictable outcomes. One can “pipe” a drum beat through a synth, then back through a delay, and any number of other virtual instruments and processes. The results can be amazing.

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I made this with AudioMulch the first time I tried it out in about 10mins.

It was 12 years ago, but I believe that was a drum beat, fed into a delay, then split into a synthesizer, and another signal into a low pass filter. Then I don’t know.

But I didn’t create any of it. Just playing with the ‘pipes’ and this came out. Sounded cool to me, at the time. I was an affer back then.

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This is super neat, I like the sound!

And thanks for the advice, that is encouraging.

It’s amazing how loaded words like ‘complicated’ and ‘simple’ are

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Based on current trend lines, I’ll be free by December :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Haha that’s cool!

I’ve been really enjoying it! Getting scientific up in here :dancer: :dancer:



Judgment, feelings of being critical

Interesting I’m using the word judgment in two different senses here

As moral judgment but also sensible judgment of choosing one or another option

The future doesn’t exist but we still have to make some kind of choices about things

Eat that chocolate cake or no?

Date this person or that person?

I’m bringing the future into it so much with this stuff

“Who are the options to date?”

My imagination about it is so diffuse

It’s weird

I can’t predict the future…

It’s like trying to predict “when’s the next time I’ll be in a traffic accident”

I just put a seatbelt on and drive as well as I can

Make a judgment of how fast to drive…

Pay for insurance…

To whatever degree I find feasible.

It is a little weird trying to draw a comparison between trying to avoid something and trying to accomplish something

The goal is to approach this sensibly

I am overthinking it… when someone interesting enough comes along and the situation is such that I take whatever next step, then the situation will unfold and I will take each next action as required for each new moment.

That can mean a continuation, or it can mean a situation only lasts so long. I can’t prevent that outcome in advance no matter how much I try to anticipate.

All of this is reactionary to different fears

Fears of loneliness, fears of feeling pain with a relationship ending, and fears of difficult emotions happening while in a relationship

Different versions of ‘fears of future emotions’

Which is the same thing as being afraid of those situations, now

Afraid of those emotions occurring

Can I handle myself? Can I handle being alive?

I did handle this most recent challenge. Some things happened which from the perspective of ‘normal’ were very difficult.

And I’m doing very well. And I’ve only learned more and gotten more adept at handling such situations via the experience and via the work I’ve done since then.

This is also related to larger questions of confidence that I can/am making the most of life, that I’m able to accomplish having a good/happy life.

I’m holding a distance from that, there’s a resentment that has to do with the concept of adventure

I feel cut off from adventure because I simultaneously desire it and feel it’s too much of a risk or something that I can’t afford right now

This is related to the romantic thing too, because I imagine that being adventurous is something required to be attractive

That’s my projection, it has to do with my reality. So there is belief there

I feel limited by my economic capacity, my physical capacity, and my mental capacity.

These are interesting ideas, ‘capacity.’

They can change… there is identity in them.

No one else is ultimately preventing me from having adventures. There is nothing in this universe saying, “you cannot have adventures.”

Adventure exists in contrast to ‘normal’ life, routine. Routine is ‘boring,’ aka “I don’t want to be here.” Adventure is exciting, enjoyable.

‘I’ believe that the PCE is related to adventure.

It is true that I have had PCEs when doing things that ‘I’ consider adventurous. For that matter, PCEs have this character that life is an adventure

It has a religious quality to it, “I believe that if I do ‘x’ activity, I will get to feel ‘x’ way” (some combination of excited & PCE)

My projection of what being happy is


Just remembered Richard’s old standby, “it doesn’t ultimately matter, so I’ll just drop it,” which seems to be helping here. Even if I can’t “figure it out” (is it even an issue that can be ‘figured out?’), I can just drop it. It’s more worth it to me to become free, which means enjoying & appreciating right now, than it is to “figure it out.”


This living is the adventure

Hi Henry,

I didn’t respond the other night because I was in a grey place, really flat.

What struck me was there is a practical limitation you mentioned to Adam and I regarding socialising; you are 20 miles from town!

So the practical isolation is also a factor.

Also, the way you have written, seems that you are jumping from one thought and feeling to the next too quickly to really understand any of them.

The first half is all about finding a partner.

The second half about adventure.

I can’t help but think the thought; go on an adventure by living closer to town and the first half has less challenges. :rofl: