Journal de Henry

Something of a whiff of fascination at wondering what ‘work’ is in the Actual World.

I thought from a very early age that somehow my simple presence on earth should be enough and all else would or should be taken care of .So it seems that my life has consisted of a process of trying this and trying that and then saying ‘well not that’ … ‘and not’. Along the way I chose to alienate myself from the emphasis on any career or money considerations …

This rings true for me as well… I think I should be free to just exist as I please with no repercussions of my actions.

So with work especially, I find that if I don’t show up in a certain way, money doesn’t come in and a bunch of things that I have taken for granted just don’t happen, actually they can’t happen.

Richard: ‘I thought from a very early age that somehow my simple presence on earth should be enough and all else would or should be taken care of’. Actually, you are quite correct – apart from the five physical necessities of air, water, food, clothing and shelter – one does not have to do anything at all to live life happily and harmlessly when one is free to be here at this moment in eternal time and this place in infinite space … when one is free, that is, from malice and sorrow. When the elimination of all animosity and anguish is one’s on-going life-goal, one has taken a giant step towards salubrity and achieving one’s birth-right.

I’m not giving myself much of an easy time in all this, there are still all these ‘musts.’

It’s clear from the above excerpt that Richard is far more relaxed about being in a low/no-money situation.

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Closely reading the simple actualism site ‘PCE’ page with great results over the last several weeks.

Something has cracked around money-fears, I think I was reading the PCE descriptions on and there was a bit about not having to pay attention to anything in particular or think about anything in particular, by Geoffrey:

It is also important for me trying not to make any ‘decisions’, like “I’m gonna go this way, I’ll sit there and look at this, etc.” but to allow my feet to guide me (or the ‘universe’, or my ‘native intelligence’…). Same for what I look at. It doesn’t have to be something awesome, or scenic, it doesn’t have to be anything. I just allow my eyes to look at whatever they may. The most amazing sights might be available and I might find myself looking at the ground, random rocks, or an abandoned beer bottle. It is all the same matter, it is all the universe. I am open to the senses, the breeze, the sounds, but I don’t try to enjoy those (“I should enjoy this breeze!“), I let the senses sense, and quickly find out this is enjoyable on its own. When I find myself delighting in something sensuous, I do not think “ho ho, PCE coming!“, I just delight. And I don’t forcefully ‘stay’ on that thing I’m delighting into (a bird flying, a rock, a tree, a sound, a breeze, a smell), it is not about the ‘thing’, it is about delighting. If my attention is being called somewhere else, it is being called somewhere else, which is just as worthy of delight (everything is). I usually notice then that my official-time awareness is gone. What time is it? Don’t know, don’t care.

So every time I was like “Ah, I have to worry about money!” I was just like “No, I don’t!” and went back to enjoying & appreciating, and now I’m utterly chilling. I actually feel like a 4-year-old just kind of bubbling around. Earlier I was rocking my head side-to-side just because it was enjoyable to do that. VERY child-ish :’)

I can see waves of fear coming up at the prospect of just not worrying, but I suppose this is where the rubber hits the road for me with actualism. Is it legitimate, or suicidal? To this point I’ve been a bit too much of a ‘believer,’ a bit too intellectual about it, and now is where the Royal Rumble: Henry vs. the Actual World starts! It’s actually quite exciting!

I can look for altruism in all this, as it’s not really a versus but how does Henry want this to happen? Tellingly, ‘I’ have had trouble connecting with altruism for a long time, I got this far largely for my own reasons of wanting to enjoy my life. If I get to help others as a bonus though, that is wonderful. And I do like existing harmoniously with others but it’s largely for ‘my’ gain…. hmmmmmm.

I guess the strongest connection is I had a family member who died a bit over 10 years ago and I remember realizing how big of a deal the time we spend with those around us is, like we just get that one chance and that’s it. It has an expiration date, whether sooner or later. So better make it good, and have a good life! It devolved not long after into ‘my’ ‘good life,’ but I can see the initial seed of purity was there. So, yes I can still channel that appreciative energy toward my fellow humans and maybe it will even lead to my disappearance! It really is starting to seem inevitable at this point.

I also really enjoyed this description of PCE by Srinath, it propelled me into sweetness:

I just wanted to gaze at Craig, gaze at the marvellous scene all around, gaze at the people who looked like shiny physical creatures doing all sorts of things. I could no longer feel the vibes and energies of people. They were just living physical objects in space. Surfaces. There were far fewer thoughts.

Surfaces, that’s interesting. Because that’s what is struck directly by the senses.

I was also enjoying the layered effect of cars going by on the street, rather than my habitual-human response of ‘oh it’s so annoying that I can hear traffic outside.’ It reminds me of the other night I was watching the stars fascinatedly out my window, and my attention turned to the lights of LEDs on in my house, and I felt irked by them. And then I realized that that was quite funny as they were reaching my eyes the same as little lights in the dark, it’s just that I’m conditioned to feel awe by outer space & annoyance by electronic gadgets with their little lights. It’s all the same material, it’s all nature, I’m just this human living on the earth with some electronic things that I enjoy & they have convenient lights to indicate their state! If I wanted to I could cover them somehow, but either way it’s enjoyable. That’s the current state of things, that is fascinating.


Regarding my initial ‘altruistic’ motivation, I never imagined that ‘I’ would be the one that was the obstacle to a well-lived life. But it does indeed seem to be the case. The very things that I’ve been chasing to ‘live well’ have been creating the barrier to the intimacy necessary for happiness/PCE.

I do seem to still have some obstacle in a belief that somewhere, someone is having a better time than me, and I’m not invited. I guess it’s a bit competitive in that sense.

I feel like a little boy not invited to hang out with the big boys.

It comes with a sense of boredom. Loneliness certainly.

It is imaginative, I’m imagining what some others are up to, actually informed by my own past (good) experiences as well as things I’ve seen on TV or online or social media.

I guess that’s a clue, I’m not even talking about PCEs really - those are beyond ‘my’ conception - I’m talking about ‘good’ experiences. By definition linked with belief.

It’s pure desire, wishing I was somewhere else doing something else feeling something else.

And here I sit…

This is where life has led me.

I suppose I could just do the coolest thing ever in becoming free.

It does make it evident that I have a belief in ‘cool,’ in ‘a good time’ distinct from a not-good time. Miles away from purity & perfection.


Noticed last night that my overall/’default’ vibe lately has been ‘lonely guy.’ I’ve been spending lots of time by myself, which has been the primary food for the belief / vibe.

I allowed myself to follow that fantasy last night and I could see that even with ‘getting everything I ever wanted,’ that it wouldn’t be enough, I would find something to niggle about and get back to feeling lonely. It could never be enough. So then what is left is to get to intimacy with this moment, because that is the intimacy I can give to the people around me. And it starts even when I’m by myself, which is when I tend to feel the loneliest.

What I found at the bottom of loneliness was a desire for others to see me as ‘good/lovable/desirable,’ which is of course putting my experience in the hands of those who will only ever have changeable emotions. So many of those who have been the most loved in our society later saw a ‘fall from grace,’ I think ‘I’ want that (to ‘be’ loveable) because I believe it gives me security, but it doesn’t give that. Perhaps that mode made some sense thousands of years ago, but at this time in history it’s clear that the best-case outcome of that is becoming some kind of religious figure and we all know the rest of the story there.


After I came to I realised that actual freedom would not be so much an achievement or attainment as something opposite. A deletion, a giving up, a letting go. Not really someone triumphantly reaching the finish line, but vanishing while running the race

This rings something in me. I feel so competitive, so much like I’m chasing ‘being good,’ getting a ‘good response’ from others.

Not to mention internally feeling like I’m doing enough.

There’s no sense to it, I’m trying so hard but not getting anywhere. Like treading water underwater

Perfection is right there, but I won’t let go yet

I keep making little stories about what is going to happen next, about ‘what is happening,’ but they aren’t factual, they’re ‘mine’

I become free by allowing it to happen, it’s not something ‘I’ can do. I allow it to happen by not stopping it from happening.

I can just lay the groundwork by enjoying & appreciating, by removing as much of ‘me’ as I can & watching with fascination

That’s where the end is the same as the method

In Srinath’s writing about PCEs there’s a mention of even being fascinated by ‘my’ motion, I think in the past I’ve always been too self-involved to be really fascinated by that, or moralistically trying to ‘boot it out’ as fast as possible. So that’s something I’m looking for now, it makes it easier to stay in a kind of flow, rhythm rather than falling out of it when something ‘goes wrong’ (in my mind) when ‘I’ am active.

My observation, my fascination with myself is itself the method now. I’ve been able to channel this before, before I found actualism I would sit in the bath and just wander my own psychic tunnels, that’s when I was big on being an artist. There was a strong sense of exploration then that I could find again.

At the time my motivation was selfish in wanting to create a more knowledgeable ‘me’ so I could make more moving art and get more attention in general, so it’s just a question of doing the same thing with different motivation.

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Dreamed I became free last night. I was looking at a wall contemplating the simple actuality of it (ironic since I was dreaming), and some emotional enormity hit me. It was related to how I was existing around others. My alarm went off and my reaction to that made it immediately clear that I’m not free!

Still, taking it as an indication of my current obsession. Posting to discuss.actualism has given me a lot of motivation to make progress, to not be a fraud. I can be of the most benefit to everyone on here by being the genuine article.

I’ve also been getting a lot more in touch with a desire for intimacy with others, I want to do what’s best for those around me. I want them all to enjoy this life. And it is me that frequently is in the way. Increasingly noticing when I have some vibe going, yesterday was really sticky with the loneliness stuff & it was difficult to find the thread in it but I was able to make a dent. My energy did shift noticeably, today feels lighter. Between that and the money thing, those are two of ‘my’ biggest issues that have moved significantly in the last week.


Watched Apollo 13 last night & I enjoyed the ‘high’ of the heightened situation of danger, and the sense of urgency & focus that that brought.

I was thinking that I could bring that same excitement to my actualism practice, something I have sometimes experienced when I’ve considered the great implications of a world free from suffering & malice - especially when I first came across actualism.

I enjoyed seeing the professionalism and perfectionism that the NASA engineers showed, and was contemplating how I am similarly an engineer of the psyche - that is the area of life that I have the most expertise in. And I can similarly become obsessed & driven to succeed with understanding it. In Apollo 13 they were trying to help the three astronauts survive, where with actualism we’re talking about the lived experience of humanity. It is indeed far bigger.

It was a good counterpoint to the somewhat ‘dull’ way that I was experiencing my life, as in ‘boredom.’ How could I possibly be bored when the future of humanity is on the table? My actions can and will effect the entire outcome of future humans’ experiencing. So, I’d better get on with it!!

And the lovely thing is, at this stage it mostly consists of simply enjoying & appreciating my day :slight_smile:

I’ve been getting a lot of mileage out of use of Srinath’s description of ‘the softness of my lower-most body, where I am more gentle. Here I am liking and likable.’

I have previously seen Richard’s references to that spot (“four finger-widths below the navel”), but had had difficulty connecting with it. It’s clearly in relation to chakras, between the root & sacral chakras. In any case, Srinath’s description hit home for me, partly because he also talks about the intellectual location for ‘me’ in my head - someplace I have most often lived - and the ‘proud’ location in the chest, both of which I could identify.

When I followed his description to that lower-belly location, I could indeed find that soft, vulnerable, & naive ‘me,’ who seemed indeed like a long-lost child. Hello again, naive Henry! It is good to see you.

How wonderful that my ‘odyssey’ consists of simply inhabiting that zone, enjoying each thing that comes along.

I took a long walk outside with a friend who has an appreciation for these matters and could see that where before I would often ‘attack’ with my intellectual self, I was far more forbearing, gentle, & relaxed. I found both her & myself delightful, and that delight accelerated itself until I was practically jumping for joy. I could see that my lightness was having an effect on her as well, she was very light & very vulnerable. I can see that my intellectualizations are just another way for me to ‘win,’ and in that winning I’m forcing others into a corner. It’s a very uncomfortable situation. So much nicer to enjoy & appreciate than to always need to win, to need to have the right answers.

Using this method I was also able to intuitively locate some other ‘centers,’ such as the appetitive lust apparently residing in my stomach (!) Or anger in my chest. It’s one more cue for identifying what is happening. I’m having a lot of fun with this!

With known triggers I can purposefully confront the trigger and see where ‘I’ go habitually. Additionally, it’s a reminder of where to find soft enjoyment when I’m trying to make progress in an investigation - Richard was keen on reminding me to get back to enjoyment when attempting investigation for the best results.

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What’s next? I guess I just don’t know. This moment is all that’s happening, after all.

Still inhabiting some ideas that if I were mega-rich that I’d be happier. Time to take care of that one.

One clear blow is that it’s just not what’s happening right now, and it is likely to never happen in my life. So I’m immediately confronted with the choice to get over it, or live unhappily forever.

I also have engaged with a half-baked belief that I can just ‘live outside’ of money, ‘live simply’ etc., but that has been kneecapped by my continual desire to keep buying pretty things, or fancy coffee, not to mention the usefulness of maintaining a working automobile since I live outside of any public transit.

Definitely linked to that ‘left-out’ insecurity that ‘someone, somewhere’ is having a better time than me, and that I’m left out.

I seem to conceive of it as like this competitive ladder where some people are doing poorly, some people are doing ok, some people are doing well, some people are doing great and I’m constantly ranking where I’m doing in that competitive ranking. I could see myself doing it last night, I took a photo which I shared on social media and got a good response from it and was getting kind of high on myself, but then later I was thinking about ways to make money and basically was dismissing my ‘goodness’ from earlier, once again thinking that I was doing ‘poorly.’

From there there’s a tone of longing, to be elsewhere, to feel otherwise (as defined by material surroundings and signals).

A lot of it is tied to the sexual desire, I have a constant drive to signal to others my desirability so I can get attractive mates. That’s something that in the past I’ve refused to budge on.

I can see that that drive has made mates uncomfortable, that predatory lust-desire.

It’s a lot of posturing. There are a lot of different postures, games, tactics to it too. I can see a lot of the ones I’ve tried in the past were ineffective, or very artificial when they were.

A lot of it was when I was younger I was able to do a lot of these ‘fun’ money-related things because I didn’t have as many expenses and I was working more, so I have memories of doing certain things (like traveling) that aren’t in the cards at this moment. Part of it is I’m not interested in working as much as I did at that time. Part of it is I’ve loaded up on some debt in the last year.

The debt is because of the things I’ve done this year, like build a tiny house, a sailing trip, a road trip, not to mention all the various little things I’ve done. So it’s not true that I haven’t been doing fun things or something lately. It’s a very short memory. I start to wallow when money gets tight. I wouldn’t take back those expenditures, and I wouldn’t take back the time I’ve spent not working. Those conditions have led to this moment.

A lot of this is really socially oriented as well, and if anything I’ve retreated from social life in the last year. So some of that bum-out isn’t recognizing that I’m the one that has been choosing to not hang out with people as much. I’m creating the situation. Having more money wouldn’t magically make those conditions change.

Similarly if girls were attracted to me for my money that wouldn’t reduce my loneliness, as they’d be there because of the money… I’d find a reason to still be lonely.

I just keep cycling past memories in the past where ‘I’ was excited about what was happening. I guess because I was anticipating moving up that ladder, that I was ‘winning.’ Well, none of those past situations turned out exactly how I imagined they would, so I guess I wasn’t winning!

I always imagined in those past scenarios others reacting to me in some certain way, definitely driven by their love for me.

It’s funny how the love I get doesn’t seem to be enough ever.

Of course the other is never ‘good enough’ for me, once I get to know them I don’t love them anymore

It’s the same with all these life conditions, once they’re around long enough ‘I’ have a bad experience and I don’t like them anymore

I start to hate them instead. Something crosses my path that I’m scared of and the association is tainted.

So in this situation the association is money… which for me is associated with social-success & sex. I’m not even associating it with survival! It’s just at that level.

When it gets tripped off then I decide I don’t like my situation anymore, because I’m unwilling to let go of those desires… not to mention I think they’re connected in the first place… they are not.

Money does not mediate my social success or failure.

Success & failure don’t make sense in that arena anyway.

I start to imagine some future where I’m shunned, where I never have sex ever again. That’s the fear. It’s literally empty, it’s a dream. Pure dream.

Fascination setting in.

I’ve tended to duck out of this topic in the past by giving intellectual answers, ‘right answers,’ but this time is different. It has an entirely different flavor, I’m waiting for the genuine answer to come.


An interesting few days of staying up late chatting with a new acquaintance, full of delight & excitement and I noticed the next day I felt dullness & somnolence, and found that it bothered me a lot… went to soccer in my stuporous state and couldn’t ‘do well’ as I sometimes do, and felt strong disappointment.

It 100% has to do with a sense of ‘winning’ and ‘not winning.’ So it’s interesting in this because it’s not that I don’t have a capacity to play well, but on that day, with the fatigue, I wasn’t playing well / wasn’t going to play well, and it was because of the aforementioned staying up late, which I was doing of my own free will and in fact was a lovely time which I would do again. It’s obvious that if I’m very tired that I won’t be able to perform athletics as well.

And yet ‘I’ still wanted to pout about it! ‘I’ want to do well in all circumstances regardless of conditions of time & space. Pretty silly. Once I saw that I relaxed considerably about the situation, but I think there’s still some hanging around to consider.

Tiredness has been a cause of suffering for me for a long time, I started noticing it a couple of years ago. I think it’s linked to a lot of situations of ‘performance’ for me, eg if I meet someone & want to impress them, I hate to be tired in that situation because thoughts don’t form as clearly, I can’t speak as vociferously, etc. etc.

And yet I know that one could be tired & perfectly happy in a PCE. So I think a lot of it has to do with that desire to perform & impress others. I can’t imagine a situation of someone being impressed by a tired person… all the associations I have toward somnolence are negative.

I remember I had a PCE about a month ago, I was hanging out with my partner and gradually caught on that I was tired, it felt ‘wrong’ somehow to take my leave and go lay down by myself in the bedroom but I did, as I lay there in the half-dark a warm sweetness gradually set in, and I found myself in a surprising PCE. It had the character of my young childhood, I felt like a 3 year old bundled up & perfectly safe in the world. I had no complaints about anything in the world, in fact everything I considered struck me as fascinating, the complex crystalline details of this world.

Obviously tiredness is a part of this body just as much as alertness is… I so frequently try to escape from it with coffee or denial. I think it is the social performance aspect, it’s scary for me to consider that moment of me being a little slow to react or fumbling over my words.

That is linked to:

A belief in ‘smartness/sharpness’ as being ‘important’
A belief in the necessity of others being impressed by me
A belief in the importance of friends/sexual partners
Fear of death/slowness/decay
A fear of missing out on experiences due to tiredness

That’s a lot of things! It makes sense there’s a ‘backlog’ since I’ve never made much progress on this particular hangup.

I have that very instructive PCE to basically inform me that all of the above do not matter.

I think something that encapsulates all the above is the ‘fear of missing out,’ because really I’m afraid of ‘missing out’ on each of the other things. Maybe death could even be viewed as a FOMO on being alive!

It’s interesting because it implies a ‘being elsewhere,’ since the only way that ‘missing out’ makes sense is in terms of being somewhere else than where I am or experiencing things differently than how I’m experiencing them.

So ‘being tired’ creates a situation of ‘missing out’ on ‘being wakeful’ and everything that comes with that - or I think comes with that, anyway.

I think the biggest thing I can confront is being around others when I’m tired. If I can just exist in that position & be unbothered then everything else falls down too. Similarly I can relax about ‘outcomes’ with people…. I actually saw this with that new acquaintance, I kept wanting to turn it into this big story of friendship of what was going to happen with it, but all the delight was in the moment itself. I don’t need to know what’s going to happen next, I don’t need to possess it into ownership & ‘guaranteeing’ that ‘it will happen again.’ It literally doesn’t matter and any of the above choked the enjoyment out of what was happening anyway. I could see that very clearly as it happened, as my ‘being’ grew or faded into the background.

This is interesting @henryyyyyyyyyy because I can relate to an affectively backed feeling of tiredness but for me it is nothing like what you write about.

Do you find there is an affective component to that tiredness? So for example for me the ‘tiredness’ is actually a cocktail of sorrow/resentment/anxiety that I would typically feel strongest the first thing in the morning.

The really interesting thing is that as my resentment to being here fades so does the tiredness, actual bodily tiredness is a sensation which is not an issue at all.

I was actually contemplating this this morning. I woke up to this resentment and as it faded I could still tell my body was waking up but that physical component of it was not an issue at all, it was actually nice to experience it.

Hiya @Kub933, that’s an interesting question which I haven’t fully determined the implications of. I know what you’re talking about with the affectively-driven tiredness, I remember catching it in myself at times when my partner would bring up some uncomfortable subject and tiredness would just come across me, I’d always be like “ahh I’m too tired, can we talk about this later” and then the ultimate tell was that if 15 minutes we were doing something I wanted to do, I’d have all the energy in the world. Just ‘me’ up to its tricks!

I’ve always thought of that as a more subtle expression of the ‘freeze’ instinct, sort of a possum reflex to pass out when in danger.

I’m partly phrasing it the way I am (as a reaction to tiredness) because I see myself fantasizing about doing this or that high-energy thing when I’m clearly not physically in a state to do it. For example, after a long workday I’ll be like “why am I not hanging out with friends??” when I very obviously don’t have the energy to sustain that. Or I already described being frustrated about not doing well at soccer… the backstory there is that the previous 2 nights in a row I’d been up until 5 AM, and the night directly before I’d had coffee in the middle of the night. I was drained. So in those cases I do think it’s quite physical. It may be the beginning of a feedback loop though of physical tiredness → frustration → affective tiredness.


A new baseline of sincerity of late has led to an entrance into awareness of a sense of meaningless. I realized how much of my action has been driven by a need to advertise to others my worthiness as a friend, as a romantic partner. I was on a walk in the woods trying to figure out what was bothering me when it struck me that that was what was happening. I was even going on the walk because I believed it showed my validity as a person. I was doing a ‘cool thing,’ a ‘good thing.’ It even had a tinge of fake actualism attached to it.

It’s clearer than ever what I’m working with.

I think I’ve been experiencing that realization with a sense of grieving, as if that realization means I now won’t be able to enjoy hanging out with people or engage sexually. That isn’t true. Right now I’m hanging out with just myself, but that certainly isn’t a permanent state of affairs. How silly I am!

It’s an entirely different matter to become free of that.

I was just talking with a friend last night about the difference of existing in genuine uncertainty as opposed to ‘hanging on’ to certain things because it’s too painful to consider that they may not happen. With this one I was going the other way, believing that I wouldn’t have something I like just because it wasn’t going to be the way ‘I’ thought. I just don’t know what’s going to happen.


A lot of themes of not doing enough this morning, I’ve been here before. May as well just get back to feeling good.

Noticing that in the evening I tend to feel more that I wish I was being social, in mornings during the week I feel more that I should be working more. So it has to do with the socially ingrained expectations of what one should be doing at that time. Pretty funny how made up it is.

I have a few jobs stacking up that I’m intimidated by, which in the past I’ve tended to just ‘push through’ but I don’t think I’ve ever fully analyzed.

The narrative is that I’ll screw something up. So I’m stalling because I’m scared of winding up in a worse position than I’m in now. I think it has to do with a belief that someone will come along and save me from the problem if I remain frozen for long enough.

That may have worked when I was younger, but it isn’t the situation now. Also, it’s definitely using affect to ‘get my way’ (“I’m scared, help meeeeee”) rather than asking for help like a reasonable adult.

Then the other side of that is that I’m scared that if I can’t get help, I’ll screw it up and my life will be screwed up as a result.

A bit dramatic, innit?

Any one thing I can screw up will maybe cost me some money, and maybe I won’t be able to have ‘x’ nice thing for awhile, but that’s a far cry from ‘my life will be screwed up.’ Especially since I already know that I can be perfectly happy with very little.


Another aspect presents as laziness. Closely related to tiredness, exhaustion. ‘I don’t want to.’

It seems related to boredom, too. The two ways out that I see are (1) social, or (2) ‘working’ - whether to make money, or on ‘my’ own projects.

So the initial position is discomfort.

From the AFT:

VINEETO: What I remember discovering when I investigated my boredom was that I had distanced myself and disidentified from all my unwanted, ‘negative’ emotions and consequently life had lost its immediacy lustre and interest. I had to turn around 180 degrees from my previously acquired social and spiritual practice of being cool / not being my emotions and retrace the long way back to recognizing that ‘I’ am my feelings and my feelings are ‘me’. Or as Richard put it –

Richard: ‘It is impossible for one to intelligently observe what is going on within if one does not at the same time acknowledge the occurrence of one’s various feeling-tones with attentiveness. This is especially true with the hostile and invidious emotions and passions (those that are hateful and fearful). In order to observe one’s own fear, for instance, one must admit to the fact that one is afraid. Nor can one examine one’s own depression, for another example, without acknowledging it fully. The same is true for irritation and agitation and frustration and all those other uncomfortable emotional and passionate moods. One cannot examine something fully if one is busy denying its existence’.

That’s a spicy meatball!

I can certainly recognize in myself that ‘life has lost lustre,’ perhaps over the last few years that has waxed & waned, but it doesn’t change that overall I have felt an over-arching sense of disillusionment toward life, disappointment.

From that general disappointment, trying to generate ‘motivation’ is an uphill battle & certainly has little that is organic to it… it is forced. ‘Me’ trying to force ‘myself’ to ‘get something done…’ which is certainly how I experience myself today trying to take care of whatever next ‘job.’

This investigation has gone deeper than I expected! That makes sense though, it has been a noticeable theme for me for… awhile. Perhaps it is a symptom of that disidentification that I haven’t been able to see that trend clearly before.

I think I partly went gleefully into buddhism & spirituality initially because it was a way of ‘getting away from,’ going into a different arena than ‘normal life’ which had at that stage thoroughly kicked my ass.

In that sense when I began actualism ‘I’ saw it as an extension of that, another way to escape from the pain I had felt. In a way that makes sense, but it doesn’t change that I still haven’t dealt with or even fully connected with the initial traumatic experiences.

There are a couple of ways I have fled from those experiences:

  • Moving back home
  • Breaking up with this or that partner
  • Trying to ‘figure out’ work-life
  • Building a tiny house (as a way of getting away from renting)
  • Entering into Spirituality (and actualism as an extension)
  • Drug use
  • Trying to ‘increase my social skills’
  • Trying to ‘understand humanity/myself’

Ultimately all of these tactics have just been a way of trying to escape from what scared me the first time around.

So, what was it? This is something that cannot be rushed.

I remember relating my struggles & frustrations with these experiences to others over & over, hoping that they could give me answers, but no one ever could. I got sympathy. Yet another strike against sympathy, lol…

I did some digging and it seems it’s an accumulation of disappointments over time, all the significant moments when I thought I knew what I had to do in life and was subsequently forcefully corrected. Each of those turning points were painful in themselves, and the cumulative effect of all of them was a sense of disappointment & rejection of life. There is an overarching sense of despondency.

The common ground is that it was always my idea of what I needed to do, what needed to happen… the universe does not care about my ideas, my hopes, my dreams. It’s all far, far bigger than that.

By the same stroke, my boredom is my petty protest against what is happening right now. And since what is happening is… the entirety of the manifest universe… well, it makes sense that I’m missing the actual world with that ‘being.’

My ambience is so far removed from ‘bored’ now, it’s almost difficult to remember it. It only makes sense from the perspective of ‘my’ ideas of what ‘should be happening.’

There’s always something interesting happening! Just now looking at the various objects on my table, they have such different characters… there are printed books with so many words, sentences, paragraphs… forming ideas, which someone had to write. Really a remarkable thing. I even have a camera on my table… what a miraculous device that is!

I was discussing with a friend on the weekend how identity has this narrow vision of what should be happening / what is happening / what we’re afraid of happening. I thought of it as hallway-thinking. That’s where boredom comes from. My idea of what I wish was happening.

Why can’t I become free right now?

Spending the evening in a lovely state of ease, which has a character of stability entirely new to me.

Why am I not free right now?

What is in the way of becoming free right now?

It seems I have taken on a sense of responsibility for the emotions of others… when they suffer, I feel that I have done something wrong and that I have to do something differently to prevent that.

It is their own suffering. The only way for others to be prevented from suffering, is by they themselves becoming free.

Obviously that doesn’t necessitate acting callously without any regard for others’ suffering, but it means I haven’t done anything wrong ever time someone else feels bad.

Asking myself why I couldn’t become free right now and came across the lust objection. I can see that I can make a logical argument against lust, but the felt aspect is too strong right now and I can’t quite experientially drop it.

It is clear that as soon as lust took over, my enjoyment went away.

I also know how damaging lust is to my relating to others. I have seen that.

I also know that lust has led people to do many many terrible things throughout history and in the present-day.

I have even had a sexual experience where I could see that any appearance of lust reduced the closeness & enjoyment.

I think ‘I’ believe that without lust, I won’t be able to have sexual experiences. That is false, it is a dream. I don’t want to manipulate others through animal drives anyway.

It has literally never done right for me. It hasn’t gotten me to where I want to be. It has only ever done the opposite.

It equally comes with despair as it does any kind of drive.

A human being can’t be possessed as a feeling. Doing that misses the human as they actually exists. It’s many orders of magnitude less magical than the actual. It removes any aspect of intelligence from the situation.

It’s a form of desire. Desire for sexual gratification.

“Yes, the sex drive is an instinct… and this instinct - and many other instincts - can be eliminated entirely. Then one is free to act appropriately according to the circumstances - and not out of an instinctual reaction.”

I think the core of ‘my’ concern is that I won’t be able to enjoy the lovely time that is sex without lust, but that just isn’t true. So, let’s try this again.

Ok… this is wonderful!

I don’t get sex for granted, but lust doesn’t give that anyway! This really is the best of both worlds, wow.

Rejection & lust seem to come hand in hand

Lust has an ‘overpowering’ effect

It has to do with a belief that any situation where lust is triggered, it must be ‘good’ to have sex. What a rotten way to live that is! Comically childish actually.



Something persistent is a fear of ‘bothering people’ in the course of communication

Like I want to get in, say my piece, and get out as fast as possible

Hanging around at all is felt as risky, like I’m asking too much, ‘being’ too much

Reading this bit from

I was aware of how these coalesced into an ‘I’ and knew without doubt that ‘I’ am my feelings and my feelings are ‘me’.

and thinking about ‘my’ being at this moment, any time I start to have some success I get over-excited about it, which further solidifies my ‘being’ as desperate, my belief is that any success I have is fleeting & must be crowed about before it’s gone.

Remembering how a few weeks ago I saw ‘me,’ ‘my’ ‘being’ as this dark threatening rectangle, with this desperation it’s more like an unstable broken-edged thing just begging others for validation. ‘I’ don’t believe that ‘I’ can have any success, and am thus blind to any results I do get… as I mentioned they quickly become fodder to brag about. I’m thinking of the image of someone trying to brag to their older siblings but it falls flat, no one is impressed. And then ‘I’ go back into ‘my’ little hole of feeling pathetic.

I was reading an account last night of being in Adi Da’s (aka Franklin Jones’) cult (fascinating, highly recommend checking it out - incidentally, Richard says he was the last genuinely Enlightened person) and I was struck by a particular passage where the author describes the ‘presence’ that another master has:

During our weekdays in San Francisco, several of us clandestinely visited Muktananda at his ashram in Oakland. His “presence” was quite similar to Da Free John’s, if not more powerful; when he entered a room behind your back, you would involuntarily swivel to see him, as if alerted by a tingling sixth sense …

I realized that I had a desire to have that power, for others to ‘feel’ me coming and to be impressed by me, a little scared. That’s a common theme for me, wanting others to be impressed.

And I dug into that a little more, here I am 3 years into wanting to be actually free and I’m still drawn by the seduction of power, and I realized that it’s because I’m afraid of the power that others have over me. They can make me jump, they can make me deeply uncomfortable, they can make me worried, they can make me feel sorry. And so it’s a kind of defensiveness, if I can have more power than them then maybe I won’t have to feel that way. I suspect that that is in common with desires for power.

Anyway it’s obvious how pernicious that is, all I’m doing is making it so others have to jump to me rather than me being the one jumping. It is pure selfishness.

And it comes out of that ‘being’ of ‘pathetic’… I’m feeling bad so often, and it’s obvious that at the first chance of gaining power over others, ‘I’ will jump at it every time. If I think I can definitely win, I would jump at that.

I guess what I’m trying to do is go from that ‘broken’ ‘me’ to a ‘strong, powerful, aligned’ ‘me.’

Where all the enjoyment, peace, harmony, intimacy, is right here in the actual world without ‘me.’

And any ‘me’ is - at this point, very obviously - keeping all the battles and sorrow going. And further driving other ‘me’s’ who would likewise jump at that chance for power.

So every time I ‘be’ ‘me’ (pathetic, sad, powerful, intimidating, impressive etc. etc. etc.), I’m adding to that cyclone. Hm hmm

I’ve been giving more consideration to the ‘need for validation’ aspect for identity, as I haven’t fully explored it previously. It’s obviously social in nature / keeps the social alive (requiring others). Something I uncovered this morning was that because ‘I’ am my emotions & my emotions are ‘me,’ the validation really is others validating my emotions as being ‘correct’ in any particular situation… I can use anger as an example, if I get angry and another agrees that it “makes sense” (to speak colloquially) to be angry, then I’m being validated. On the opposite side, if I get angry and someone things I’m ‘being ridiculous’ by being angry, then I’m not being validated.

So because ‘I’ am my emotions and my emotions are ‘me,’ then I want the ‘being’ that’s formed from my various emotional states to be considered ‘valid’ by others, and am thus constantly tuning my emotional responses to guess at how others will validate, as well as constantly hiding emotional responses or faking reactions when I deem that others would think that was what was ‘valid.’ I’ve seen myself become uncomfortable when something happens that I know (or think) that others would get upset at. Like I feel that I should join in, or else I’d be attacked by the group. I suppose that is often accurate actually, lol.

But it doesn’t matter, I have the opportunity to consider all emotional states, & thus ‘me’ ‘myself’ invalid. Disagreeing with everyone. But from a perspective of understanding of the actual dynamics at play.

I think the biggest obstacle here, for me, is in being in the position of no-one within humanity considering me/my position valid.

I think the opposite is when someone laughs at your joke, or compliments you, it feels good… “I’m good.”

This bit really gets to me, “ if not more powerful” , I want to be ‘more powerful!’ I want to be ‘the most powerful!’

It reminds me of pretty shortly after I got into actualism I had to stop reading a lot of social commentary / pop reviews because every article was just like “this is the most _____” or “This is just so amazing,” or “This is terrible, isn’t it?” and the subjectivity was so naked that I couldn’t take any of it seriously.

So, similarly, that type of moment, “he is more powerful!” “she is the most powerful!”

Well, what is that?

It is felt… “I felt his power”

It is social… “Isn’t she so powerful?”

It is not permanent… people are gaining & losing ‘power’ all the time

There is belief involved… one person may be very swayed while another doesn’t see it / experience it at all

So much of it is imaginary too, no universal deity or whatever is ‘keeping score’ how many wins I get or whatever. Well, other than the one in my head lol

It’s always a precarious/insecure position too, I’m always having to do more to ‘increase my power’ & ‘shore up my position’ by manipulating others, it’s obvious from the actions of every megalomaniac in history that there’s no end to it.

Obviously the greatest power is held by the lovers… enlightenment is such easy seduction for most people. Even secular people tend to express to me that they like buddhism… they like the energy of it, everything is about love & compassion. Of course if you get to know any buddhist group or really come up against them that facade falls.

Similarly with me, if someone threatens the things I love I get riled up. Or if I have some grand plan for ‘saving everyone,’ if someone goes against that of course it’s a militant situation. And then we all die and it recycles.

People have come up with so many new convoluted systems of ‘the best way to do things,’ all of them heartfelt and similarly defended. One of the big lightbulb moments for me with actualism was the ‘splitting’ that humans get up to… because we haven’t solved the underlying malice & sorrow with all the systems in history, the suffering keeps going, and so we align with systems that just split over & over forever when different members feel differently about ‘what’s right.’ But there’s nothing or very little behind it, it’s driven by the feeling. “I don’t like this.” “Yeah, well I don’t like you!” Of course the initial system wasn’t valid either, but whatever they come up with isn’t any or much better. I call that the Fidel Castro problem. A lot of times it’s worse. Of course, ‘normal’ is pretty bad too. A slow, grey death.

And of course ‘normal’ is itself mediated by our culture’s little ministers of power.

It’s all fear all the way down.

I don’t need everyone else to do what I’m doing or to tell me I’m right. It can’t be done anyway. No one in history has ever been all-powerful. It’s just people making other people pee their pants because then they can have more sex.

Ok, what’s in the way of freedom right now?

Can I sit there when someone else is very angry, and be happy/harmless?

Even if ‘everyone’ agrees with them that it’s ‘reasonable’ to be angry

‘Everyone’ is really saying ‘those who I associate with as my group.’

‘My people’

‘The people I kow-tow to’

‘Those whose authority I respect’

There’s a bit of disingenuousness to me with being an actualist/wanting to be free, but hanging onto that subservience.

Obviously that’s where I come from, no need to be hard on myself, but either way it’s something unresolved.

I think a core part of maintaining authorities in my mind is my feeling of being impressed by them, so that’s another area I can look for in interactions.

I’m impressed by others when they seem to have something that I want, which is driven by my own feeling of lack, sorrow

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That’s a very important realisation Henry. Taking on responsibility for the emotions of others (even their actual freedom) is really dangerous territory. I speak from experience.

I can recall as a twenty something saying let he who takes offence be offended. So true. You have no responsibility for another’s happiness, none whatsoever. Consideration for others is a different matter.


Tremendous energy within me toward beauty.

A lot of overlap with desire… I desire that which I experience as beautiful

Interestingly, the definition of beauty appeals to the aesthetic, which is still apparent in the actual

noun: beauty; plural noun: beauties

a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.
"I was struck by her beauty"

So a lot of what I experience as beautiful now I may still enjoy in an aesthetic sense when free / in PCE, but without beauty itself / without love / without desire.

A momentary appreciation, rather than grasping

Beauty comes from a gap / lack

‘Something missing’

noun: desire; plural noun: desires

a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.
"a desire to work in the dirt with your bare hands"

Everyone’s just being pushed around by their desires

The same despondency when the desire’s not met

Predictable results

Acting out of the desire/despondency

Missing out on life due to existing in desire/despondency

A major interruption of intelligence, awareness

not to mention the simple enjoyment of this lovely moment! In that way I’m interrupting the potential enjoyment & company of another, as well.

The being of desiring

Being desire

Being despondent

Being perfect

Everything perfect rather than experiencing from me, desire, me, despondent

‘I need this before I can be happy’


Alan passed away today.

Sitting at a busy bar last night I could see in myself how ‘I,’ ‘my emotions,’ were getting in the way of what was happening. There were tens of people down below the balcony dancing, life just happening, and I was caught in something. It wasn’t even very intense deep emotion, but it was in the way of what was happening. I wasn’t there for it.

And just now, I noticed that the two top threads on discuss.actualism were Alan passing away, and the thread asking about a difficulty in sex - sex & death, those two perennial human themes. And in both of those the same thing happening all the time, ‘us’ getting in the way of the perfection of the actual.

We’re missing out on what’s happening, what’s actually happening. I wanted to say ‘really happening’ right there, but that’s confusing in actualism parlance lol.

I was talking with someone a couple of days ago about spiritual topics, and he said something interesting which is that - I’m paraphrasing a lot - but basically 90% of our awareness/consciousness is formed by the time we’re 1… something like we’ve already learned 90% of what we know by that time. And I’m just thinking about object permanence… like, we’re here in this actual-physical universe, this simple universe of sensate delight, and then we fritter our time & energy trying to make sense of & analyze & live in a metaphysical dream-world. It’s right there in front of us! Everything we need to know is already right there.

Well, nothing for it but to enjoy & appreciate.


Still some niggling fears of saying the wrong thing or offending others, it has lightness to it now though.

It’s interesting considering Alan’s reply above in light of his death, at the time it seemed to me like something of a subtweet toward his interaction with Felix (which happened just hours before). I spent a bit of time feeling waves from that, I guess I feel unsafe when there is any kind of drama flying around. I associate it with me because I associate ‘the actualists’ - as a group - with me.

First of all, I am completely safe.

And there isn’t really a group. Perhaps individuals act as if there is a group, feel as though there is a group, and create group-ish dynamics, but there is no group in the actual sense.

Similarly, the group can’t actually keep me safe! There isn’t any safety in that human realm.

Both my drive to be subservient and my drive to dominate come from ‘me,’ with no me there is only consideration of what is best for this body & every body. Such a different way of looking at the matter.

Working last night with a mantra of sorts, ‘girls sex friends fun work,’ as a way of going over my known attachments to see how any one of them express or move me in that moment. By putting them - in effect, expressions of ‘me’ - directly in front of me, I can test their power in that moment and compare ‘that world,’ ‘me,’ to the actual.

And it is a lead-in to investigation: one of them usually floats to the top, and that’s what I can question. It works the best when I’m coming from perfection or excellence.



Onto jealousy.

Realized last night that jealousy is at root an emotion of aggression, which by itself significantly reduced its attractiveness to me.

It also made it easier to spot, as I can turn the aggression over in front of me & see it more clearly.

It’s apparent as a waste of time both because it brings me down, and I’m bringing aggression to another - not to mention whoever it is I’m attracted to in the first place.


Quite a bumpy ride yesterday!

It made it more apparent what I’m doing here, just by not feeding the passionate side of things. What’s left without that? Perfection.

I had a question running, ‘what is it to be a good person in a perfect universe?’

It’s apparent that I can’t please everyone, that not everyone will love me.

What do I do then? I’m turning my drive to ‘be good’ toward becoming free - what could be better than becoming free?

Of course many / most people won’t agree that that’s the way to go, but I just disagree. It’s very simple that way. I’m no longer using their approval or disapproval as my measuring stick of success.

My success is now predicated on the degree of freedom, happiness, and harmlessness that I embody from moment to moment.


While driving to work I could see ‘me’ ‘being’ in real-time

As a layer over what is happening.

I was asking myself, ‘who am I’ over & over, and each time I would get a felt-response. ‘I’ like the reflection of light on that car. ‘I’ don’t like how this person is driving. ‘I’ like the evening light. It was shifting every moment, a new ‘being’ every few seconds.



Reading about ‘terrible people’ & seeing myself in them. Pol Pot failed his ‘brevet’ exam, thus being denied reaching an aristocratic education in France. He later strove to build a ‘completely equal’ society in Cambodia. I also have felt rejected from the fancy artsy types, and similarly have had a communist phase born of insecurity. Hitler was famously denied art school. I recognize these wounds in myself. I recognize the desire to control those around me. I was reading a piece about the power that professors have over their students, and I could see myself. ‘I’ was the professor shutting down his students, always having to be right. ‘I’ was the pupil, ashamed, shut down, but still desiring the professor’s approval. ‘I’ am causing every harm, every hurt, in history. My paranoia, my thirst for power, know no bounds.


What’s next?

What’s preventing me from becoming free right now?

I am hungry, I think I’ve held on to some tension about feeding myself. It’s related to money as well. Insecurity about accomplishing that. It’s also related to energy/activity… I’m hungry, but I don’t want to go put food together.

Well, my stomach factually exists, food factually exists. There’s not a way of sorting this out without working with those factual component parts.

It’s about this adventure of being alive, not needing confirmation from another abt ‘what’s going on,’ it’s self evident it’s right in front of me

It’s my adventure to find out for my self what the meaning of life is

What it is, being free

What it is, being alive


It’s happening right now, because there is only right now.

It’s so easy here

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