James' Journal

The pain and pain meds are taking their toll on me but underneath that I am ok. I can still enjoy and appreciate being at home and mostly staying off my feet.

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Iā€™ve been seeing how nothing really matters. For example if I had done this or not done that then things would be different with my pain. That doesnā€™t really matter because Iā€™m at where Iā€™m at right now and thatā€™s what there is to deal with.

In my long ago discussion about addiction with Richard on a K list which @geoffrey has alluded to I think he (Richard) made an important distinction. He said that what we (humanity) are addicted to is suffering. The distinction he made is that he equated suffering with ā€˜meā€™. Iow, we are addicted to ā€˜meā€™ which is suffering. It helps me to see this because then I see that it is not sensible to perpetuate this ā€˜meā€™ which is suffering.

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One way I am perpetuating ā€˜meā€™ is by wanting someone to like my post.

Haha, I shall unlike it then!

It is an interesting topic. I emended my thinking on it as itā€™s encouraging to have someone like a post.

The challenge is to go ahead and take action on what we post. If validation without action is happening, then itā€™s up to us to spot it.

Which brings up the main issue of whether we need the validation to take action. That can lead to a lot of missed opportunities.

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Good you pointed this out Jamesā€¦I agree with this !

What I realised is that from the position of feeling good and having a good time, it matters lesser and lesser whether I get likes for my post or not. Itā€™s only from a place of feeling bad/ insecure/ lonely etc that the need for post-likes is more.

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It was nice listening to @geoffrey talking considerately about this and his own ā€œapproval seekingā€ and ā€œsearching for likesā€ back then. And that at the first stage of practicing AF is not a problem, it gets you engaged.

Of course, he also observed that the building of an ā€œactualist character/identityā€ here becomes a problem later, for sureā€¦ But the realization of it is part of the next phase, so you are on the right track @jamesjjoo! :wink:


Haha nice I must be on track also! :raised_hands::laughing:

  • Approval seeking :white_check_mark:
  • Building an actualist identity :white_check_mark:

Yesterday I was driving along and I had the thought that I havenā€™t had a flat in a long time. Today I had a flat.

The State DEA has passed a new requirement that the doctors have to give a drug test before they can give a prescription for a narcotic. I tested positive for cannabis so my dr wonā€™t prescribe me anymore sleeping pills and if I test positive again he wonā€™t prescribe me anymore testosterone. I can live w/o the sleeping pills but I need the testosterone because I have hypogonadism and if I donā€™t get it I am facing premature aging and early death.
I think itā€™s my identity that doesnā€™t want to give up the cannabis and so I am justifying it and trying to figure out how to beat the drug test. It doesnā€™t sound sensible to keep using cannabis and do w/o the testosterone although I do think cannabis has saved my life because w/o it I would have been an alcoholic.
ā€˜Iā€™ want to keep using cannabis and get the testosterone too. ā€˜Iā€™ donā€™t want to give up the cannabis. ā€˜Iā€™ am thinking that my body also needs the cannabis and not just my identity.

Do you really think this is the case or youā€™re saying ā€˜youā€™ want to believe it even though you donā€™t think itā€™s true?

I think it could be true but I donā€™t know it to be a fact.

I think this is a great opportunity for you to find out by stopping at least long enough for the test to come out negative.

You will start to see if you really feel a difference in your body and, at the same time, if cannabis itself has not become a problem similar to the one it prevented you from having with alcohol.

If you still donā€™t want to go through this minimal suffering, it is most likely your identity which really needs to keep consuming.

@Miguel Yes thank you, this sounds like sensible advice. I need to stop the cannabis at least long enuf (30 days) before the next test to get a negative result. This could help me take the next step to af by not being dependant on a substance.

Who I am: An old dope addict.
What I am: A flesh and blood body.

Can I interest you in some magic mushrooms? :joy:

Far better than dope.

Yes, shrooms are the best. I was looking at the facts of who and what I am.

I expect my back to get well and the pain to go away.


I have stopped taking prescription sleeping pills and am now taking an over the counter one. This one has caused me to dream prolifically. While sleeping early this morn I dreamt that I was sword fighting with Tom Cruise over a beautiful woman. I donā€™t know if this prolific dreaming is good or bad but the sleeping pill does help me to go back to sleep after getting up to leak.


I feel like iā€™m losing hope with depression lurking in the background. The never ending pain is wearing on me. The pain dr wants to try one more injection so Iā€™m waiting on that. If that doesnā€™t work then I will need an operation which he says I donā€™t want. My best hope is for the last injection to work which the other two havenā€™t. The best I know to do from an af choice is to face those facts and expect for the last injection to work.

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