Thanks again Vineeto for another timely reminder. I really got it this time. Actually, I really got both of your salient points: 1) Its the experiential option that can bring about a permanent change along with the physical changes, 2) Don’t harbor objection/resentment to the pain or anything else. I cannot be 99.9% free as long as I do.
I have really noticed this time that as long as I have any objection or resentment to the pain or any thing else then I will not be virtually free.
It has made a huge difference to me to focus on virtual freedom before I try for actual freedom.
I recall @geoffrey saying this was important also.
I really appreciate your detailed attention in guiding me.
I can now better cope with my pain whether the new doctor can help me or if it gets worse. This has helped me to make a huge breakthrough in pain management and virtual freedom simultaneously.