Yes thanks Vineeto, actually it does clarify and simplify things for me. I am still living independently at home and its not that bad. I have plenty of help from my doctor prescribing some relative mild to moderate pain meds which help w/o being addictive w/o bad side effects , my maid who cleaned my house today, and my neighbor who put in my new air conditioner yesterday. I am still able to enjoy and appreciate while getting my shopping done and eating.
Your reminder of a virtual freedom was timely because that sounds doable even if I am unable to go all the way and there is nothing wrong with being 99.9 % free.
Also, I haven’t given up on improvement of my condition. While scrolling on Facebook I ran across an add for Texas Back Relief and clicked on it from which they got my phone # and persistently called me about getting a second opinion. I have agreed for an appt with their Neurosurgeon who is an Indian Dr with 37 yrs experience so maybe he can help me.
A virtual freedom with mild to moderate pain sounds doable, Thanks for the guidance, The appt is Thurs so will let you know how it goes. This just my be the right path for me at this point. It is 20 miles away with a nice freeway all the way and the person I talked to on the phone sounded friendly and courteous. I expect everything to go good,
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