James' Journal

Yes, in rereading all of this things are shaping up. What I have gathered so far:
By accepting the fact of my impending physical death I have opened the door to self-immolation.
Richard said above that only altruistic self-immolation will do it and that in the meanwhile minimizing both the ‘bad’ and ‘good’ feelings and maximising the felicitous feelings is better than trying to eliminate them because this will have immediate benefit of feeling happy and harmless while rewiring the brain before the once-in-a-lifetime event happens which wipes out the identity in toto.
In summary: By accepting the fact of my impending physical death I can now be happy and harmless while readying myself for an altruistic self-immolation.
I will keep rereading the whole page in the discussion with Richard as you suggested.
By accepting the fact of my impending death I have given up the addiction to being ‘me’ and am ready to venture into the unknown as you suggested. It is noted that you suggested ‘with utter sincerity’. I have always been sincere but not utterly sincere. Thanks for posting this discussion with Richard. I have finally gotten what he said all those years ago that it is the addiction to being ‘me’ that has to be given up and I have finally done that.