James' Journal

Hi James,

When I wrote –

Vineeto: You say “I am missing the over-arching importance of pure intent” – the next question I would ask is, why?
What is missing to experience “the over-arching importance of pure intent”? What is holding you back from wanting to be actually free as the number one priority in your life? Is there a feeling, an apprehension, an apparently valid reason, which stops you going further.
Some sincere and attentive contemplation may provide an answer. If not, keep probing, until you experience the fascination, the obsession with discovering the very meaning … and then the direct experience of pure intent“an actually occurring stream of benevolence and benignity that originates in the vast and utter stillness that is the essential character of the universe itself”. (Richard, Articles, This Moment of Being Alive)
Once experienced you cannot help but making this direct experience of pure intent, as Kuba described it in his message yesterday and which he called “the flavour of the final destination” (link), the “first and foremost” aim in your life. [emphases added]

and you answered scant 5 minutes later was –

James: I don’t know why.
There is no feeling, apprehension, valid reason, nothing to stop me from going further.
Evidently, there is a belief that I can’t. I have no reason why I can’t. It seems like I still don’t want it. Maybe has to do with I’m doing good as I am so there is no need to go further.
It has to be a belief. Could be a belief that I can’t or I don’t need it or some other belief that I am not seeing.
It could just be a belief period. I need to keep looking at belief. This could be the guardian. Will keep looking for a hidden belief.


The guardian itself is a belief. It is part of the whole make-up of ‘I/me’ which is all a belief.

… then I cannot help but notice that in those 5 minutes you could not possibly have had any “sincere and attentive contemplation” nor kept “keep probing, until you experience the fascination, the obsession with discovering the very meaning … and then the direct experience of pure intent” nor have carefully re-read Richard’s article about the method to see if you were missing some vital element nor have read the link to Kuba’s message describing “the flavour of the final destination”.

Instead you proffer some familiar sentences from your previous repertoire such as “It has to be a belief. Could be a belief […] or some other belief that I am not seeing” and “the guardian itself is a belief” which bring you not an inch closer to experiencing pure intent.

Here is a quote of the day for you –

Richard: It is not for the faint of heart or the weak of knee … but pure intent, born out of the connection between one’s inherent naiveté and the perfection of the infinitude of this physical universe, will provide one with the necessary intestinal fortitude. (Richard’s Journal, 1997, Article Seven)


Richard: it takes nerves of steel to don such an aqua-lung and plunge deep in the stygian depths of the human psyche … it is not for the faint of heart or the weak of knee.
This is because past the human conditioning is the human condition itself … that which caused the conditioning in the first place. To end this condition, the deletion of blind nature’s software package which gave rise to the rudimentary animal ‘self’ is required.
This is the elimination of ‘me’ at the core of ‘being’.
The complete and utter extinction of ‘being’ is the end to all the ills of humankind. (Richard, Homepage)

I cannot be more interested in your freedom than you are.

Cheers Vineeto

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