Thanks V for clarifying exactly what ‘the guardian’ is which is the whole ‘being’ including the social identity and the instinctual passions. This is vitally important info to help me succeed to become free.
I do remember the discussion with Richard about addiction on an old K list which was one of the first discussions I had with him. My takeaway was that what we (humanity) are addicted to is suffering which essentially is ‘me’. IOW, ‘I’ am addicted to ‘me’ which is suffering (’ ‘I’/me’ is suffering).
Also, thanks for clarifying that ‘I’ cannot end ‘I’. I have to give permission with my whole being to allow pure intent have it happen.
Iow, when my whole being (social identity and Instinctual passions) allows the universe to live me(out from control) thru pure intent I am on the right track.
Have I put this correctly? I am trying to put this succinctly and correctly to help me make it so.
How would you put it succinctly?
I think I got it above where I said:
“I have to give permission with my whole being to allow pure intent to have it happen by allowing the universe to live me.”
Further refinement for succinctness:
“I have to give permission with my whole being to allow pure intent to have it happen.”
I have found that being specific is the key to success.