Getting the Word Out

Or maybe “want to end it all? Consider self-immolation”


“Are you an entity? Click here for your own demise”

“Flesh and blood only, 30 day free subscription”

“Peace on earth in this lifetime or your money back”

“Have YOU wondered why it is always this moment? Click here to find out”




“Feel like ending it all? Try this first. Satisfaction guaranteed”

The old bait and switch.

Well I think the ads worked. The light blue color shows anonymous visits.


The campaign started on September 2nd. So it clearly drove more traffic here.

Lots of people seeking for the purpose of life clicked :smiley:


Overall got 86k impressions on the ad (!) and 473 clicks (!):


I’d say it was a success in driving traffic, but nobody interested enough to make an account and post. It’s probably not the ideal landing page also. So we can keep it in our back pocket for later :smiley: . I’ve disabled the campaign for now.

Google did claim running it for 3 weeks gets better results. Which might be true… but I think we save it for later when there’s a more concerted ‘get the word out’ effort lol.


Nice work. Might be counterintuitive but what do you think of using words like enlightenment, enlightenment alternatives, finders course and so on? Old Srinath found actual freedom looking for alternatives to enlightenment that were less of a grind :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s funny how different our vantage points can be @Srinath. I would’ve never had any interest whatsoever in enlightenment.

I was looking for something with more “bite” than what I’d found so far regarding what was actually true (or something to that effect) and the AFT was the only thing that cut deep enough to satisfy… if that makes sense.


a couple of days ago i was thinking about how the appeal can come from 180 degrees opposites.

for instance, as someone with more introverted and avoidant-dismissive tendencies, to me actualism made immediate sense and had a great appeal from the elimination of emotions and self-sufficiency points, which makes terms like “autonomy” potential great hooks.

on the other hand, i can see how a more empathic or loving person would rather like the “connective” aspects of actualism such as actual caring, intimacy, etc.


Oh, but didn’t you put in the ads the website (i.e. your article) as the landing page? Did you point directly to the forum?

It’s all cringe in my book. Happy and harmlessness is still an ocean away after all these years. Who are we to tell anyone about anything. If we want to put the word out then talk about the PCE and felicitous feelings as a category. The former is objective and there’s nothing in the self-help or spiritual literature. So bringing attention the PCE would be helpful. The latter would be helpful to anyone who likes psychology. And that may possibly domino if the right person is exposed to it.

The quality of discussions these days is “oceans” better than anything we had to read back in the day though.

I would be fascinated to have a flow of interested people.

I also cringe a bit thinking about the “after all these years” in my case. However, there is progress, and for someone with zero (or going backwards) progress, even reading something as simple as your observations the other day could be a game changer.

I doubt that. Maybe a questions about the AFT page but then the newbie has a dozen people chomping at the bit. It’s all projection. A newbie comes here and immediately everyone uses him/her to prove to themselves how much they progressed and how well they understand “actualism”. Cringe. I do like the idea of spreading word about the PCE and about felicitous feelings as a separate category of feelings, however. :man_shrugging:

That may be a problem at times, but I don’t think enough to say it’s not worth inviting new people here at all. Yes sometimes people get caught up in showing off more than in saying something useful, but I think by and large the quality of discussion here has been really good. I’ve personally benefitted from it many times.

Any reasonable human that comes here can determine for themselves if we have sensible things to say, and if the AFT has sensible things to say.

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You sure this isn’t you projecting?? :smile:

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I had the opposite fear, that I would loose myself trying to help without really being solid in it myself. That I wouldn’t be able to actually help, but I would feel compelled too.

Almost like this is a “safe space”.

However, who knows what would happen?

Most who get interested don’t last long. Thousands have bounced off actualism over the years.

I can’t say I am a wonderful example of success with actualism considering the years of vacillating and slow progress.

However, the areas I would always interject are when somebody says I don’t remember a PCE. I would say, I started out the same. One can still make progress the same with having mental health issues. More so as a means to encourage people not to walk away. Or to challenge any excuses.

Curious now though as to how some of the newbies have found the forum?


I was a newbie when I came to slack about 3 years ago and its been such a big part of whatever success I have had.

I remember many years ago when I was just interested in actualism I was on the yahoo forums and back then the general understanding and application of the method was poor.

Comparing back then to now there is a huge difference. There is so many key things that have clicked from my participation here and also just the act of posting has kept me in the loop and committed.

Even comparing what is going on now vs my early days on slack things have changed a lot for the better.

The other thing which I was talking to @Sonyaxx about the other night is that it is easy to forget just how low the ‘normal’ baseline is and how significant whatever successes we have along the way are.
Sonya mentioned herself that looking back she is nothing like the other girls she talks to, there is all these things that have simply disappeared, and I see this in her for sure. She is simply not the same person I met a couple of years ago.

Sure maybe we aren’t all living in virtual freedom and having PCEs daily but all it takes is to look back at one’s life a few years ago to see how much has changed, I always surprise myself whenever I do this, even looking a couple months back always demonstrates that there are certain ‘chunks’ missing and that my life is cleaner and purer and more happy.

I know what I live now is already beyond what a normal person lives. I do not argue with my partner, I do not get in moods, I do not go round being miserable and malicious, I live my life in a way that is quite sensible and successful day in day out, stress is markedly diminished, there is fun, delight and more.

Do I not have enough experience to assist in another person finding something similar for themselves? I know I do because my mum who has been dabbling in things purely through conversations with me reports big changes and they are verifiable every time I interact with her.

Of course there might be some inclination to ‘show off’ to a newbie as a way of confirming things for myself but that’s fine too haha, I won’t know I’m doing it unless I catch myself doing it.

I think whether newbies stick around or not is so much more to do with their own intent than the quality of discussion here. Most people who spoke to Richard ran for the hills lol. I think as it stands right now it takes a pretty unusual person to stick with Actualism long term, the goal is to find those people (ones like ourselves) and give them the best assistance we can.


I was thinking the same about “showing off”, there is not much of a downside when there is the number of active participants here. Besides, what would be the ultimate bragging rights is actual freedom. That is what I meant about the whole “I’ve been meditating for 10 years!” Wow, you must be great! vs “I’ve been into actualism for 10 years!” Are you free? No, you must suck!

There really isn’t much that one can get away with as far as “showing off” when the AFT is there as the gold standard.

Yea you can try but it will be obvious to everyone what you are doing :smiley: only fooling yourself ultimately . . .

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As I wrote above , it was pointed at the forum welcome page:

The article I wrote may indeed be a better landing page though!

I think it might be! The welcome page doesn’t introduce actualism much

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Much better in my opinion.