Getting Stonewalled

So I have a particular emotional pattern that is doggedly causing me repeated misery. Me and my partner go through cycles in our relationship where she will become upset with me for some unknown reason and start to withhold intimacy and become curt or distant. Almost as if she’s emotionally pulled out of the relationship for the time being. In relationship lingo, this is called stonewalling behaviour.

The pattern goes like this: she stonewalls me → I go into a panic and eventually ask her whether something is wrong or whether she’s upset → she denies → either I keep pursuing the matter and she tells me or she feels like she’s ready to share and tells me.

Now obviously, this pursuing behaviour is just an expression of the fearful feelings, and keeps me locked in this pattern. I wish to get to a place of being unaffected by her feelings towards me. Something like @rick’s post here:

I know that love is the culprit, but I am starting to open up to this extremely uncomfortable feeling of being stonewalled. It is a very strong feeling of rejection. I’m mixing this with investigation. Anyway, I’ve had minor successes feeling good while this is happening, but prolonged exposure makes me crack and fall back into this pattern. But I really wish to stop repeating the tried and failed. I want to feel good no matter what.

To that end, I was wondering if any of you have any success stories with dealing with this kind of thing?

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Rick’s advice is the best imo - - “A significant chunk of my sense of well-being and emotional security was tied into the status of the relationship’s integrity, which was itself tied into the status of my spouse’s emotional temperament and her fluctuating perceptions of me and the relationship”

Basically you can’t allow yourself to feel good if your partner is upset, specifically with you. Or you can’t allow yourself to feel good if they are withholding affection. Do you think you fear what your life might be like if you two broke up? Would it get harder? More expensive? Or do the fears surround more emotional things, like a need for fulfillment from one’s partner. Both? This is a very sticky subject & I’ve had it both ways at the same time.

You could probably work through a lot of objections to feeling good the next time this situation arises. Just come up with sensible reasons for feeling good, and sensible reasons for feeling bad. Come up with why feeling good in the situation would be silly. Come up with why feeling bad would be silly. See how it all tallies up. But I found this ‘technique’ where if I make a ‘good’ argument for following where the instincts are taking me, it starts to sound silly and becomes less appealing. And then the sensible route becomes more appealing (to ‘me’ at the core of my being). And you just do this cognitively each time you feel bad until it’s no longer an issue.

Otherwise, I do believe that a couple can work through this if they both recognize this situation as a common pitfall and ineffective tactic that couples engage in. It’s par for the course as both parties are engaged in a psychic battle anyway. She is merely attempting to get what she wants from her partner, and withholding affection is a means to an end. As instinctual beings, we all seek power over one another. So she can withhold love and affection from you to gain a psychic advantage - - she gains psychic power over you where you feel like you have to seek her out for a resolution so that things can go back to normal. (This is garden-variety psychic power, where one’s emotions can be manipulated in order to control/influence them.)

This tactic is so common and it gets to fly under the radar because it’s ‘non-violent’ and everyone is engaged in it to the point that they don’t even realize what they’re doing. But it’s just more vibe violence aimed at self-centric ends. And it’s difficult to ‘call-out’ because it’s easy to ‘call-it-out’ in a way that is psychically aggressive.

If both parties can recognize that they do this to each other from time-to-time, and both agree that it’s not helpful, and both agree that trying something different in those moments is worth it, then it comes down to a matter of engaging new tactics while being instinctually driven in the other direction. It won’t ‘feel good’ in the traditional sense. Either way, it requires both parties at some point to see what’s happening and how their behavior contradicts their desired goals of the relationship, and try something different, in a sincere way, in an attempt to change and cease repeating the same patterns, so that the relationship can be better over-all for both parties and not just one person. Both parties have to be more focused on ‘policing’ themselves rather than each other, which again, is not what happens in typical relationships.

The more you can weather the storm of the psychic battle the more you can patiently interact without getting sucked back into the real-world. Leila recently quoted Richard:

Incidentally, the reason why the nursery-doggerel ‘sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me’ was largely ineffectual in childhood is because truisms such as that do not take into account the affective vibes and psychic currents—transmitted instantaneously via the psychic web connecting all feeling-beings regardless of spatial extension—which are part-and-parcel of the very act of giving offence and/or being offensive and the vital element in the entire giving offence and/or taking offence phenomenon which bedevils life in the ‘real world’.

As I have oft-times said, it is the psychic web where the real power-play takes place. Howsoever, once the practice of not taking offence becomes habituated even the most virulent affective and/or psychic power-play—being thereby recognised for what it is—can thus be weathered with relative ease.

She may not be name-calling, but she is 100% engaged in a psychic power battle and using withdrawal as a tactic. You’re involved in the battle too. Par for the course, and it helps to remember that both you and her have been doing stuff like this for decades now. You could likely learn a lot about the psychic web and psychic power plays from this situation.


It helps to remember that this is a process and that you won’t be perfectly graceful the first time, or the first few times. This stonewalling is partly a tactic because it so reliably ‘gets results’ in terms of gaining an edge. It’s also easy to deny, which means that it doesn’t break the various taboos on ‘acting out.’ So your feeling upset/insecure is par for the course, indeed the most likely outcome as a feeling being that cares about your partner and cares about the relationship.

The next part might be what you are doing, which is seeking to understand the situation at large. See what she is doing, see what she might be accomplishing, and understand why she might want to accomplish that. Once there is understanding, it is no longer a personal issue as in “why is she doing this to me,” it is more of a “this is something that she does.” And she has her reasons; whether they are good reasons or bad reasons, they are there. They are the makeup of how she operates.

In my experience, once I have that clear vision of what they are doing, my emotional reactions have tailed off. I think this is because with understanding the basis of her tactics, I can see that they originate in suffering and the desire to control… my fear and suffering are replaced with care for her and a strong desire to do whatever I can to make things easier for her.

Ultimately my own reactions are a power play as well; in my ‘acting out’ and ‘upset,’ I am attempting to get a reaction out of her. Perhaps there is a guilt play as well, “how could you do this to me, you are withholding your affection!” But my power-play only adds another layer to the situation, and does nothing to help her resolve whatever initial reason for the stonewalling. Extensive self-investigation has taught me that it is a very tender process; thus, any degree to which I cause a ruckus is certainly not helping her get any closer to purity or understanding either. I have to be tender, thoughtful, caring. That means allowing my emotions to settle, via investigations on my own, before engaging.

We all have particular tactics we use to emotionally manipulate others, it just so happens that hers is stonewalling - at least in these particular situations. You have the opportunity to learn more about how that plays out, and perhaps dig under the surface to gain insight into subtleties of emotional dynamics both in her, in yourself, and within couples. When I have learned more about those things, I’ve increasingly seen that they’re quite universal… these patterns play out similarly in many relationships. These insights thus assist in making other interactions make more sense, and thus similarly remove the suffering from them.


This used to happen earlier on in my relationship, but no longer.

One of the early keys was in seeing that I actually truly, sincerely, genuinely, and factually had no way to know what my partner was upset about. A few rounds of me being absolutely sure I knew what it was, and building up a strongly-felt conviction, and then once conversation actually happened seeing that I was completely wrong, was enough to fully disabuse me of the notion.

That meant that there was no way for me to know what is wrong unless she told me, and that it was futile for me to try to guess. This even extended to whether she was actually upset with me in the first place. Sometimes she was upset about something else in her life. What I realized is that it was actually very self-centered of me to demand she tell me what it is, as it came from a place of me feeling she was upset with me, and me wanting to resolve it because of how it affected me – in other words, not out of consideration for her at all.

This allowed me to get to a point where I was comfortable letting her tell or not tell me at her own pace what the issues were. I don’t remember details, but I believe there were conversations with her also about whether I should notice something was wrong and say something, or something along those lines. But the insights above allowed me to establish that the only sensible way to handle this is for the person who is upset to voice what they are upset about to the other. Neither of us could mind-read. So I essentially established I would take no responsibility or blame if she was upset and didn’t tell me why. I also came to see that the most propitious way these things would be handled is when she was ready to talk about it. In other words, me bothering her to talk about it because of how it affected me, was neither happy nor harmless nor considerate of her nor the actual best way to handle the issue.

It would still bother me at times, of course – I don’t want her to be upset, both due to how it affects me but also out of consideration for her well-being. But, it was diminished, and what worked the best was experience, experience of either of us being upset, eventually telling the other, having a conversation about it (as harmlessly and happily as possible), seeing that it was ok for us to be upset and ok to talk about it, and seeing that that actually resolved the issue. Eventually we learned and built the good habits to actually talk about these things.

I would add that although it worked out well, it was not entirely up to me. If the other person does not also have a harmonious, peaceful, and thoroughly enjoyable relationship as their goal (and they don’t need to be an actualist per se to have this goal), then they wouldn’t take these sensible steps, or wouldn’t accept that they have to speak up, etc. If that were to happen you would basically have two sensible choices: accept and be ok with it such that you can be happy despite your partner being and remaining upset without saying anything, or end the relationship. And you would also have a third choice that isn’t sensible: continue being in the relationship and letting it bother you without resolving it in either of the two choices.

Hope it helps!



Thanks all for your thoughtful responses. It is clear that me chasing after her to get her to tell me why she’s upset is only due to me being unable to handle the feeling of being stonewalled. So the path forward for me is to become more comfortable with this feeling in such that I can weather the storm and respond more sensibly, out of a place of genuine consideration rather than selfish panic. When this stonewalling happens next, I will be focused on neither expressing/suppressing these feelings, calming myself down, and focusing on feeling good and enjoying and appreciating.

Ah it’s happening again. A good chance to put these new ideas into practice. Previously, I would either try extra hard to be “loving” or withdraw myself. Both are attempts to get her to stop her current behaviour. It is my retaliation in the psychic power play.

This time, I’m aiming to feel good and interacting from that feeling good. I aim to let her take her time. However, I’m still dealing with feelings of unfairness, indignation, and just plain sorrow. I am feeling/being these feelings and trying to redirect them into feeling good. In the past though, the sheer length of time has been my undoing. We will keep trying though, the forum members have given me the confidence to pursue this new course.

What helped me more than anything in these situations was when I saw that the root of it was my own dependence and neediness. That I needed another to be and act a certain way or that I needed another at all.


Getting stonewalled by my girlfriend again. For the past week she has been quite short with me and has withdrawn her usual affection. The way this usually ends is I seek her out for a resolution due to my panic and anxiety from being abandoned like this. I also lash out and retaliate in covert ways against her. It has to be covert, since what she’s doing is also covert.

This time, I am trying to do something different. I am interested in taking this all the way. To see what happens when I am not compelled to act on my fear/panic, but instead to feel these feelings fully, and then attempt to feel good. To not act out or lash out, but instead meet her happily (as best as I can) whenever she wants to communicate. To not chase her or pressure her to tell me what is wrong.

I have no idea what will happen, which makes it very exciting but also terrifying. I just know that I can’t be locked into this pattern forever.


As I stated here, the sheer length of time this goes on for has been by undoing. But I have been able to handle it quite well this time, albeit a few private episodes of indignation and anxiety. I am just seeing the whole construct of love and relationships. How I am so dependent on her to make me feel good. I am OK when the “tap” of validation and loving feelings is flowing from her. But when it stops, all hell breaks loose. I’m kind of like a little child whose mother has abandoned him. Reflecting on the identities we relate to, my “girlfriend” must validate me and service my emotional needs. A whole host of expectations. But the flesh and blood human being that she is can do whatever she wants. I have no “relation” to her.


I’ll just share my experience which is worth what it is worth…

A similar situation used to happen somewhat frequently in my relationship. She would become cold and distant without any explanation, and I would try to behave normally, despite it bothering me.

This type of situation hasn’t happened for some time and I believe the reason is that I changed a bit. I was more self-centered than I am today, and often I didn’t really listen to what she was saying. In a normal day, we would talk and I would ask her about her day etc., but my interest wasn’t always sincere and I would often interrupt with suggestions etc. In other words, I think she didn’t feel very comfortable talking to me when she was upset because she knew what to expect and it wasn’t good. Now I’m a bit more attentive, more honest/transparent, and I make an effort to treat her with respect…

Saying it like this makes it sound like I was a complete moron but it was all very subtle. It is not trivial to treat someone as a full autonomous self-sufficient human being. It is common to try to intervene, even in subtle ways. It is common to feel superior in some way. At least that’s how it is with me.

Interestingly, now when she’s bothered with something, it is all very obvious, she no longer hides it, and everything passes much more quickly. So in my particular situation, maybe I wasn’t solely the issue, but by fixing my end of the issue I think we both ended up changing for the better.


Thanks for sharing your experiences, Roy. I’ve often heard from women about their partners overriding them with solutions or suggestions when all they really want is to be listened. I feel like what you say here is not entirely relevant to me, as I have been a fairly good listener and never really try to change another’s mind (unless the matter also concerns me). Just the opposite actually, sometimes I am criticized for being aloof (not by my girlfriend though).

One thing I can take away from your post is that my interest in her is definitely not sincere. It has security (of our relationship) as a prerequisite, or I am almost always trying to elicit some kind of reaction in her through my empathetic/curious/compassionate behaviour. If that security (read “validation” or “safety”) isn’t there, I’m usually anxious and cannot really be interested in her. So one thing I can do is to be interested in the human being that she is, rather than being interested in my “girlfriend”.


Ok, I’ll just leave another comment and then I’ll shut up :sweat_smile:

You are a good listener but you still don’t really know why she is behaving this way, right? I’m just asking if you are completely sure that you are not a part of the problem. We are talking about a relationship problem so it may (or may not) be a problem caused by the two of you. If indeed you are not responsible (even partially) for the problem then the focus on getting the best of a bad situation (feeling good while the situation is bad) makes sense to me…

I have no idea why she’s behaving this way. Yes, I may be a part (or even the cause) of the problem. But I’ve guessed in the past and been completely wrong.

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This has happened to me countless times, with my current partner, @Josef . Along the way I have been learning, like you, to be less reactive. It has even surprised me that on recent occasions my reaction has been minuscule. For this, the application of the method has been fundamental, so that I have been discovering all the layers that have to do with that condition. It has also helped me, on some occasions, to express it to my partner, to tell her what is happening to me, but without placing any responsibility on her. In my case it has helped me to have confirmation, from her, that her distancing has not been due to something caused by me, but rather that she is going through certain situations that affect her. So little by little I have learned to stop interpreting that everything has to do with me and to trigger the entire system of insecurities. But I have even been able to go further, now I can see that even if it had something to do with me, there are no underlying reasons why it should make me feel bad. In other words, understand that if there is something about my behavior that affects her, the time will come to find out and see if it is possible to change it. Or that if for some reason she decides not to share with me anymore, the world will not end, life will continue its course and I will be able in any way to be happy and harmless and achieve the freedom I seek. This helps me to respect her autonomy more and more and I know that if she had something to tell me, ask me, etc., she would do it. This has helped me calm my interpretive system and relearn not to react to any change in her emotional state. But nothing would be possible without being as attentive as possible to my own states, and their variations. And above all, to have the firm conviction that I want to live freely, happily and harmlessly, and that any distance from this is a red light that warns of the loss of pure (sincere) intent connection.

I hope this can help you, although these are just my own experiences, everyone is going through something different.


This might be helpful:

Brilliant to not want to be locked in this pattern which is a common path to more misery in relationships.

These instances are great opportunities to recognise yourself as the instinctual passions - it certainly worked for me.

In this case all the panic and anxiety is you as the instinctual passions simply signaling that you are feeling disconnected, that the connection is under threat, and that you must act to resolve the fear of losing it.

The instinctual drive for bonding aka attachment and connection is what you are being in these instances.

Fundamental stuff…so she withdraws and you go on high alert. Her withdrawing is likely her behaving in the way that feels safest to her need for connection.

This might not align with your situation but there’s a quite a common dynamic - known as one partner being anxious and the other being avoidant.

For each the signal is the same - alert! disconnection imminent or underway! stimulate safety measures!

In this dynamic the way the anxious behaves to solve the issue can escalate the avoidant’s fear and their further withdrawal then heightens the alarm in the anxious. It can be a feedback loop.

The trick is to not pay too much attention about what she is doing (being cold or distant) or whether you are a good listener or what have you and recognise that you are being what you are, the instinctual passions in action! It’s such a beautifully simple example when you strip away the surface stuff.

If you are successful at this you’ll find it easy to stop feeling that way - at least in the normal day-to-day conflicts - higher stakes or already escalated emotions might need settling down first, hands in pockets, going for a walk instead is a good thing in these circumstances, long enough for the mood to settle, might be a while.

If you’re anxious and you go for a walk, you might recognise that you’re doing a version of what the other might be used to - in effect isolating to self-soothe and repair.

The key is to focus / contemplate on the fact that you are only feeling panicky and anxious because that’s what (who) you are, literally those feelings being what they are there for.

That’s who you are on this planet right now as the feeling being. When I recognised this it was a bit like feeling that I as the persona was the colourful flowers growing from the swirly instinctual roots but not separate from them.

It’s one of the coolest facts to discover.


I’ve just been sat in my garden having a cigarette and in amazement at your replies @jesus.carlos and @Ian. As @claudiu pointed out recently it really isn’t at all how it used to be on the forums in the past.

What you wrote here @Ian I found especially wonderful :

There is clearly something happening and it is so mirificent to witness. Now those personas can lay down ‘their’ burden and make way for actual peace on earth. How amazing!


@jesus.carlos This success story is exactly what I needed to hear yesterday. I’m inspired to take this all the way now.

I guess I needed to hear this from someone who has succeeded. What bothers me is the terrifying thought that this behaviour from her may go on indefinitely. But even so, life will go on and I can feel good.

@Ian The anxious-avoidant dynamic is something I’ve read about extensively, and aligns exactly with my situation. What your post really highlighted for me was that just by BEING anxious (and acting out the resulting behaviours), I am triggering her avoidance pattern further. That the very instinctual passion I am being is leading to the opposite of the desired result.

After reading these two posts, I was able to stop this anxious pandering last night. I noticed how when I’m in this triggered, anxious state, every piece of my communication was laced with seeking validation and security. Once I saw that, it stopped, and I was able to converse normally with her.

This is excellent. The more I don’t express/repress these feelings, the more I realize that this is spot on. I can FEEL that I am my feelings and they are me.


I don’t think this was shared here and I stumbled upon it, and may be relevant? It’s from Richard in this page:

“It was the experience of being able to be totally with another person – totally intimate – yet not being affected by their ‘trips’. Which is not to be taken to mean that you do not care about the other, it does not mean that you are not considerate, it simply means that you […] do not invest in the security of the relationship as in: ‘How are you?’. Or: ‘If you are not feeling good then I am not either’”


@roy I was just reading this article that you linked on your journal. This is exactly what I’m looking for, it’s good to see Richard say it explicitly. “How are you?” is often “How are we?”. So if you are not good, then we are not good, and therefore I am not good. Suffering for all

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