Vineeto: I have no idea myself. I did not know what was happening to you and I am delighted you told me. It reminds me of Felix who asked me, what’s next, and he is already right in the middle of this ‘next’.
Kuba: Yes I first observed this happening around the time when I went out from control but I think I needed a bit more naïveté and confidence in my experience to write it out, this time I took the risk of appearing foolish haha.
Hi Kuba,
Mmh, you didn’t look “foolish” to me but naiveté can have that effect. When you live naively, i.e. when you don’t know what is happening next, because ‘you’ gave over the controls to pure intent living ‘you’, it is only to be expected to be happening more and more. You might as well throw the notion of foolishness out the window and have confidence in the “actually occurring stream of benevolence and benignity that originates in the vast and utter stillness that is the essential character of the universe itself”.
Vineeto: What happens at present is rather a demonstration that actuality is the same everywhere (in essence) and synchronicity happens
Kuba: Yes synchronicity is a great word for what I was trying to get at. It’s funny because ‘I’ being locked away from the rest of existence experience it as if ‘I’ am making ‘my’ various discoveries in a vacuum. And yet there is a lot more actually going on.
That would only be because ‘you’ are still pretending to run the show whereas your experiences prove otherwise (“a lot more actually going on”), such as experiencing fellow travellers as people in their own right. I am confident you experience them that way but are still surprised when the overall information you receive from such near-intimate experience doesn’t fit any of your pre-existing templates. It’s all good fun.
Vineeto: “Once ‘I’ catch onto what’s happening it is too late, it’s already in effect”. It is “mind boggling” for you because sometimes developments happen which an outside observer can see a little earlier than the person that it is happening to. It is also the inevitable outcome of allowing the universe to run your life via pure intent instead of being in control via the controller.
Kuba: Well isn’t this another huge bonus of daring to step out from control, as Richard wrote “one is supported by the universe”. And indeed discoveries of a serendipitous nature can be made because of this.
Exactly. So why allow the ‘controller’ to judge your serendipitous experiences with this backward yardstick? Doesn’t the ‘controller’ know ‘he’ is fired?
Vineeto: What Richard describes at the link you provided establishes one fact for certain, that “happy and harmless (affective) ‘vibes’ and felicitous and innocuous (psychic) ‘currents’ (I have oft-times said that is where the real power-play occurs)” have more power to transform the affective vibes of their fellow humans than the happy and harmless people themselves will ever be aware of.
Kuba: Yes this is something that I am discovering more and more these days and it’s another one of those mind boggling things. Normally ‘I’ experience ‘myself’ as a lone ‘I’, forever separated and sitting in ‘my’ ivory tower, where ‘I’ apparently run the show. And again there is so much more going on. It’s wonderful to contemplate that all this is happening and the outcomes are clearly visible. (link)
Yes, this is this lost, lonely, frightened and very, very cunning entity sitting in the corner sulking for having lost some power instead of coming to the party which is in full swing, and gladly giving up their burdensome existence for a very noble cause – nothing less than peace on earth. I do understand from memory what a stubborn fellow ‘I’ can be.
Cheers Vineeto
PS: As for the “Maestro” in this quote “thereafter an analogy akin to that of a maestro conducting an orchestra is suggestive of the actual in action” – it did give me an existential jolt of puissance reading it – perhaps you do vaguely (?) perceive something which I cannot, as I do not act according any ‘plan’ other than furthering peace on earth as well as I can.