Felix's Diary

Hey @FrankN - I would encourage you to not listen to those posts. My diary is not intended as a teaching tool! I understand that it is sometimes written in that kind of format - humans love to share and tell others to do what they are doing haha. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but do you really want to take advice from someone who is not actually free?

I love and very much appreciate what you wrote below (much clearer than anything that I have seen of AFT site)

What did you mean by this by the way? You do realise that the AFT website is written by actually free people, and that I am not? :smiley:

In any case, I disagree with what I wrote in those posts. Sounds like I was regurgitating stuff @Srinath has said rather than talking from my own experience :skull: Even if you wanted a “formula” for precipitating a PCE then it would have to at least include felicity, as I think any of the actually free peeps will tell you. Felicity was absolutely required for my recent PCE to open up sensuosity/naivete and kick things into a different gear. That being said, there is no formula - so sincerity is your best bet (that includes being sincere about how you feel). In my experience the onus is completely on the identity to make this happen up to a point (like up the point of it being an EE), and then a momentum not of ‘my’ doing takes over. It is very benevolent.