Claudiu's Journal

@claudiu I think I remember experiencing all sorts of weird admixtures of emotions with pure intent. It is definitely possible. And of course there is Richardā€™s famous ā€˜mountain of dread with hands in pocketsā€™ story. You reach a point where the ā€˜meā€™ separates out from me in ways that are quite weird and interesting. Minding that gap (as they do on the underground in London :wink:) may be a useful thing to do. Simply see if you can bring a gentle curiosity, delight and fascination to what is happening and allow it take you where it willā€¦ Remember it can happen at any moment


This is interestingā€¦

May be you can answer at least some of the following questions about that (notice that I am kind of ā€œexploitingā€ your current state to help you/help us to analyze/record here more about pure intent -a subject that has proven to be complicated to use/understand for practitioners over the years-; later this could be connected to the appropriate topic or even article):

  • When you say that you initially found pure intent in Ballina, does it mean that you experienced something there that you had not experienced before while practicing AF?

  • If this was the case, does it imply that your first PCE was in Ballina -leaving aside your 2009/2010 MDMA experience- and because of that then you experienced pure intent for the first time?

  • Or did you have PCEs before but failed to extract/separate/understand until Ballina what aspect of the PCE corresponded to pure intent -which can be used outside of PCEs-?

  • In any case, did your AF practice prior to Ballina not include pure intent?

  • If so, can you describe what it consisted of, and how it differed from when you found pure intent?

  • I would certainly have trouble describing it in several aspectsā€¦ Was there any response/comment from them to your description?

This blessing [pure intent] allows a connection to be made between oneself and the perfection and purity as is evidenced in a PCE.

ā€¦it is experienced as an irresistible enticement

From here

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Itā€™s the opposite for me. I canā€™t understand how it is that you or anyone else here cannot see that both the feelings and purity/perfection actually exist (actually as in the standard meaning, not actually as in sensately, obviously). I have resigned myself to just live with not understanding.

A boundary of sorts. Paradoxical maybe. Something like a boundless boundary between the finite and infinite.

To try to (poorly) explain with rough analogy: Take the example of a truck. The universe is not the truck, and is not of the truck, in the same way the universe is not ā€œme,ā€ and is not of ā€œme.ā€ And while purity in of itself is, as you say, ā€œsourcedā€ in something outside of the truck, and outside of ā€œmeā€ (purity is sourced in infinitude, after all), nonetheless purity is in the truck (in the finite), and in ā€œme.ā€ That you now experience purity to be connected to the deepest part of ā€œyou,ā€ then now you see it there, in ā€œyou.ā€ I see it as the seamless connection that exists between the finite and the infinite. Though of the other, it is not the other; and yet while not the other, it is not separate from the other. Canā€™t see how this would make much sense, but thatā€™s me giving it the college try.

I donā€™t have a good explanation for this.

Ah, Iā€™m happy to tell you. The blame falls entirely on Richard. Laying in bed one quiet evening last summer, reading Richardā€™s words, I read this:

Richard: This physical universe is infinite and eternal (boundless and limitless).

For some reason that sentence stayed in my head and wouldnā€™t leave. Then, completely unexpectedly, the words and the world around me merged. This massive universe that had always existed out there, outside of ā€œme,ā€ suddenly pierced through ā€œmyā€ boundaries, and infiltrated ā€œme,ā€ driving itself deep to the core, suffusing itself in every nook and cranny. It (temporarily) effected a different way of being (you could say). Thatā€™s how it seemed at the time. I now think that it was always there, itā€™s just I never saw it; something that always was and always is. Iā€™m reminded of when Richard said to Vineeto, in their DVD, that ā€œheā€ didnā€™t become redundant, ā€œheā€ realized ā€œheā€ was redundant. In other words, the universe was already in control. When the controller sees this, he sees his presence as pointless, useless. A glaring redundancy. So he steps aside (although I often experience it as being quite forcefully shoved aside :dizzy_face:). It may seem at first like the universe at that point takes over, but it is more precise to recognize that there never was a point when it wasnā€™t in complete control. No different than Maggie Simpson on the toy steering wheel fancying sheā€™s driving Margeā€™s car. Whatā€™s crazy is to discover that Marge is ultimately doing just the same as Maggie! (Has someone else already used that analogy? Itā€™s vaguely familiar.) When this is seen clearly, it works a magic. Othertimes itā€™s seen faintly, and things are closer to normal hum drum. But what was seen that night, cannot be unseen, and so itā€™s always there, and itā€™s always been there.

Solvann, I stand corrected on this. Others have made reference to Richard and Vineeto experiencing this simultaneous experience of perfection and negative emotion.

Do you think that the connection in pure intent is a no-contact connection? I canā€™t see how that would work.


Claudiu, my intent when writing you was not to focus on my experiences. I truly didnā€™t anticipate you would see the discrepancies that you did, but rather that my message to you would resonate with you, somehow. There were specific descriptions you made in your journal which I instantly recognized, and I wrote to you with that mind. If you see what I described as being incompatible with what you are going through, itā€™s entirely possible that youā€™re correct. Either way, I was (I am) truly thrilled at your achievement. I hope that this marks the beginning of the end for ā€œyou.ā€


Sure, and I appreciate the well-wishes. But I couldnā€™t help but be dumbfounded as to how someone experiencing such a connection can draw the conclusions they didā€¦ and I also canā€™t help trying to resolve it :smiley:

This, then , is the $64,000 question, that might resolve it at last ā€” in your experience, are ā€˜youā€™ (as in ā€˜yourā€™ feelings) of equivalent quality to the purity, i.e. are ā€˜youā€™ and ā€˜yourā€™ feelings (be they ā€˜goodā€™, ā€˜badā€™, or ā€˜felicitousā€™) equally pure / pure in precisely the same manner as anything else in the universe?

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Sure :smiley:

Firstly as a preamble, a few things have become clearer already.

  1. There is the ā€˜basicā€™ established connection to pure intent in and of itself, which I am experiencing on an ongoing basis for the last few days (every second of every day :smiley: ).
  2. When I become overjoyed at the sheer wonder of being alive into an excellence experience, pure intent becomes active / ā€˜operativeā€™. It is much closer and more immediate / more directly experienced.
  3. And then in a PCE I am that very pure intent.

#2 is sort of an in-between of 1 and 3, and it is not always clear to me whether itā€™s a PCE or an EE. That isnā€™t to say that a PCE is not a binary thing - it is - just that itā€™s not always easy for me to tell as the EE can be quite close to it.

Although I experience pure intent differently between 1, 2, and 3, I realize (via going between them and paying attention to it) that the pure intent is the same. Itā€™s not that pure intent ā€˜morphsā€™ or ā€˜changesā€™ ā€“ itā€™s that the same thing is being experienced differently. In #1 itā€™s more like it is there as a backup or a safety, and it can help lead me to #2 and #3, but it isnā€™t fully activated yet. While in #2 I am actively enjoying it and taking avail of it. And in #3 I am that very purity itself.

With that being saidā€¦

I thought that was the case when I was writing that, but now that you mentionedā€¦

Now that I have gotten some clarity of it, I would say in that very 2009/2010 MDMA experience itself, I experienced pure intent in the 2nd and 3rd way ā€“ of being it / of it being operative. But I would not have put it that way at the time (for obvious reasons).

And I would also say, in the 2012 MDMA experience I had (see ā€œConsidering the Possibilityā€ section), which prompted me to think ā€œWhat if Richard is right?ā€ ā€“ I was experiencing pure intent in the 1st way, i.e. it was not operative but it was enough that it got me to look more into this actualism thing sincerely.

Whereas in Ballina I experienced it the 1st way ā€“ and I didnā€™t get a clear sense of experiencing it the 2nd & 3rd way until much later.

I had no AF practice prior to my first trip to Ballina. I was completely turned around and befuddled by the affers and going down a very strange twist of a spiritual path.

At the time (in person) they said something along the lines that they appreciated my reports and that itā€™s new information to them.

Also I found an e-mail I wrote to Vineeto & Richard on May 30, 2012 (!), where I talked about pure intent this way. Note here I was talking about experiencing it as in the 1st way:

Vineetoā€™s e-mail reply on June 18, 2012 was: ā€œI like your points on recognizing pure intent, every one is spot on.ā€

So certainly I have known about it and experienced it this way for a whileā€¦ indeed what is new this time around is the persistence/consistency of the experience of it. As to why it took almost 10 years to get to this point, thatā€™s a great question, and basically only now am I really doing something about it lol. This time around itā€™s clear I donā€™t ever want to let the connection falter again.

What I would say re-reading my 2012 description now is that with the ā€œfeelings & senses are certainly affected by tapping into the purity; feelings turn felicitous and senses become brighter and far more pleasant in an unimaginable way.ā€ it doesnā€™t necessarily follow, itā€™s not automatic. If I am persistent in wanting to feel bad, pure intent doesnā€™t automatically re-direct me. Itā€™s not ā€˜out of my controlā€™ ā€“ I still have to choose and actively follow it. As I write this now I think this is the piece I was missing ā€“ I was wanting it to just ā€˜happen for meā€™ / i.e. for some ā€˜oneā€™ or some ā€˜thingā€™ else to do it to me / have it happen to me , while the issue all along was that I wasnā€™t wanting it to happen / wanting to allow it to happen. I mean I was, to a certain extent, but only to a limited extent which faltered many a time over the years.


BTW relating to this, I see why the act of becoming actually freedom now is a seamless transition (no fear or dread) between two worlds ā€” because the very purity that this flesh and blood body already is, is already experienceable even when a feeling-being ā€¦ and so itā€™s a simple matter of following that golden thread through all the way until that purity is all there is left. But ā€˜Iā€™ still have to be willing to allow it to happen :D.


Last night, and on some other occasions, I experienced the purity in a much more sublime (as in splendid, delightful) way. It was simply everywhere all at once and it had an intimate quality of sweetness to it. It happened as I got into bed and I was thinking ā€œwow I love to be aliveā€ :smile:. And it is like I could roll around in the purity just like I was rolling around in the bed sheets and pillows.

This was different than how I experienced it before in EEs where I would describe it more like a cool breath of fresh air. But itā€™s also clear itā€™s the same purity Iā€™m experiencing.

This sweet experience of purity reminded me a lot of something I experienced near the end of my first trip to Ballina, where I was wondering what itā€™s like for Richard and Vineeto in the actual world, and I experienced this impossibly fine and impossibly pure purity that almostā€™ threatenedā€™ to take me over (though there was no threat actually). The quality or way I experienced it last night is similar to the quality or way I experienced it then.

I feel like I have to write a one-sentence cap to the journal entry but donā€™t know what to say! :smile:


When I am reaching at least EE, it is not uncommon for me to experience a kind of vertigo and think/feel ā€œoh, no; I am going to drown in thisā€ :grimacing:. When Iā€™m in PCEs I donā€™t think/feel it anymore, but Iā€™ve also never tried to go beyond them (immolation)ā€¦

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Iā€™ve just realized that the purpose of my comment was unclear/omitted: Āædid you experience in Ballina that ā€œpurity threatā€ while in PCE, EE or a different state?

I was being just normal regular feeling-being consciousness and then I began wondering which I unknowingly did via an existential probing , and then there it was, this richly sweet and fine purity was all of a sudden immanent.

Interestingly Vineeto picked up my existential probing at the time, although she didnā€™t know my side of the experience until I told her later. In an email to me on July 11, 2012 she wrote:

I told her about my side of it and this was her response on November 16, 2014:

(Just as an aside, I quote from these emails freely once I determine thereā€™s no personal information in them, as Vineeto told me a while ago that I can publicly share whatever she writes to me privately if I think itā€™ll be of benefit. And I always ask if itā€™s a gray area.)


I had a dream that I wrote such a good forum post describing my thoughts and experiences that Richard gave it the ā€œhibiscus emojiā€ (ie the ā€œmeaning of lifeā€ emoji) ā€” with the username richard.actualfreedom

So that means I must be on the right track??? :smile:


There I gave it to you. Although I donā€™t think it will be esteemed in the same way. :smiling_face:

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I think I got some more clarity on this also ^

When I wrote ā€œItā€™s like before I wasnā€™t actually enjoying and appreciating ā€” now I certainly am.ā€ ā€“ I was having an excellence experience, whereas before I wasnā€™t.

Itā€™s not that I wasnā€™t enjoying and appreciating beforeā€¦ ā€¦ I was ā€¦ ā€¦ but it was not as much as in the EE.

Outside of the EE, even though I am experiencing pure intent (and have still been continuously), itā€™s still like something is missing, which is present in the EE, and is becoming familiar to me nowā€¦ that piece that is missing is allowing the pure intent to be dynamically operative from ā€œitsā€ side.

When that piece is in place then I experience the operative purity as a breath of cool airā€¦ and the enjoyment skyrockets!

Also it is increasingly clear that the only thing ā€˜Iā€™ can do, and the only thing ā€˜Iā€™ have to do, is to allow the purity to be operativeā€¦ itā€™s actually not a ā€œbigā€ thing per se. Like it isnā€™t ā€˜hardā€™ to doā€¦ but I have to want to do it. And at the same time, itā€™s no ā€˜meagreā€™ thingā€¦ it makes a world of difference ā€¦


It could be exactly that. But itā€™s good to be mindful of the trap of pleasing ā€˜Richardā€™ or ā€˜Vineetoā€™ - instead of moving towards actuality yourself. This is what feeling being does well after all, creating good-feeling ā€˜worldsā€™ to go into - instead of escaping them and going into the actual world. And as you get closer to the finish line and are suffused with purity, the difference between good feelings and feeling good can get quite subtle. Let sincerity and awareness be your guide.


:smile: for sure and I appreciate the advice! I will keep an eye out.

While writing the post I realized it came off like it was approval-seeking. But the experience of the dream was more that I was going down the right path and Richardā€™s emoji served as a confirmation of that ā€“ as opposed to a ā€˜goodā€™ feeling of feeling like Iā€™m doing a ā€˜goodā€™ job (as in receiving a positive moral dividend)

One thing I actually was thinking recently is no matter how much I may interact with you or Vineeto or Richard, exchange ideas, give reports, ask advice, etc., at the end of the day none of it will result in me self-immolating ā€” I still have to actually do it myself! Thereā€™s fewer and fewer distractions that I let myself get distracted by :smiley: .


Posted update here: Kub933's Journal - #56 by claudiu .

I was spreading an avocado on some toast with a fork and it was the most magical thing I have experienced.

The avocado itself consisted of coruscating infinitely distinct and smooth shades of green.

As I pressed the avocado into the toast I got fascinated with the experience of smushing the avocado around. I turned the fork over with the prongs down and started raking the smushed avocado, and as the fork was making furrows in the greenness, I distinctly experienced it like I was scratching my own back somehow, that I was delightfully and joyously making furrows in myself, if I were something that enjoyed having furrows made in it!

However it is not that I was the avocadoā€¦ rather there was no separation between me and the avocado. Me and the avocado were made of the same thing and had the same existential statusā€¦ we were both the universe itself and I was the universe interacting with itself. (ā€˜Claudiuā€™ of course was in abeyance at this point.)

Quite mind blowing!!


Smashed avo for the win!lll :tada:

Thatā€™s great stuff. Love avo.