Yes this is exactly what has been going on on my end. The other day ‘I’ gave myself permission to stop trying for a little bit to see what happens, things got more quiet on ‘my’ end but yet the momentum continued as before.
I remember @claudiu you posted a while ago about what Geoffrey was doing leading up to self immolation, which was - rising up to the challenge of being here as the universes experience of itself, this is exactly it.
It’s clear that pure intent will guide me to the exit, in fact this is exactly what has been happening. It is tricky initially to allow this because ‘I’ want to be busy, ‘I’ want to grasp this thing and push with it.
The other thing that has been circling my mind is Richard’s words that - If only one could see that pride and humility stand in the way of ceasing all self centred activity. It’s about finally agreeing to allow life to happen of it’s own accord, seeing that it is far far better without ‘me’.
The past few days this kind of movement forward has got me experiencing life like never before, like it just makes sense that living as a flesh and blood body sans identity is what the universe intends, it should be the norm. All it takes is to look around to see that this is the case, it’s this business of being a separative entity that is weird, that is “not right”.
‘I’ have to go against all clearly demonstrable actuality in order to maintain ‘myself’, ‘I’ have to go up against the universe itself to maintain ‘myself’.
Okay … this is important, vital, pivotal: ‘I’, the thinker, know that ‘I’ cannot do it … ‘I’ cannot disappear ‘myself’. Only the ‘utter fullness’ can, and the ‘utter fullness’ is ‘calling one’, each moment again, and it is only when ‘I’ fully comprehend – totally, completely, fundamentally – that to be living this ‘utter fullness’ is to be living ‘my’ destiny will one be able ‘to answer that call’.
This full-blooded endorsement means it then becomes inevitable.
Allowing this “utter fullness” is indeed not about ‘me’ keeping busy, it is about ‘me’ becoming (or more specifically accepting that it has always been so) totally redundant, and agreeing to this with the entirety of ‘my’ being. When ‘I’ contemplate this possibility there is such an incredible sweetness to admitting this, it’s where release is located.
It’s quite funny too what kind of trivial things ‘I’ am now looking to busy ‘myself’ with since all the big ones have been exposed. This weekend just gone I was alternating between allowing life to happen of it’s own accord and then worrying about this under sink cupboard that I bought where the doors don’t fit quite right and whether I should replace it or not
Like ‘I’ am trying to sell ‘myself’ on being necessary by making things like this appear so very important, lol!