Kuba: When I first noticed this it was shortly after I stepped out from control and I noticed this incredible way in which things were proceeding. Where Vineeto would write something that seemed like the next step for ‘me’ to proceed to, surely enough the next day I found that things were happening in exactly that way. It made me wonder whether ‘I’ was already “there” so to speak, and so whether she wrote something or not I would have ended up in the same place anyways. Or was the acknowledgement of what she was writing somehow ushering me to proceed in this new direction, or was it a mix of it all . But this is where it gets kind of mind boggling trying to suss out the cause and effect relationships.
Claudiu: There’s certainly a question of like, can ‘I’ actually do anything to proceed further? Do I actually do it, enable it, or would it happen the same regardless? Ultimately I put it down to, I do what I can. I definitely appear to have some influence over whether I am proceeding or not – but then there’s just serendipitous moments like the PCE I wrote about recently, that happened unplanned, I was just naively curious about this sensuousness thing and boom, there it happened!
Ultimately maybe it’s just about setting the stage and being willing, and then the universe does it.
Hi Claudiu,
Yes and no. The ‘universe’, i.e. pure intent, can only have it happen when there is not a single objection left. By moving as close as you can to make ‘self’-immolation an actual event, ‘you’ bring out in the open any objection which might be lurking in the depth of your ‘being’. As you know from your previous explorations, this is not a dispassionate affair. And in the meanwhile you are ‘being naiveté’ and as sensuous as you can be.
Kuba: So yes in the end I am left with this word synchronicity and the realisation that ‘I’ clearly cannot do it unaided.
Claudiu: Pure intent is with us all the way. Vineeto is helpful because she is pure intent, personified! She is actually the universe experiencing itself as a flesh-and-blood body called Vineeto, doing whatever she can to assist others. She cannot do it for us – but I agree that, Vineeto, your participation has been wondrous and magical here! Everything is unfolding rather delightfully all-in-all. I get a sense once in a while that something much bigger than I am consciously aware of is happening, and I am only directly experiencing a small part of it, my own perspective.
And isn’t this wonderful, both the ‘glimpses’ of “something much bigger” and the magical mystery to be revealed on arrival in the actual world!
Claudiu: It will all be cleared in hindsight I am sure – rather than try to suss and figure it all out now, it seems most sensible to proceed as full speed ahead as I can, have it all happen, and then once free or even fully free, we can reflect on what happened and piece it together, if not already obvious by then.
Yes – and as much as I am the universe experiencing itself as a conscious sensate human being sans identity, so is your flesh-and-blood body and you can experience this when you invite sensuosity and naiveté and allow what happens next. It will give you more and more confirmation that this is where you want to be for the rest of your life, no matter what the cost.
Claudiu: Otherwise it’s putting the cart before the horse, trying to figure out what role I am having in people becoming free before anybody new actually did it haha, this would be silly.
Ha, you just shot Kuba’s last objection to pieces.
He did resurrect it, though.
Cheers Vineeto