Claudiu's Journal

Vineeto: PS: As for the “Maestro” in this quote “thereafter an analogy akin to that of a maestro conducting an orchestra is suggestive of the actual in action” – it did give me an existential jolt of puissance reading it – perhaps you do vaguely (?) perceive something which I cannot, as I do not act according any ‘plan’ other than furthering peace on earth as well as I can. Felix’s Diary

Kuba: Yes I was going to reply to this one too but at the same time being careful as not to go into unnecessary theorising.
What I can tell with certainty is that I couldn’t have made it even this far if it wasn’t for the assistance of others. ‘I’ always saw ‘myself’ as a kind of proud overachiever but ‘I’ definitely met ‘my’ match with Actualism . It is actually incredible how Geoffrey seems to have done it, relatively unaided and so quickly.

But before the events of this year I was somewhat stuck, I was on that same plateau for about a year or so and things just weren’t budging any further. Richard’s death provided the initial impetus and Claudiu proceeding to step out from control gave me something repeatable to aim for.
But the other big aspect was Vineeto posting on this forum. I always wanted to be able to interact with an actually free individual but for what ever reason Srinath and Geoffrey took a more hands off approach.
But the way things have been proceeding for me since Vineeto started posting here is indeed like being ushered forward as if by a maestro conducting an orchestra.

Hi @Kuba,

Thank you for explaining further how you perceive the role of the “maestro”. You first clearly delineate that there is/was a “kind of proud overachiever” of doing things successfully on your own without having to acknowledge/ appreciate the beneficial input you received from others. Whereas with actualism, being something entirely new to human history, you had to mainly rely on Richard’s reports / descriptions/ explanations to learn about it until your own PCEs gave you your own loadstone. Even then you needed information /encouragement as to how to put actualism into practice most efficiently.

Now that I know what you mean by the role of the “maestro” I can tell you how the modus operandi writing on the forum works: I am primarily interested for your sake as you are a fellow human being, to aid your goal of becoming actually free. I am secondarily interested and aware of all other active members to aid with information, and thirdly I am interested for everybody’s sake (for the sake of flesh and blood bodies in general) as another person being actually free increases the possibility of setting a chain-reaction in process, and also people naively being happy and harmless increases the likelihood of an equivalent ambience. There is nothing special, it comes with the territory of actual caring. It is not always crowned with success as Richard’s writings to several hundreds of correspondents demonstrates.

Kuba: The very cool thing to note is that Vineeto does not have any power, it is not like ‘I’ could be manipulated by her to move in a certain direction. This being ushered forward is only possible because of ‘my’ concurrence. Ultimately this is possible only because ‘I’ have given way to pure intent.

Yes, it is in ‘your’ hands alone to the very end.

Kuba: When I first noticed this, it was shortly after I stepped out from control and I noticed this incredible way in which things were proceeding. Where Vineeto would write something that seemed like the next step for ‘me’ to proceed to, surely enough the next day I found that things were happening in exactly that way. It made me wonder whether ‘I’ was already “there” so to speak, and so whether she wrote something or not I would have ended up in the same place anyways. Or was the acknowledgement of what she was writing somehow ushering me to proceed in this new direction, or was it a mix of it all . But this is where it gets kind of mind boggling trying to suss out the cause and effect relationships.

I am always amazed how you, after relinquishing your first scepticism around your image of ‘Vineeto’ (link), were very perceptive and receptive of anything anyone on the forum wrote, which might give you a lead forward to becoming actually free. You could call it serendipity which requires actively recognizing and taking the opportunity presented –

RESPONDENT: On the other hand, by serendipity (luck) I understand the moment when preparedness meets opportunity.
RICHARD: There is no such thing as luck here in this actual world: there are, however, opportunities that occur (happenstance) which either may or may not be taken advantage of … for example: even though Peter describes meeting Richard as being a serendipitous event there are those who also have [met Richard] who do not (more than a few would probably not even remember it). (Richard, AF List, No. 25i, 19 May 2005).

Kuba: So yes in the end I am left with this word synchronicity and the realisation that ‘I’ clearly cannot do it unaided. It feels nice writing this out and letting whatever is left of pride disappear. After all even Richard needed Devika to “crack the code”. It is so obvious that human beings are so very intertwined with one another and ‘I’ cannot do it in a vacuum. Perhaps this is partly why it took so long for the first pioneer (Richard), to be the first certainly took something exceptional. Well each pioneer has to be exceptional but let’s say Richard was exceptionally exceptional .

I am with you that only “exceptionally exceptional” people can become actually free unaided, and for those who do there is a track record. Even Geoffrey reported how much he appreciated the help received when Alan and Donna (link) collected questions from Zulip members for answers from Richard and Vineeto –

Geoffrey: I am Geoffrey, a French man of 42 years. You might remember me asking quite a few questions when Alan and Dona were in Ballina last year, including a few about self-immolation… Thanks again to you and Richard for your answers, which were invaluable. (the first free french :slight_smile: Private email, 5.10.2018)

And feeling being ‘Vineeto’ understood from the start that in no way ‘she’ could become free of ‘her’ own. There never was this kind of ambition either.

Apart from the words written, the felicitous vibes/currents on the forum are certainly influential. However, given that the word synchronicity has much currency in the real world (rightly or wrongly attributed), it may not apply for every situation where you perceive it so, and this is because ‘I’ will grasp any opportunity to explain away and control any experience, even when it is outside ‘my’ capacity to do so, such as the magicality of the actual world –

RESPONDENT: How can you explain synchronicity events then?
RICHARD: The way I can explain the simultaneous occurrence of events, which appear meaningfully related in the real-world but have no discoverable causal connection, is quite simple … in a word: happenstance.
RESPONDENT: I can understand synchronicity explained in regards to the human/ animal world by the existence of the collective unconscious, but I can’t explain the seeing/ forecasting of future events exclusively related to inanimate matter as the work of the human/animal psychic web. Synchronicity in regards to the inanimate matter can only satisfactorily be explained if matter has ‘psychic’, aka ‘electric’ properties (I can’t find a better word).
RICHARD: Matter, be it either in its mass phase or energy phase, has no psychic properties.
For what it is worth: even though I use the term ‘psychic currents’, to refer to the extrasensory transmissions conducted via affective vibrations (colloquially known as ‘vibes’) … (Richard, AF List, No. 25i, 19 May 2005).

Richard’s ambience-atmosphere-milieu effect may be a more apt description –

Richard (to Jon): If you have already read my previous email to Srid you will now be aware that No. 25 has arranged to spend the month of July in Australia. As such it makes for an extended basis upon which to co-ordinate the timing of your anticipated visit so that it can overlap, by a few days or so, with whatever time-period Srid can arrange.
As I wrote about the ‘ambience-atmosphere-milieu’ effect, in that previous email of mine, I need not repeat it here but will encourage you to follow-up the URLs, and their associated posts before and after, so as to better comprehend what it is I have in mind as an experiment.
In short, by virtue of that effect there is a possibility that pure intent, nowadays personified as both a male and a female, may become more readily apparent. (Richard, AF List, No. 25i, 4 May 2013).

Kuba: There is also something quite sweet in giving up this pride and seeing that “we are in this together”, as in that human beings have to work together to extricate ourselves from this mess that we have landed in. Because in admitting that I cannot do it unaided I also realise that I am not only doing this for myself. That indeed every time I inch forward, I am bringing others with me and vice versa, and that this is happening not only by the words written but more importantly through the ‘psychic network’, the effects of which are clearly visible on the forum. (link)

Yes and no. It is wonderful that this insight gives you a solid reason that becoming actually free is not only for your benefit but for everybody. And yet this self-sacrifice is still the decision ‘you’ have to make of ‘your’ own accord, by yourself.

Just beware so that this motivation for altruism does not transmogrify into a feeling of belonging and thus pull you back into humanity (as you already demonstrated in you next post.

Cheers Vineeto