Really interesting stuff Claudiu, I wonder how this aligns with my experience of the spiral which I was writing about in my journal recently. It is something that has been happening specifically since the 25 or so minute PCE I had about 6 months ago now.
It seems at that point a connection was made to that purity and mostly my experience since has been allowing that purity to whatever degree and then equally being habitually pulled back into depths of being, although nowadays ‘depths’ does not describe what is happening as it is more like the more remnant bits of being.
Most of the time even when being seeks to dominate there is a sense of the ridiculousness of the whole thing, because I can see that life is already perfect and yet ‘I’ look to hang on. Hang on for no good reason at all.
Lately what is becoming clear is that the only next step is to allow life to happen of its own accord, that purifying ‘myself’ further is counterproductive. The step is now to allow myself to exit the picture. The way ‘I’ do this each moment is to allow life to happen of its own accord, then it is seen that ‘I’ am no longer necessary aka the purity is allowed to be operant.
Reading your latest posts is giving me a kick from the backside to get this thing done and also a pulling from the front at the realisation that it must be possible to actually do it.