What I also find fascinating here is that this seems to be a necessary step, as in it is necessary to see that both ‘me’ and ‘humanity’ are rotten to the very core and as such one has the confidence to end both ‘me’ and ‘humanity’.
It seems this seeing of what harmlessness is actually all about is a step along this process, as in it is the clear and total seeing of the actual harm caused by ‘me’ and ‘humanity’ which takes precedence. And of course there is no longer any interest in maintaining the status quo in order to optimise for emotions.
Because at the end of the day no other ‘entity’ will grant ‘me’ the go ahead to self-immolate. It is a unilateral action because it requires going against the whole thrust of ‘humanity’. If one is to be a total traitor to ‘humanity’ there needs to be a complete confidence in this course of action being actually beneficial.
One is doing it for this body, that body and everybody.