I think part of the problem with the worldview that @bub is suggesting is that it is based on the old master/disciple structure. Which is readily demonstrated by his insistence on delineating and segregating the ‘founders of the method’ from its ‘followers’ as if we are not all fellow human beings.
In this worldview ‘I’ as the follower can apply the teachings of the master and wait to be rewarded for ‘my’ blind faith and trust. Of course when things don’t work out ‘I’ can either blame ‘myself’ for not being good enough or blame the master/his teachings.
If you can look outside of this system and see that in actualism each one is their own pioneer. This is because no-one can make another actually free. There are simply fellow human beings who have discovered that it is possible and other fellow human beings who can discover the same for themselves.
If ‘I’ have expectations from the actualism method, that only if ‘I’ “play by the book” ‘I’ should be rewarded with actual freedom, then ‘I’ am still stuck in the old way.
Let’s remember that when Richard devised the method the success rate was indeed 0% and yet he was a fellow human being that proceeded anyways.