The Watercooler Chat Thread

Very well said @henryyyyyyyyyy. I agree with what you have said. When we see how our psyche is overlaid onto the actual world then we see the actual world more clearly. It is amazing to see it is all a belief. I was hesitant to say it because it seems that can’t be right but you have clearly elucidated it. I’m still afraid that someone will show me that it is not true and that I am wrong about it.

Experiential verification is the only one worthy of the name - in many ways the method is about going & verifying through experience over & over.

Richard’s claims are extremely bold. Nearly anyone you can talk to, all the ‘experts’ in every field, will disagree with him. So, what exactly is going on?

This situation is part of what makes all this the adventure of a lifetime :slight_smile:


@geoffrey I agree this is the question. I don’t have an answer right now. I am looking right now for the answer. It is something that has always eluded me. Maybe it is a simple answer hiding in plain sight. Something like just do it.

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It just dawned on me that it is a belief that I can’t do it right now.

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This is a huge breakthrough that it is a belief that I can’t do it right now.

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@JonnyPitt Did you see that Alan is putting together a group to video chat?

Saw. Was just checking in and trying something different

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If becoming free is self-immolation, then actualism is engaging with a process of gradually making myself more and more inflammable.

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from the above article :
Each of us can ride the waves of attachments and urges, hoping futilely that someday, somehow, we will get and keep that satisfaction we crave. Or we can take a shot at free will and self-mastery. It’s a lifelong battle against our inner caveman. Often, he wins. But with determination and practice, we can find respite from that chronic dissatisfaction and experience the joy that is true human freedom.

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Well said @FrankN, this article struck a chord with me and it seems to mesh with af which is not about adding to our life but taking away all the unecessary things that are keeping us out of the actual world.

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Donald Hoffman: Reality is an Illusion - How Evolution Hid the Truth | Lex Fridman Podcast #293

I haven’t finished listening to this but my take so far is that even what we are calling actual is an illusion. Space and time itself is an illusion.

He finally got around to talking about a ground of being toward the end. He did make a distinction between ‘a being’ and ‘being’. These are spiritual concepts and not actual in my opinion.

My experience and knowledge of af is that there is no ground of being whether it is ‘a being’ or just ‘being’. K talked about a ‘ground of being’ but I don’t recall Richard acknowledging such a thing. My take is that there is just the universe itself. I guess that the universe itself could be considered the ‘ground of being’. I don’t know.

He talked about consciousness but I didn’t get it. My thinking is that the universe is conscious.

I got it. There is just this universe here now period.

Richard was the ‘ground of being’ when he was enlightened:

RESPONDENT: It’s important for you to believe that you are in THAT condition right now, but nothing you’ve said to me has given me any confidence that you are. (…) I doubt very much whether you’re in THAT condition right now.

RICHARD: That would be because I am not and never will be – I lived that/was that, night and day, for eleven years and experientially found it wanting – and if you had actually read what is on offer on The Actual Freedom Trust web site you would cognisant of the fact that an actual freedom from the human condition is beyond spiritual enlightenment … and thus not be needlessly repeating yourself e-mail after e-mail [… snip footnote …].

Put simply: it was only when what I then called ‘The Absolute’ (aka ‘Ground of Being’, Truth, Being, Presence, THAT, and so on) became extinct – via altruistic ‘self’-immolation in toto – that this actual world became apparent.

There is only this actual world.
Selected Correspondence: 180 degrees in the Opposite Direction

It is a mass delusion ! In actuality there is no ‘ground of being’.

@claudiu Yes thanks, this does clear up what exactly is meant by the term ‘ground of being’. Definitely a spiritual term. What I got from this is something that I recall Vineeto saying: There is only
‘this’ (actual universe).