I’m going to join the crew of “I have no idea what’s propelling me to do this” but here we go.
Alan made good preparations for the Nov 13th meetup so I figured I’d just piggyback on his data and suggest Sat 27th of Nov at 21 GMT. I’d prefer not to be the host but I can help set up, pay and take care of things in the background. @Miguel, do you want to get this going again? Is anyone else up for a retry? @Srinath, what’s your calendar like?
We can schedule it for later if this is too soon, but again, I’d like to get this going.
Good idea. I’m in.
I won’t be able to be the host because that weekend I will be traveling to a place where I don’t know what connectivity I will have, what exactly I will be doing at that time, etc. (so there is a chance that I won’t be able to attend the meeting at all; but I don’t think so).
I’ve been considering and reconsidering a bit and since Srinath can’t make it I think we might need to reschedule. My schedule has also been turned on its head unexpectedly due to a crisis at work so my weekend is not looking good.
I’ll change the topic and perhaps we can discuss the date and times a bit more.