The Basis for Happiness

The funniest thing is that I am experiencing this as a big discovery for myself and it is, however it is right there on the AFT, at the top part of the most quoted article of them all, one that I have read over and over myself haha - This Moment Of Being Alive

Once the specific moment of ceasing to feel good is pin-pointed, and the silliness of having such an incident as that (no matter what it is) take away one’s enjoyment and appreciation of this only moment of being alive is seen for what it is – usually some habitual reactive response – one is once more feeling good

What I am describing working now is precisely the above, it just seems it took for you to come along and present it in a way that finally clicked for me.

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Seeing that it really is silly makes all the difference! :smiley:


Right and the clue is in the word seeing, it does not say thinking/feeling/believing/theorising/deducting that something is silly, it is all about actually seeing it, seeing the fact of it.

Exactly. And seeing that it’s silly in your own opinion!

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@Kub933 I’m going on memory here so I am light on details. As I remember it when Dona and Alan came back from Australia the message they brought was to commit to feeling good. I remember that I did make that commitment and it did make a difference to me. Basically the enjoyment and appreciation came naturally when I was feeling good. Iow, I didn’t actually commit to e and a. I committed to feeling good and the e &a followed. When I was feeling good then I enjoyed and appreciated.
As far as the drug it came serendipitously as a prescription from my pain dr. It seems unlike any drug I’ve ever had. It doesn’t show up on drug tests. The main thing I’ve noticed is it prevents thoughts of anxiety which has catapulted me to a new level of enjoyment.


I just realised that’s the positive aspect of “unconditional”. As the conditions approach zero, there’s less reason to suffer, but there’s also little (or no) need to induce enjoyment. Perennial enjoyment for no particular reason, what could be easier? :smiley:

I’m not there yet, but I can see how the same thing works in both directions.

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The key is that the startling clarity and simplicity of being alive, unencumbered / unburdened / unhindered by a ‘self’/‘Self’/ego/soul, is intrinsically enjoyable and there is nothing to actually be done besides enjoy and appreciate it.

So it’s more a matter of removing the obstacles than inducing enjoyment, in the long run!

Even while a feeling-being, Richard wrote somewhere that it’d be impossible to passionately feel happy and passionately feel harmless 24/7 as it would take too much energy (or something like that), but that it rather becomes a matter of mood and character. This is what segues into out-from-control then allowing self-immolation to occur, as I understand it!


Ooh thanks @claudiu this is something I have been circling for a while and you hit the nail on the head. I recall those specific experiences where it is that quality of living unencumbered which is so precious and like you say intrinsically enjoyable, without any extras required.

Whereas day to day I am looking for something specific so that I can feel good about it etc.


What drug! Need it! :laughing:

Name of drug is pregabalin. It has other names from other manufacturers. I think you can get it otc in Mexico. Let me know if you find it. I take 50 mg twice a day.

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