Shank's Journal

Oh yes, thats a given…death can happen pretty much any instant…CovidEbolaBoss-24 virus may be coming up or the nuclear armageddon scenario brewing up in recent times…or all we need is a drunk or sleep-deprived driver to loose attention for a split second while we were crossing the road at the very same time.

Hmm, maybe. How about if the feeling has no such detailed rationale?. No thought about collecting valuable “info” etc.

So it’s more of a belief than a feeling. That without access to the psychic web, I am at a survival disadvantage?

If I stopped rumination and fantasy, then things will not work out?

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I did this a few months back regarding work. Just cold - turkey. Stopped.

I wasn’t taking a risk at all, because I already had the facts from the past it had rarely, if ever, resulted in any positive outcomes. Probably got in the way of better outcomes actually.

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Yes, thats what I’m getting at !..So far in my 41 years of life I’ve never really got any such valuable info that has aided in my survival…so this thinking mechanism is just a form of pointless rumination or fantasy. Its all pretty much a useless mechanism wasting away my time…At 41, I’ve gathered enough life experience to navigate the world safely, so this rumination or fantasy mechanism is just like an appendix…it can be given up unconditionally.


I was pondering this outside just then. How survival never seemed to be the priority for me, it was always the reproductive drive.

Had an insight into something quite significant. A belief hiding in plain sight.

I believed because women in my society have more power in the dating market, that they also have more power to be happy. Which, I was believing obviously the reverse; Without a lot of power in the dating market, I lacked the power to be happy.

Sorry to change the topic. It was considering the difference of influence between survival and sexual attraction, and thinking about the belief we are discussing about needing to ruminate that sparked it.


Anywho, back to the topic. I am loving the ability to start with thought-based feelings , it so accessible and obvious.

I suppose I could just say beliefs, but I like the detailed description more.

Thanks for sharing @Shashank .

It never seems to fail, reading and writing, to spark something. :appreciation:

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What I am finding recently is that it can be eventually seen that it is not just a ‘maybe, maybe not’ but a firm confidence that even in anarchy you would be better off without the passions.

@Sonyaxx mentioned this to me the other day when she got stranded in town late at night, I ended up coming to pick her up however she noticed how the fear actually made her unaware of all the choices she could have made to deal with this situation. Her intelligence and ability to act was actually crippled by the passions, whereas sometimes there is this sense that ones ability to survive depends on those instincts, its the other way around actually! They are a crippling influence.

This is something I was looking at recently and I realised that part of the problem was because I actually confused being emotional/passionate about something with attending to something intelligently.

For example in my head worrying about something and considering something were the same thing. I had to step back and actually differentiate between those 2 actions, there is one of applying intelligence to the task at hand and there is one of being emotional/passionate about something. Although it can be difficult to disentangle those initially there are 2 different actions. Now that I have somewhat disentangled the 2 I can be attentive to when I am actually being emotional and when I am considering/being attentive to a situation/event.

When those 2 actions were tangled together I would believe that to stop fear would be to stop using intelligence to consider things, so the only option I had was this ‘leaf blowing in the wind’ scenario.

As always it is actually the 3rd alternative tho :smiley: which is all about freeing intelligence from the crippling influence of passions and so allowing it to be crystal clear and razor sharp. Then I can consider and attend to situations intelligently all the while feeling good and the outcome of all this is a far better capacity to deal with life, not worse, even in the apocalypse :smiley:


Talking about apocalypses; I have wondered why zombie films are so popular. I used to think it was a metaphor for the “mob of sheeple” , the dragging down of the rat race et al.

I think it’s more though, it’s the “my precious is more precious than your precious” feeling.

Being “alone” like Miguel said the other day.

Anyway, second hijack, over!

Edit: everyone else is a zombie, but not me!!!

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This is a whole other world that has opened up recently and now I can’t shut up when me and @Sonyaxx are watching movies :joy:

What I am observing though is that the movies are actually a brilliant depiction of the fundamental fantasies that humans live.

For example I was watching the new lord of the rings series and it’s nothing but the depiction of heavens and hells, the battle between good and evil, it is the oldest story going!

Or the zombie vibe being the perfect depiction of the fact that we still fundamentally believe and feel that there is a battle for survival going on.

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yeah exactly…I reached the same conclusion. These are 2 different things because by the time we grow up, we do have a considerable amount of life experience to know safety from danger and feelings and emotions aren’t necessary to recognize such. As such they infact become cripplers for more salubrious action.

A simple case in example from few days back…I was walking through a crowded road nearby and there is always this stressful controller “scan” mode on at such times…but for a change I decided to let the body take over control and all of a sudden, I found myself magically doing the walking in an optimum manner…there was no need to exercise an additional level of control over walking as the brain is already taking in all inputs, applying past memories and it calculates and charts the optimum course of path by itself…I only think that I am needed to do the calculation and complicate the process !


Talk about going out in an apocalypse scenario…I’d love to go out like this crazy radio guy :laughing::

Hey Andrew hijacks are welcome…no worries !

Everything is novel n fresh in actuality…not only it is always now but also this particular moment has never happened before

Cooking some beets in the kitchen, I realize that at this particular biological age of my body and preparing this particular beet has never happened before

With such ever present novelty each moment, how could boredom get in…eyes start widening at the cutting-edge nature of actuality or as Richard said something like “how much more stimulated can one get”


Wow I just realized that many a times subconsciously I’m in this particular frame of mind wherein I feel I should only be enjoying sounds etc as they are in actuality…otherwise it’s some second rate enjoyment so they aren’t worth enjoying

Sounds of birds or of distant vehicles are sometimes very enjoyable even in the real world…the actualism method for a feeling being is going to be affective !

It’s like either I should be experiencing orgasm or no orgasm…no foreplay allowed :rofl:


I went outside early in the morning yesterday; I had passed out early in the evening.

The birds were chasing each other in circles, creating a 3D sound scape.

Tonight, I had my Bluetooth speaker perched behind my head, as I used to do with a stereo whilst laying on the ground.

The sound of the music, tingling down my spine, the dimension of vibration in ways I couldn’t hide from…


Thanks to the discussion on @Miguel Journal, I think I’ve finally found out with much clarity that why on earth I would continue entertaining feeling bad…It’s one thing to want to feel good, but another thing to not wanting to feel bad

Now it’s a matter of actualizing this further…


Yesterday I was having a great time with a friend(the only friend that I have now…who says she is at a happy place but cried terribly after a few dates with a guy :stuck_out_tongue:) at a restaurant…and while enjoying the falafel in the restaurant, the background music playing there suddenly changed to the legendary Godfather tune…immediately from whatever I was feeling at the time changed to a physical goosebump in my arms(hair rising etc)

I’ve often experienced goosebumps while watching movies…like when some really intense stuff happens.

I’ve wondered often what this goosebump is as a feeling…as in the source of it seems something “deep”…It looks like awe and fear, but not too sure…more importanly, as an actualist how to deal with it … any thoughts ?


I experience something similar when I watch a movie or a sports event and something particularly dramatic occurs… something deep within me responds.

For me, in those instances, it’s that the story/scene of the movie, or the situation in the event, has roused some deep desire in me: very often, it’s the desire to be seen as a success by my peers.

So it’s just a question of putting the dots together, what associations do you have with that music or that scene, how does that connect with the things you want in life

And then the really lovely thing is that because you noticed it in a movie (dramatic movies have a wonderful way of revealing these things), you get to find out what things you’re really chasing in life.